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Australian food (correction)
Message de asini posté le 27-04-2006 à 18:39:05 (S | E | F | I)

Bonjour à tous !
Pouvez-vous corriger les fautes de grammaire, de conjugaison et d'orthographe ?
S.V.P s'il vous plaît, je vous remercie par avance.

Thirty years ago, the Australian's food hat the fame to be like or worst the English's .
But many others nationalities emigrated to Australia in the 50/60 and they brought their food with them like the Italian, Yugoslav, Greek and Lebanese.

Australian's food

There is not a real type of Australians food but there are some specialities.
First the meat –pie which is as famous as the Apple-pie ( remember your English book in 6 e ) in England. Australians are eating a huge quantity of it every years.
As well, they like very much the Vegemite, a strange pastry with looks like
tar and have a very special smelt.
But like US, they are eating at MC Donald, Kentucky Fried Chicken and other fast food. There are also many small restaurants from all around the world.
In Australia like in France, there are three meals :
● The Breakfast : It is very important and early especially in the country in constituted by porridge, corn flakes, steak and eggs, sausages with chips or toast.
● The Lunch : It is just a formality : they eat sandwich, meat-pie or sometimes a counter lunch in a bar, with a lot of bear.
● The dinner : It is a complete meal with a soup or an entry, a meal plate and a dessert ( jelly or ice cream ). It is serve early.

The Barbie is also very practise with different sorts of meal like beef, lamb and sometimes kangaroos !
Effectively, the Aboriginals food begin to be fashion for the Australians.

Aboriginals food

Aboriginals don't practise rearing or farming : they are living of picking and peach because they are nomad and they est what they found. Even like that, they were for away to die from starvation.
They know a lot about all what they pick and peach, about all the food in the nature. They don't want to take more than what they need, more than what the nature can give them. They don't want to exploit it. In the center and the West of Australia, the food is rare except some Kangaroos and wild seed. This seed are collect with the hands and then crush to make flour.
This flour melt with water to make pancake with are the base of their alimentation.
In the North, they pick also seed and tuberculosis, wild iguana, Gianna and witchery grubs.
Modifié par bridg le 27-04-2006 18:46
+ titre

Réponse: Australian food (correction) de maraude, postée le 27-04-2006 à 21:22:24 (S | E)
Aboriginals food (non ! pas de s pour les adjectifs)
Je ne suis pas une spécialiste mais bon... j'ai vu quelques fautes alors je les corrige

Aboriginals (=native australians) don't practise rearing or farming : they are living of picking and peach because they are nomad and they eat what they found. Even like that, they were for away to die from starvation.
They know a lot about all what they pick and peach, about all the food in the nature. They don't want to take more than what they need, more than what pas de the nature can give them. They don't want to exploit it. In the center and the West of Australia, je ne pense pas qu'il y ait de the là non plus food is rare except some Kangaroos and wild seed. This seed are (is ? puisque tu mets this) collected with the hands and then crushed to make flour.
This flour melt with water to make pancake with il manque which je pense is (sinon mets un s à pancake the base of their alimentation.
In the North, they pick also seed and tuberculosis, t'es sûr ? (tuberculosis = tuberculose, tubercule = tuber ), wild iguana, Gianna and witchery grubs.

Australian's food

There is not a real type of Australians : nan ! pas de s food but there are some specialities.
First the meat –pie which is as famous as the Apple-pie ( remember your English book in 6 e ) in England. Australians are eating a huge quantity of it every years.
As well, they like very much the Vegemite, a strange pastry with (which tu veux dire ?) looks like
tar and has a very special smell.
But like US (us en minuscule pour dire nous, the US pour les Etats-Unis), they are eating at MC Donald, Kentucky Fried Chicken and other fast food. There are also many small restaurants from all around the world.
In Australia like in France, there are three meals :
● The Breakfast : It is very important and early especially in the country in constituted by porridge, corn flakes, steak and eggs, sausages with chips or toast.
● The Lunch : It is just a formality : they eat sandwich, meat-pie or sometimes a counter lunch in a bar, with a lot of bear.
● The dinner : It is a complete meal with a soup or an entry, a meal plate and a dessert ( jelly or ice cream ). It is serve early.

The Barbie (barbie ou barbecue ?) is also very practised with different sorts of meal like beef, lamb and sometimes kangaroos !
Effectively, the Aboriginal (là encore pas de s) food begin to be fashion for the Australians.

Thirty years ago, the Australian's food had the fame to be like or worst the English's .
But many other (pas de s) nationalities emigrated to Australia in the 50/60 and they brought their food with them like the Italian, Yugoslav, Greek and Lebanese.

Modifié par maraude le 27-04-2006 22:02

Modifié par maraude le 27-04-2006 22:11

Modifié par maraude le 27-04-2006 22:14

Modifié par maraude le 27-04-2006 22:16

Réponse: Australian food (correction) de maraude, postée le 27-04-2006 à 22:11:11 (S | E)
Je récapitule :

Thirty years ago, the Australian's food had the fame to be like or worst the English's .
But many other nationalities emigrated to Australia in the 50/60 and they brought their food with them like the Italian, Yugoslav, Greek and Lebanese.

Australian's food

There is not a real type of Australian food but there are some specialities.
First the meat –pie which is as famous as the Apple-pie ( remember your English book in 6 e ) in England. Australians are eating a huge quantity of it every years.
As well, they like very much the Vegemite, a strange pastry which looks like
tar and has a very special smell.
But like US (us en minuscule pour dire nous, the US pour les Etats-Unis), they are eating at MC Donald, Kentucky Fried Chicken and other fast food. There are also many small restaurants from all around the world.
In Australia like in France, there are three meals :
● The Breakfast : It is very important and early especially in the country in constituted by porridge, corn flakes, steak and eggs, sausages with chips or toast.
● The Lunch : It is just a formality : they eat sandwich, meat-pie or sometimes a counter lunch in a bar, with a lot of bear.
● The dinner : It is a complete meal with a soup or an entry, a meal plate and a dessert ( jelly or ice cream ). It is serve early.

The Barbie (barbie ou barbecue ?) is also very practised with different sorts of meal like beef, lamb and sometimes kangaroos !
Effectively, the Aboriginal food begin to be fashion for the Australians.

Aboriginal food

Native Australians don't practise rearing or farming : they are living of picking and peach because they are nomad and they eat what they found. Even like that, they were for away to die from starvation.
They know a lot about all what they pick and peach, about all food in nature. They don't want to take more than what they need, more than what nature can give them. They don't want to exploit it. In the center and the West of Australia, food is rare except some Kangaroos and wild seed. Seed is collected with hands and then crushed to make flour.
This flour melt with water to make pancake which is the base of their alimentation.
In the North, they pick also seed and tubers, wild iguana, Gianna and witchery grubs.

Voilà ! Il doit rester encore des fautes mais je ne les ai pas vues.

Modifié par maraude le 27-04-2006 22:12

Modifié par maraude le 27-04-2006 22:13

Modifié par maraude le 27-04-2006 22:15



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