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Exercice 80
Message de felin posté le 17-08-2006 à 15:02:25 (S | E | F | I)

Bonjour tout le monde

Me voilà de retour , je vous propose une révision sur les prépositions car on a toujours des confusions et c’est très utile.

Correction Mardi soir. 22/08/06

Read the text and add of the preposition which best fits each space.

Going to the Zoo.

........ (0) Saturday morning, we took the children ......(1) the zoo because ...... (2) school they are doing a project ....... (3) the moment on zoos - and we thought they should go .........(4) one and do some research ..........(5) the spot. Later on, when we got home, they looked up some information ........(6) the encyclopedia and we found out that the first public zoo ..........(7) the world was opened ......... (8) ...... (9) 1793; this was the famous Jardin des Plantes. .......... (10) it were animals, of course, but there was also a museum and a botanical garden. The next big zoo to be opened was .......... (11) 1829 in Regent's Park ..........(12) London. ........ (13) Britain, there are now many more zoos. .........(14) Whipsnade Zoo, in Bedfordshire, animals from all parts of the world thrive, free to roam ......... (15) the surrounding countryside.

Good luck.

Modifié par felin le 17-08-2006 19:24
Allez courage si vous ne pouvez pas à ce moment là je vous donnerai la solution. Faites moi signe

Réponse: Exercice 80 de bobine, postée le 17-08-2006 à 19:28:01 (S | E)

Hello dear Felin,

On Saturday morning, we took the children to the zoo because at school they are doing a project about the moment on zoos - and we thought they should go to one and do some research into the spot. Later on, when we got home, they looked up some information into the encyclopedia and we found out that the first public zoo in the world was opened up in 1793; this was the famous Jardin des Plantes. Inside it were animals, of course, but there was also a museum and a botanical garden. The next big zoo to be opened was in 1829 in Regent's Park in London. In Britain, there are now many more zoos. At Whipsnade Zoo, in Bedfordshire, animals from all parts of the world thrive, free to roam around the surrounding countryside.

Modifié par webmaster le 17-08-2006 19:47

Réponse: Exercice 80 de toufa57, postée le 17-08-2006 à 20:24:53 (S | E)
Bonjour Félin,merci pour cette révision,

0-on saturday..
1-to the zoo.
2-at school.
3-about the moment.
4-to one.
5-in the spot.
6-in the encyclopedia.
7-in the world.
9- in 1793
10-inside it.
11-in 1829.
12-in London.
13-in Britain.
14-at whipsnade zoo.
15-around the countryside.

I hope it's right.See you.

Modifié par felin le 17-08-2006 21:16 Bonsoir toufa, j'ai mis dans le bon ordre.
Modifié par felin le 22-08-2006 12:50

Réponse: Exercice 80 de mp27, postée le 18-08-2006 à 00:43:09 (S | E)
Hello Felin
On Saturday morning, we took the children to the zoo because at school they are doing a project at the moment on zoos - and we thought they should go to one and do some research on the spot. Later on, when we got home, they looked up some information in the encyclopedia and we found out that the first public zoo in the world was opened up in 1793; this was the famous Jardin des Plantes.
In it were animals, of course, but there was also a museum and a botanical garden. The next big zoo to be opened was in 1829 in Regent's Park in London. In Britain, there are now many more zoos. At Whipsnade Zoo, in Bedfordshire, animals from all parts of the world thrive, free to roam through the surrounding countryside.
Thanks a lot!

Réponse: Exercice 80 de morten, postée le 18-08-2006 à 03:42:51 (S | E)
Hello Felin ,

Going to the Zoo.

