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Apprendre l'anglais > Cours & exercices d'anglais > Exercices d'anglais > test d'anglais n°86945 : To put et postpositions

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> Tests similaires : - Verbes prépositionnels et verbes à particules - To get - Verbes + up / down - Verbes à particules - Verbes et particules - Verbes à particule : Look - Prépositions et verbes à particules - Prépositions, postpositions : Alice in Wonderland
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To put et postpositions

Le verbe To put peut avoir différentes significations en fonction de la postposition auquel il est associé.

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1. Sheila took the cake out of the oven, and as it was very hot, she quickly put it the kitchen table.

2. Kelly had decided to do some housework but she put that task when her neighbour came to visit her.

3. Peter put his hand his mouth before yawning.

4. All the boys in the classroom were watching Sara with great interest. I put it to her very short skirt.

5. The engineers have put all the data obtained from their varied experiences but they still couldn't find an explanation for this strange phenomenon.

6. Maria wanted fresh bread for her dinner but she had to go to the hairdresser's first. So she asked her baker if he could put a loaf for her.

7. The government has put the human loss 67 deaths and 4,897 injuries due to the hurricane that hit the north of the country last month.

8. When the bell rang, the teacher realized her watch was wrong so she put it the right time.

9. Thierry's mother is very angry with Mark because he put her son to making noise in the classroom.

10. Over the past twenty years, he decided to put his money companies that were involved in new technologies. Now he is very rich.

11. Ben put his arms Myriam because he can't bear to see her cry.

Fin de l'exercice d'anglais "To put et postpositions"
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