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Apprendre l'anglais > Cours & exercices d'anglais > Exercices d'anglais > test d'anglais n°2206 : Vie à Sydney

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Vie à Sydney

Répondez aux questions .

The seafront is a very important part of life in Sydney. People enjoy the beach from the early morning onwards, walking, running, surfing, bathing and taking a shower followed by a nice breakfast along the shore.

The most famous monument of the city is the original Opera house, completed in 1973 after a 16 year-long highly controversial period of construction, and renovated for its 30th anniversary by its own architect .

Nearby lie the remains of the first traces of the country's colonisation by prisoners and their wardens in the 18th century, old buildings and pubs.

Pubs, where famous bands were launched, are a major place of entertainment for Australians who are heavy beer consumers .

The Sydneysiders are back to the beach in the evening for their favourite tradition, a barbecue with family and friends, named barbies.

Grilled food, a cold drink and a swim .... what a great way to spend the long summer evenings !!!!!!!!!

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1. Where are the Australians early morning ?

2. When was the building of the Opera house finished ?

3. How are the Australians ?

4. What is the favourite tradition in Sydney ?

5. You can think the life in Sydney is

6. What is the most famous monument in Sydney ?

7. Where were famous bands launched ?

Fin de l'exercice d'anglais "Vie à Sydney"
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