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Apprendre l'anglais > Cours & exercices d'anglais > Exercices d'anglais > test d'anglais n°94239 : Anatomie

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> Tests similaires : - Décrire un visage - Corps humain - Lexique de la santé - Corps humain-Lexique A1 - Vocabulaire : Anatomie : Le corps humain - Visage - Lexique de la coiffure - Mains et gestes
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Womb / Uterus                               the organ of a woman or other female mammal in which babies grow before they are born

Blood Vessel                                   one of the tubes through which blood flows in a person or animal's body

Lung      either of two organs in the chest of vertebrates that fill with air when breathing                        

Bladder                                     an elastic, muscular sac in which the urine is retained until it is discharged from the body

Heart     the organ in the chest which pumps blood through the body

Stomach       the digestive organ, it is located in the upper abdomen, under ribs,

   kind of a big sac that digests food

Liver      a large organ which cleans the blood, produces bile, detoxifies certain poisons. It is responsible for thousands of biochemical reactions

Spinal Column, Spine                the column of bone that surrounds and protects the spinal cord

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1. When a woman is pregnant, the baby grows in her until it is born.

2. The are responsible for transporting blood throughout the body.

3. The is also known as the womb. It's a pear-shaped organ.

4. Smoking increases the risk of cancer.

5. Angela's beats faster when she goes jogging.

6. A urinary infection is a painful condition.

7. aches are often caused by eating too much.

8. The produces bile that is stored in the gallbladder.

9. The heart is a muscular pump that pushes blood through around the body.

10. I filled my with the clean fresh air during the walk in the woods.

11. Uncle Jacob was taken to the hospital yesterday. He had a attack.

12. When the bacteria pass through the urethra they can get inside the and cause an infection.

13. When the produces too much acid it can lead to acid reflux.

14. Jerry suffered serious injuries in the accident. He broke his , ribs and right leg.

15. Brian suffered from chronic disease and had been waiting two years for an organ donor.

16. She broke her in three places after falling from a horse.

Fin de l'exercice d'anglais "Anatomie"
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