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Apprendre l'anglais > Cours & exercices d'anglais > Exercices d'anglais > test d'anglais n°90538 : Mots à ne pas confondre

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> Tests similaires : - Bilan orthographique de base / débutants - Prétérit ou present perfect - Although / in spite of / despite - Adverbes : Still, yet et already - Attendre : wait/expect - Distinction entre Like et As - Again ou Back? - FOR-Savoir l'employer
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Mots à ne pas confondre

then            used to indicate what happened or happens next

than            used when comparing something or somebody

beside         means ' next to '

besides        means ' in addition to ', ' also ', ' moreover '

cook           a person who prepares and cooks food as their job

cooker        a device that is used to heat and cook food

floor            something you walk on inside a building/structure

ground        something you walk on outside

English        refers to someone or something from England

British         refers to someone or something from Great Britain

fewer          means ' smaller number ', it is used with countable nouns

less            means ' smaller amount ' it is used with uncountable nouns

as              when you want to talk about the role of somebody or something,

like             to express similarity

sight          the ability to see

site            position or place

strange     an adjective that is used to describe something or somebody unexpected

stranger    any person who is unknown to you 

luck           good or bad things that happen to you by chance

lucky         someone who has good luck


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1. This man lost his when he was ten years old.

2. The exhibition was a great success. There were many more people I expected.

3. His father is a miner and he works under the .

4. You can't come in. I have just mopped the .

5. Their house was built on the of an ancient building.

6. I am going to eat my dinner first, I can go out with you.

7. This is Tom. He was born in England. He is .

8. This is Mark, Tom's friend. He lives in Scotland. He is Scottish. He is .

9. There were people in the church than yesterday.

10. I think your sister is a person. I can't get her behaviour into my head.

11. Before she became a nurse, she worked a baby-sitter.

12. He was a complete to me. I had never met him before.

13. Look at Jim! He is very his father.

14. The is so dirty! Why haven't you cleaned it?

15. He could hardly believe his when he won the Lottery.

16. I don't like to . I prefer to eat out.

17. She will be very to get into the best University.

18. If you want, you can sit me and my friend at the big table.

19. You should do something else drinking beer and watching TV all day.

20. Eat fatty food if you want to lose weight.

Fin de l'exercice d'anglais "Mots à ne pas confondre"
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