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Apprendre l'anglais > Cours & exercices d'anglais > Exercices d'anglais > test d'anglais n°84925 : Good ou well

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Good ou well

'You do something well, and a thing is good'.

Good      'good' is generally used as an adjective.

               It may be used with descriptive linking verbs like:

               look, feel, sound, seem, hear, taste, or be to describe the subject.

              -Your cake smells good.

               Note : when describing someone's emotional state, use 'good'.

              -He doesn't feel good about having cheated.

              -I feel good today (you are in good spirits).

Well       'well' is usually an adverb answering the question 'how'.

              It can be used as an adjective to mean 'in good health'.

              -You look well.

              Note : when you talk about the state of your or someone's health, always use 'well'.

              -I do not feel well today (you are not in good health).

Exercise: Choose the correct word.

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1. I've got a good mark, so it makes me feel to know my work is appreciated.

2. Green is a good colour on you. It goes with your eyes.

3. She is a person. She always tries to help people when she can.

4. I slept last night, but I didn't want to get out of bed this morning.

5. There were a lot of people at the meeting; it was a turnout.

6. My head hurts. I have not been feeling all week.

7. The Irish speak English . However, it can be difficult to understand because they speak with a strong Irish accent.

8. She should work more if she wants to pass her exam; her English is not very .

9. This room doesn't look , so I intend to change the colour.

10. Thailand is renowned all over the world for its food.

11. He feels because he's going to see a lawyer about his family problems.

12. She enjoyed her stay in England. Now she can speak English very .

Fin de l'exercice d'anglais "Good ou well"
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