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Frogs are amphibians. They spend a part of their life under water and the other part on land.
Frog life cycle
1. Frogs lay their eggs in water (puddles, ponds, lakes) 
2. The eggs hatch into tadpoles
The tadpoles develop in water. They breathe with gills and swim using a tail.
As they mature they grow legs, the tail becomes smaller. They are often herbivorous, feeding mostly on algae.
3. At about 2-4 months old a tadpole has become a froglet. It still has part of its tail ,
but can now breathe air using lungs.
4. When the frog is an adult the tail has been reabsorbed by the body.
Adult frogs have long, powerful jumping legs and a very short backbone.
They follow a carnivorous diet. They eat insects by catching them with their long, sticky tongue. 
The first true frogs evolved during the jurassic period about 200 million years ago during the time of the dinosaurs.

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