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Traduction de phrases
Message de magmatic_rock posté le 30-05-2006 à 20:52:34 (S | E | F | I)

Me voilà en vacances et avant de partir j'ai deux petites semaines alors j'ai pensé à vous

Correction mardi 6 juin

Traduisez les phrases suivantes:

1) Ne t'inquiète pas, je vais t'aider.
2) Nous aurons fini de le remettre à neuf d'ici la fin de l'été.
3) Dis à Jim que je viens dans une minute, tu veux?
4) Dans six mois, nous vivrons comme des rois.
5) Tu voudrais baisser la radio?
6) Ils parlaient pendant des heures au téléphone.
7) Elle parle sans réfléchir.
8) Si tu veux bien te calmer, je te dirai ce qui est arrivé.
9) Si vous voulez bien vous asseoir, je vais chercher Magma

Amusez vous bien

Modifié par bridg le 30-05-2006 21:06
c'est "le / la " remettre à neuf ou remettre à neuf quelque chose , mais pas tout seul.

Modifié par magmatic_rock le 30-05-2006 21:14
je suis d'accord mais dans mon bouquin c'était comme ça donc j'ai laissé même si ça me semblait bizarre aussi

Réponse: Traduction de phrases de bobine, postée le 31-05-2006 à 08:08:08 (S | E)
Hello Magma,

1) Don't worry, I'm going to help you.
2) We'll through to refurbish it until the end of summer.
3) Tell Jim that I'm coming in a minute, do you ?
4) Within six months, we'll live like kings.
5) Would you want to turn the radio down?
6) They spoke for hours on the phone.
7) She speaks on the spur of the moment.
8) If you'd like to be quiet, I'll tell you what happened.
9) If you'd like to sit down, I'm going to fetch Magma.

Réponse: Traduction de phrases de nanette33, postée le 31-05-2006 à 11:39:56 (S | E)
Hello Magma ! Voilà des vacances bien employées !

1) Don't worry, I'm going to help you.
2) We'll have finished to renovate it by the end of the summer.
3) Say to Jim that I'm coming in one minute, would you like?
4) Within 6 months, we'll live as kings.
5) Would you like to turn the radio down?
6) They spoke on the phone during hours.
7) She speaks without thinking.
8) If you would like to be calm, I'll tell you what happened.
9) If you would like to sit down, I'm going to fetch Magma (but, where is?)

Réponse: Traduction de phrases de zodiac97500, postée le 31-05-2006 à 12:37:38 (S | E)


1) don't worry, I am going to help you
2) We shall finish to make it brand new by the end of the summer
3) Tell Jim that I come in a minute, can you ?
4) within six month we shall live like kings
5) can you turn the radio down ?
6) They were talking on the phone for hours
7) She talks mindlessly
8) If you want to calm down, I'll tell you what happened
9) If you may sit down,I fetch Magma

Watch the sun! don't get burned
Happy holidays

Réponse: Traduction de phrases de lakata, postée le 31-05-2006 à 15:45:42 (S | E)


1- Never mind, I'll help you.
2- By Summer has ended, we'll have finished to do up like new
3- Do you mind telling Jim I'm coming in a minute?
4- In three months time, we'll be living the way kings do
5- Would you like to turn the radio down?
6- They used to talk for hours on the phone.
7- She speaks without using her brains.
8- Just calm down and I'll tell you what happened.
9- Please, do take a seat while I go and fetch Magma.

Modifié par lakata le 31-05-2006 21:48

Modifié par lakata le 01-06-2006 08:16

Réponse: Traduction de phrases de luneceleste, postée le 31-05-2006 à 16:03:24 (S | E)
1) Don't worry, I'm going to help you.
2) We'll have finished repairing it by the end of summer.
3) Tell Jim I'm coming in a minute, will you ?
4) In six months, we'll be living like kings.
5) Would you mind turning the radio down ?
6) They used to speak for hours on the phone.
7) She speaks without thinking.
8) If you want to calm down, I'll tell you what happened.
9) If you want to sit down, I'll fetch Magma.

Réponse: Traduction de phrases de maya13, postée le 31-05-2006 à 16:20:36 (S | E)
hello magma,

- Don't worry I'm going to help you
- We'll get through making it as new by the end of Summer
- Please tell Jim I'm coming in a minute
- Within 6 months, we'll be living like kings
- Would you please lower the radio
- They used to speak on the phone for hours
- She speaks without thinking
- If you were kind enough to calm down, I'll tell you what happened
- Please do sit down, I'll fetch him

Have a nice time !

Réponse: isabelle de isa30, postée le 31-05-2006 à 19:19:11 (S | E)

1) don't worry you, I will help you.
2) We will have finished giving it to nine by the end of the summer.
3) tell to Jim that I come in one minute, you want?
4) In six months, we will live like kings.
5) You would like to lower the radio?
6) They spoke during hours with the telephone.
7) It speaks without reflecting.
8) If you want to calm yourself well, I will say to you what arrived.
9) If you want to sit you well, I will seek Magma

Réponse: Traduction de phrases de annie, postée le 31-05-2006 à 19:33:26 (S | E)
1) Don’t worry , I’m going to help you.
2) We’ll finish renovating it by the end of the summer.
3) Tell Jim I come in a minute, will you.
4) In six months, we are to live like kings.
5) Would you turn the radio down ?
6) They talked for hours on the phone.
7) If you don’t mind to calm down, I’ll tell you what it happened.
8) If you would sit down, I’m going to look for Magma.

Réponse: Traduction de phrases de woodyrun, postée le 01-06-2006 à 06:39:59 (S | E)
Hello Magma!

