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> Tests similaires : - Adjectifs en anglais-cours pour débutants - IN, ON, AT ou TO? Quelle préposition employer? - Comparatif de supériorité - Adjectifs et prépositions - Ordre des adjectifs - Superlatif de supériorité et adjectif - Adjectives-ing and ed - Demander/Indiquer son chemin en anglais | |
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Prépositions et adjectifs - cours
crazy about something to like or love something very much
grateful to to show, express or feel thanks, especially to another person
aware of to have knowledge or to know that something exists
famous for well or widely known and recognized by many people
keen on to be very interested or to want to do something
proud of to feel pleasure or satisfaction about your achievements, positions ( or another person )
hopeless at without skill at a particular activity
feel sorry for to feel sorry for someone when they are in a difficult or unpleasant situation
considerate of someone who is generous, helpful and thinking about other people's feelings
married to to be somebody's spouse
responsible for to be blamed for something that has happened
furious about extremely angry and annoyed
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