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Apprendre l'anglais > Cours & exercices d'anglais > Exercices d'anglais > test d'anglais n°18735 : Ils sont célèbres !

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1265-1321 After Beatrice's death in 1290, he began composing poems dedicated to her memory.The book was completed just before his death.The Roman poet Virgil guides him through Hell and Purgatory. Beatrice is sent to rescue him and lead him to Paradise.

1431- ? He was the first creative, modern poet who composed ballades and chansons.He led a life of excess spending much time in prison. In 1463, in expectation of being hanged, he composed an Epitaph in the form of a ballad: 'Men, brother men, that after us live...'. He narrowly escaped the gallows,left Paris and nothing further is known of him.

1547-1616 One of his novels figures among the best novels ever written. The protagonist is a minor landowner who is convinced he is a knight errant. He sets off to save Dulcinea. During his travel he thinks windmills to be giants and flocks of sheep to be armies.

1749-1832 Poet, dramatist, novelist, theorist, humanist, scientist, painter he is considered one of the giants of the literary world and one of few individuals to have been a polymath. His main work is a dramatic poem where a man makes a pact with the devil.

1809-1849 He is one of the most famous writers in American literary history. He was an innovator and is considered the father of the detective genre for his short story (translated into French by C. Baudelaire) 'The murders in the Rue Morgue'. Its protagonist, the Parisian investigator Auguste Dupin studies the mind of a killer to deduce what he will do next.

1865-1936 He was born in Bombay. You surely know his poem 'If' whose last words are ' you'll be a man my son' and his book where a young human boy is found in the wilderness by a family of wolves and raised as one of their own.

1904-1973 He is considered one of the greatest and most influential poets of the 20th century.He occupied many diplomatic posts and was a close collaborator to Salvador Allende. He was awarded the Nobel prize for literature in 1971.

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