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Story : Imagine what comes next
Message de shinygirl posté le 29-08-2006 à 14:40:53 (S | E | F | I)

Bonjour !

Je ne suis pas si forte en anglais, mais je vous propose de compléter l'histoire en ajoutant une phrase à chaque passage. Ainsi tous les participants sont tous les bienvenus!

Et bien j'espère que vous êtes tous des personnes créatives.

Remarque : pour que les autres puissent savoir toute l'histoire, il est préférable qu'on recopie l'histoire non (les phrases veux-je dire)?

On day, an old man woke up early in the morning.

Modifié par shinygirl le 29-08-2006 14:42

Modifié par shinygirl le 29-08-2006 15:04

Modifié par shinygirl le 30-08-2006 07:00

Réponse: Story : Imagine what comes next de ademar, postée le 29-08-2006 à 15:52:28 (S | E)
He sit in front of the TV , when, phone ring ...

Réponse: Story : Imagine what comes next de mary2, postée le 29-08-2006 à 17:42:17 (S | E)
immediately it feels anxious, it's can be his son who lives so far ... in New Caledonia

Réponse: Story : Imagine what comes next de ademar, postée le 29-08-2006 à 17:58:27 (S | E)
he hesitate a wile but finally, he pick up the phone...
(j'espère que je n'est pas fait de fautes)

Réponse: Story : Imagine what comes next de ines1978, postée le 29-08-2006 à 17:59:59 (S | E)
It's so rare to receive calls at this hour.

Réponse: Story : Imagine what comes next de nanni, postée le 29-08-2006 à 21:39:40 (S | E)
it was a woman,she was crying.

Réponse: Story : Imagine what comes next de sami105, postée le 29-08-2006 à 22:16:17 (S | E)

It was his wife's birthday.So, he wanted to prepare breakfast, fetch some flowers
and put everything on bed in order to surprise his beloved before she got up.

Réponse: Story : Imagine what comes next de shinygirl, postée le 30-08-2006 à 07:08:04 (S | E)
bon je recapitule alors :

On day, an old man woke up early in the morning.
He sat in front of the TV , when, phone was ringing ... immediately he felt anxious, it could be his son who lives so far ... in New Caledonia, he hesitate a wile but finally, he pick up the phone...
It's so rare to receive calls at this hour. It was a woman, she was crying.

Eh, Samii, c'est la continuation de l'histoire ?

It was his wife's birthday.So, he wanted to prepare breakfast, fetch some flowers and put everything on bed in order to surprise his beloved before she got up.

Réponse: Story : Imagine what comes next de bridget26, postée le 30-08-2006 à 08:40:37 (S | E)
It is a very good idea answered it. But I am not able to only prepare all that!
It is necessary that I telephone to my children to ask them of the assistance.

Réponse: Story : Imagine what comes next de bridget26, postée le 30-08-2006 à 08:55:51 (S | E)
On day, an old man woke up early in the morning.
He sat in front of the TV , when, phone was ringing ... immediately he felt anxious, it could be his son who lives so far ... in New Caledonia, he hesitate a wile but finally, he pick up the phone...
It's so rare to receive calls at this hour. It was a woman, she was crying.
It was his wife's birthday. So he wanted to prepare breakfast, fetch some flowers and put everything on bed in order to surprise his beloved before she got up.

It is a very good idea answered it. But I am not able to only prepare all that ! It is neccessary that I telephone to my children to ask thm of the assistance !
But nobody will be able to come thought it sadly, they are all so far from us today.

Réponse: Story : Imagine what comes next de bridget26, postée le 30-08-2006 à 08:57:48 (S | E)

It is a very good idea answered it. But I am not able to only prepare all that ! It is neccessary that I telephone to my children to ask them of the assistance !
But nobody will be able to come thought it sadly, they are all so far from us today.



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