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Apprendre l'anglais > Cours & exercices d'anglais > Exercices d'anglais > test d'anglais n°130174 : All together ou altogether

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All together ou altogether

!!!Attention!!! Altogether writes itself only with one l whereas all together with two!


You can look up the 3 different meanings of altogether in the dictionary by just double-clicking on this word.


Then do this test! Good luck!

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Exercice d'anglais "All together ou altogether" créé par flori10 avec le générateur de tests - créez votre propre test ! [Plus de cours et d'exercices de flori10]
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1. Kevin the squirrel ate five nuts in the morning, three at noon and six in the afternoon, so he ate 14 .

2. Because the cupboard was so heavy, Kevin, Sally and Dave had to carry it .

3. He has shown some good approaches and was really motivated, but ,he just failed.

4. I understand your arguments but I also understand my objections. , I don't want to start this project.

5. The food was good, the bed was soft and I had a nice view of the ocean. I was thus pleased with my hotel room.

6. He gave one explanation after another, didn't interrupt to hear my questions and I just couldn't follow the pace of his monologue. In the end, I was confused.

7. We have to work to achieve our common goal quickly.

8. I was surprised when she informed me about her being pregnant.

9. Kevin had a cold, Marvin had to work and Peter wasn't motivated, so , there were 3 players missing for our football training.

10. The four-head-family of the O'Sullivans ate a huge salad for Christmas Eve. Everyone was full afterwards.

11. But Tristan, the youngest of the O'Sullivans, ate away the kale so the rest of the family didn't get anything.

Fin de l'exercice d'anglais "All together ou altogether"
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