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Apprendre l'anglais > Cours & exercices d'anglais > Exercices d'anglais > test d'anglais n°32881 : Préfixes

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> Tests similaires : - Formation des mots-suffixes - Verbes avec deux compléments - Finales en -y et -ie - Adverbes : formation - Vocabulaire : fabriquer des verbes - Vocabulaire : mots commençant par self- - Moyens, résultats: synthèse - Prefixes (1)
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   Prefixes       uni   /   bi   /   tri   /   ...


---UNI  (means one)   unicycle (one wheel)  uniform  (one form or shape)


---BI (two)  bicycle (two wheels)    biennial: a biennial event happens every two years

    parsley is a biennial plant,it stays alive for two years (it flowers the second year)

     this  biannual journal is published twice each year


---TRI (three)   tricycle (three wheels)          tripod (three legs)

     a triceratops had three horns 


---QUADR  (quadra / quadri / quadru: four)   QUART

      these forms are quadrilaterals           Oknos quartet   (four musicians) 


---QUINT (five)

    quintet  (five performers)                quintuple : five times bigger (the quintuple of 3 is 15) 


---SEX (six)    HEXA ( Greek root)

(latin soul / salsa)           hexagonal tiles 


---SEPT (seven)

septet  /  Winton Marsalis trumpeter, composer (jazz and classical musician)

  September : the seventh month of the year in the Roman calendar which started in March.


---OCTO / OCTA (eight

 an octogonal tower   (Basilica of Saint Sernin, Toulouse)          /         October  

   octave  C --------> C  (eight notes) 



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1. Poseidon is the god of the sea in Greek mythology. When he was displeased
he would throw down his and cause earthquakes

The Dionne (born on May 28, 1934) were Canada's biggest
tourist attraction from 1934 to 1943.

The golden lion is the prize awarded by the Venice .
It's a major contemporary art exhibition that takes place every two years(in odd years)

Like many other dinosaurs the coelophysis was a .
It walked on two feet.

This sign has the shape of an . It has eight sides and eight angles.

Sometimes corn means horn. An imaginary animal, like a white horse,
with a long straight horn on its head is called a

It's a sea animal which has a soft body and eight arms. It is said to be more intelligent
than any other invertebrate.Its name is

These six babies were born at the same time
and have the same mother, they are .

A komodo dragon is a giant lizard. It has four limbs adapted for walking.
It is a

This sailing boat is a it has three hulls.

Fin de l'exercice d'anglais "Préfixes"
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