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Apprendre l'anglais > Cours & exercices d'anglais > Exercices d'anglais > test d'anglais n°24431 : Fantôme

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The ghost

Oooooh!                    Aaaargh!                Heeeelp!


When Christine was a student she decided not to go home during the Easter holidays. Instead, she rented the room of a friend who was going away for a couple of weeks. The room was in an old Victorian house in a residential part of Sheffield. It was very pleasant and the other students who were staying were very friendly.

Christine was tired on the first night after hauling her suitcase up two flights of stairs, so she decided to go to bed early. She fell asleep straight away.

Suddenly, in the middle of the night she heard footsteps going up the stairs to the floor above and the cries of a baby. 'That's strange', she thought. 'There is no-one staying there. She grabbed a heavy wooden coat-hanger and gingerly opened the door. To her surprise, the other students were doing the same. They shouted 'Who's there?' but no-one replied.

Christine started to go up the stairs, terrified that she would find a thief. Peter from the downstairs flat had a set of keys for the empty rooms, so they all gathered on the upstairs landing. They opened each door but they found nothing. Eventually, they all went back to bed, convinced that the sounds must be coming from next door.

The next day, Christine asked the neighbour if she had managed to get the baby off to sleep.

'Don't you know?' she said. 'That's the ghost! A woman who lived in your house had a baby that died and she killed herself! Ever since then, she walks the stairs every night with the baby in her arms.'

In spite of everything, Christine decided to stay and when she heard the ghost every night she just turned over and went back to sleep. After all, it was just a mother and her baby. Nothing to be frightened of!

(This is a true story.)


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1. Christine a friend in Sheffield.

2. There were staying in the house.

3. Christine's room was on the

4. Christine heard crying.

5. She thought she would

6. They opened the doors

7. They decided that the noise

8. Christine asked the neighbour

9. The ghost walked the stairs every night to

10. Christine

Fin de l'exercice d'anglais "Fantôme"
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