....On.... Saturday morning, we took the children the zoo because school they are doing a project .at... the moment on zoos - and we thought they should go one and do some research ....on..... the spot. Later on, when we got home, they looked up some information the encyclopedia and we found out that the first public zoo the world was opened ...up ...... 1793; this was the famous Jardin des Plantes. ...In....... it were animals, of course, but there was also a museum and a botanical garden. The next big zoo to be opened was 1829 in Regent's Park London. Britain, there are now many more zoos. ....At..... Whipsnade Zoo, in Bedfordshire, animals from all parts of the world thrive, free to roam ......?... the surrounding countryside.


Modifié par felin le 22-08-2006 12:49

Réponse: Exercice 80 de whynot95, postée le 18-08-2006 à 09:52:43 (S | E)
Hello my dear Felin

On Saturday morning, we took the children to the zoo because at school they are doing a project at the moment on zoos - and we thought they should go to one and do some research on the spot. Later on, when we got home, they looked up some information in the encyclopedia and we found out that the first public zoo in the world was opened up in 1793; this was the famous Jardin des Plantes.
In it were animals, of course, but there was also a museum and a botanical garden. The next big zoo to be opened was in 1829 in Regent's Park in London. In Britain, there are now many more zoos. At Whipsnade Zoo, in Bedfordshire, animals from all parts of the world thrive, free to roam through the surrounding countryside.

Thanks a lot!

Réponse: Exercice 80 de mamouzel14, postée le 18-08-2006 à 13:39:55 (S | E)
On Saturday morning, we took the children to.....(1) the zoo because (2) school they are doing a project ......for. (3) the moment on zoos - and we thought they should go ..with.......(4) one and do some research .on.........(5) the spot. Later on, when we got home, they looked up some information into........(6) the encyclopedia and we found out that the first public zoo the world was opened .....up(8) (9) 1793; this was the famous Jardin des Plantes. ...inside....... (10) it were animals, of course, but there was also a museum and a botanical garden. The next big zoo to be opened was in.......... (11) 1829 in Regent's Park .in.........(12) London. (13) Britain, there are now many more zoos. Whipsnade Zoo, in Bedfordshire, animals from all parts of the world thrive, free to roam .through........ (15) the surrounding countryside.

Modifié par felin le 22-08-2006 12:49

Réponse: Exercice 80 de coferam, postée le 18-08-2006 à 14:32:36 (S | E)
Bonjour Felin,

Going to the Zoo.

....On.... (0) Saturday morning, we took the children the zoo because (2) school they are doing a project (3) the moment on zoos - and we thought they should go one and do some research ......on....(5) the spot. Later on, when we got home, they looked up some information the encyclopedia and we found out that the first public zoo the world was opened (8) ...about... (9) 1793; this was the famous Jardin des Plantes. .....Within..... (10) it were animals, of course, but there was also a museum and a botanical garden. The next big zoo to be opened was (11) 1829 in Regent's Park London. ...In..... (13) Britain, there are now many more zoos. ...In......(14) Whipsnade Zoo, in Bedfordshire, animals from all parts of the world thrive, free to roam ....through..... (15) the surrounding countryside.

Merci…et au plaisir de te retrouver.
Modifié par felin le 19-08-2006 18:57 Hello coferam, me too.

Réponse: Exercice 80 de felin, postée le 22-08-2006 à 12:43:41 (S | E)
Bonjour tout le monde

Voici la correction:

Going to the Zoo.

On (0) Saturday morning, we took the children to (1) the zoo because at (2) school they are doing a project at (3) the moment on zoos - and we thought they should go to (4) one and do some research on (5) the spot. Later on, when we got home, they looked up some information in (6) the encyclopedia and we found out that the first public zoo in (7) the world was opened in (8) Paris in (9) 1793; this was the famous Jardin des Plantes. In (10) it were animals, of course, but there was also a museum and a botanical garden. The next big zoo to be opened was in (11) 1829
in Regent's Park in (12) London. In (13) Britain, there are now many more zoos. At (14) Whipsnade Zoo, in Bedfordshire, animals from all parts of the world thrive, free to roam in (15) the surrounding countryside.

Merci à tous pour votre participation.



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