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Apprendre l'anglais > Cours & exercices d'anglais > Exercices d'anglais > test d'anglais n°130300 : Infinitive or ing-form after verbs of perception


Infinitive or ing-form after verbs of perception

Verb of perception + Object + ing-form


I listened to the birds singing.

(longer action, the birds even continue singing when I'm gone )


Verb of perception + Object + infinitive (without to)


I heard my mother break a glass while she was probably tidying up the kitchen.

(short action of whom I heard the start and end )


Now it's up to you to choose between an ing-form or an infinitve without to in the following test! Good luck!

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Exercice d'anglais "Infinitive or ing-form after verbs of perception" créé par flori10 avec le générateur de tests - créez votre propre test ! [Plus de cours et d'exercices de flori10]
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1. I heard my dad at the door. Because I wanted to be alone, I didn't reply and luckily, my father went away.

2. Susan saw the thief the expensive watch of the old lady and run away, so she immediately called the police.

3. I felt my concentration away while I was listening to the boring monolog of our classes history teacher.

4. The teacher didn't notice his students' attention away as his topic became more and more boring.

5. Anton felt tears down his cheeks while he was standing next to his beloved father's grave.

6. Susan felt her heart a jolt when her boyfriend told her that he wanted to marry her.

7. Over seven million people watched Christiano Ronaldo three goals in the Champions League Final.

8. Today, I had a free day and went into the forest and listened to the leaves in the wind.

9. Brian realised his brain off. After this blackout, he coudn't think any more and needed to drink something first.

10. Peter felt his heart wildly out of nervousness. Well, it was his first date with such a beautiful woman.

Fin de l'exercice d'anglais "Infinitive or ing-form after verbs of perception"
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