Don't worry, Iwill help you.
We'll have it completely renovated by the end of summer.
Tell Jim I'll be right there in a minute
In six months time, we'll be living like kings !
Could you please turn the radio down?
They were talking for hours on the phone.
She speaks without thinking.
If you please calm down, I'll tell you what happened.
Please do sit down, I'll go and fetch Magma.

, enjoy your holiday !

Réponse: Traduction de phrases de steeve34, postée le 01-06-2006 à 17:38:46 (S | E)
Hello MAGMA,

1- Don't worry, I'll help you (réponse spontanée); I am going to help you (réponse intentionnelle).
2-We will have finished making it as good as new by the end of the summer.
2-We will have finished doing it up by the end of the summer.
3-Tell Jim I'm coming in a minute, will you ?
4-We'll be living like kings in six months' time.
5-Would you turn the radio low, please ?
6-They were on the phone for hours.
7-She talks without thought.(She talks through her hat).
8-If you will cool down, I'll tell you what happened.
9-If you will sit down, I'll fetch Magma.
J'ai traduit la phrase 6 en considérant qu'elle était le pluriel de:
Il parlait pendant des heures au téléphone.
Mais il se peut que "ils" représente deux personnes, auquel cas la phrase n'est plus la même.
S'il y a deux personnes:
They were on the phone to each other for hours.

Réponse: Traduction de phrases de booboz97, postée le 04-06-2006 à 21:48:21 (S | E)
Salut !

1. Don’t worry, I’ll help you.
2. We will have finished to restore it by the end of the summer.
3. Tell Jim I’m coming in a minute, will you?
4. Within six months, we will be living like kings.
5. Turn down the radio, will you?
6. They were talking for hours on the phone.
7. She speaks without thinking.
8. If you calm down, I’ll tell what happened.
9. If you sit down, I’ll fetch Magma


Réponse: Traduction de phrases de i_blue, postée le 04-06-2006 à 23:26:44 (S | E)
1) don't worry, I 'm going to help you
2) We shall finish to make it brand new by the end of the summer
3) Tell Jim that I come in a minute, would you like?
4) within six month we shall live like kings
5) can you turn the radio down ?
6) They were talking on the phone for hours
7) She talks mindlessly
8) If you want to calm down, I'll tell you what happened
9) If you may sit down, I will seek Magma

thank you Magma

Réponse: Traduction de phrases de husserl, postée le 05-06-2006 à 12:52:01 (S | E)
Hey Magma !

1) Don't worry, I'm going to help you.
2) We'll be done refurbishing it by the end of the summer.
3) Tell Jim I'm coming in a minute, will you ?
4) Siw months from now, we'll live as kings do.
5) Would you please turn the radio down ?
6) They would talk for hours on the phone.
7) She speaks mindlessly.
8) If you will cool off, I'll tell you what has happened.
9) If you will sit down, I'm going to fetch Magma.


Réponse: Traduction de phrases de sandrineg, postée le 05-06-2006 à 14:24:42 (S | E)

Don't worry, I'm going to help you.

We will finish to do up by the end of summer.

Tell Jim I come in one minute, do you ?

Within six months, we will live like kings.

Would you mind turning down the radio ?

They were speaking for hours on phone.

She speaks without thinking.

If you want to quiet down, I would tell you what happened.

Would you mind sitting, I'm going to bring Marma.


Réponse: Traduction de phrases de magmatic_rock, postée le 06-06-2006 à 13:54:38 (S | E)

voici les réponses proposées:

1) Don't worry, I'll help you.
Comme l'a mentionné steeve34 on utilise will et non going to car c'est une réponse spontanée (il y a un cours de Bridg sur le futur où ceci est très bien expliqué, ex: on sonne à la porte! j'y vais = I'll go) --> Lien Internet

2) We'll have finished the renovations by the end of the summer. (ici c'est un futur parfait, cf. Lien Internet
pour la leçon)

3) Tell Jim I'll come in a minute, will you? (même remarque qu'en 1), voir le lien)

4) In six months' time, we'll be living like kings. (futur progressif, cf. deuxième lien)

5) Would you turn the radio down?

6) They would talk for hours on the phone. (ici would exprime une habitude dans le passé, je vous conseille, si vous ne comprenez pas, de faire cette exo: Lien Internet

7) She speaks without thinking.

8) If you will/would calm down, I'll tell you what happened.

9) If you would take a seat, I'll fetch Magma.

pour votre participation

Réponse: Traduction de phrases de annie, postée le 06-06-2006 à 14:56:06 (S | E)
pour cette correction qui indique les liens appropriés, ils me seront très utiles.
Bonnes vacances

Réponse: Traduction de phrases de mikilili64, postée le 11-06-2006 à 21:51:16 (S | E)
allez pourquoi pas?
1/Don't worry, I will help you.
2/We will finish with renovating it at the end of summer.(ouhla ma traduction n'est pas très anglaise mais je n'ai pas utilisé de dico...)
3/Say Jim that I come in one minute, can you?
4/In six months we'll live like kings.
5/Would you like to lower (la je ne savais vraiment pas alors j'ai utilisé le dico.... au moins j'ai appris un mot!) the sound of the radio?
6/They spoke for hours by phone.
7/She speaks without reflexion.
8/If you can be quiet, I will tell you what happened.
9/Sit down please, I'm looking for Magma.
eh bien ce fut périlleux mais j'ai essayé de n'utiliser le dico qu'en cas d'extrême urgence (c'est-à-dire 2 ou 3 fois)...
enfin merci beaucoup pour cet exercice intéressant



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