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Apprendre l'anglais > Cours & exercices d'anglais > Exercices d'anglais > test d'anglais n°58843 : Rapport de police , compréhension écrite

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Rapport de police , compréhension écrite

Dumbarton OAKS police station

Entry serial number: Nzepm05464676 _Day: Tuesday_ Time: 19.32HRS_ Date: 09/12/08

Investigation report


Today, the 12th day of September at about 13.25, a couple were stopped when they were exceeding the speed limit on the  Dumbarton highway in a truck. The couple was made up of an old woman and a boy in his late teens. They were going at seventy miles an hour in a forty-five-mile-zone. On the request of her license, the woman described it-with a trace of irony- as being a “piece of paper with your picture on', pretending not to understand what she was asked for. She finally admitted to not having one, on the grounds that she did not' believe in them.'



They had been driving for about forty-five minutes -without any papers- according to what the woman said and after that she got  confirmation from the boy. She called him “Harold”. It appeared then that neither of them knew where the license was. The lady only supposed it was in the glove compartment. Actually they did not have it either for the simple reason that the truck was not theirs, which the lady confessed, still with a hint of mockery and amusement in her voice and face.In fact she said :”Well, it’s (i.e. the truck) not really mine”. While they were being taken to the police station, the women started up the vehicle and drove away, crying that she would not take up any more of the agent’s time and was glad to have talked to him . The policeman raced after her on his motorcycle, but quickly ended up in a muddy ditch, which allowed the couple to escape.

Officer MacKaye.


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1. When was the report written ?

2. Why was the couple stopped ?

3. Is is true the couple was in a lorry when they were stopped ?

4. The woman described the license as a .

5. The couple had been in the truck for at least .

6. We know the boy was called Harold since .

7. The license was in she supposed.

8. According to her reaction, the lady seems to be someone very .

9. Before the officer could take them to the police station, the woman .

10. At the end of the report, Officer McKay was covered .

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