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Apprendre l'anglais > Cours & exercices d'anglais > Exercices d'anglais > test d'anglais n°130161 : Verbes à particule avec on/off

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> Tests similaires : - Verbes prépositionnels et verbes à particules - To get - Présent simple et habitudes - Contes et légendes-Lexique - Verbes + up / down - Verbes à particules - Verbes et particules - Verbes à particule : Look
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Verbes à particule avec on/off

Fill in the gaps using the correct phrasal verb with "on" or "off".
Good luck and have fun!

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Exercice d'anglais "Verbes à particule avec on/off" créé par flori10 avec le générateur de tests - créez votre propre test ! [Plus de cours et d'exercices de flori10]
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Kevin genuinely liked apples, but all the little animals that were already inside the one underneath the big apple tree him off from eating them.
Kevin's sister Emma, who was with him on this warm summer afternoon, was getting hungry so Kevin on Google maps on his phone to look for a place to eat now that they couldn't eat the apples.
Unfortunately, the next restaurant was far away. After they had on their backpacks and marched for quite a long time, Emma became tired and moaned. 'Just on walking!' Kevin tried to motivate her. 'This way, we will reach the restaurant soon!' And because of the good reputation of the restaurant according to Google, they were both really excited to reach it. They kept going and following the trail in the forest that led to a small town nearby. Usually, they didn't on well but this day, they both had a common goal: to find some good, nourishing food and this helped them to be kind with each other.
Yet another problem arose. When they had off for their journey to the restaurant, they had had 6 bottles of water. So thirsty on this very hot and sunny day however, Emma had already emptied all the bottles without his brother realising and now the latter was on the verge of fainting. 'I can't believe that you just did that! That's why I don't like to go on hikes with you, sister!' Kevin her off furiously. Kevin wanted to go on with other reproaches followed up by even insults. But Clara him off and suggested that Kevin had better drink from the cow's water tank and stop lamenting.
Kevin was a really superstitious person though, and believed that if you take something away from an animal, you will go to hell so he got even angrier at Emma for suggesting such a thing. So, of course, he off the cow's water tank and instead decided to look for a waterfall to get water.
So they just on, watching on the way for waterfalls. Yet Emma interrupted the journey often because she had to release some of the 6-bottles-water and for this purpose hid in the bushes nearby. While on their way trying to find the waterfall, they saw many different animals in the forest such as squirrels, foxes and birds. Kevin really enjoyed spending time in nature and on this beautiful trail but his enjoyment was interrupted by her sister: 'I'm very tired, hungry and getting cold, Kevin! I want to stop!'
'No, we have to on going because I'm thirsty. Just on your new coat if you're cold!' Now, Emma off angrily and retorted. 'I can't on my new coat, because you sold it on Gumtree without my permission a week ago!' 'Ok, off another tantrum of yours!' Kevin tried to calm her down. 'I really needed money the other week and the coat was valuable and if we start running, this little sport will warm us up from the inside!'
So they did exactly that and ran for 3 hours without a break. Emma wasn't too sporty so she got really tired and as soon as they sat down to rest, she off. After running so much, both of them really smelled bad and Kevin found this smell disgusting. They really needed to find a waterfall now to drink and to bath.
'I wish that we had never off from home. At least, mum and dad gave us something to eat and drink, so we didn't have to hunt animals or look for waterfalls!' 'Yes, this experience puts our stupid parents into perspective!' agreed Kevin. 'Plus, I miss our cat too!' said Emma. 'I think we should off this plan of off and return home.'
'Okay, if you really miss our cat, we can go home' said Kevin resentfully. So, in spite of the restaurant being now only 5 minutes away, they happily agreed to return home and accept their mum and dad. The End

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