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Le retour de Betty/ Traduction
Message de lucile83 posté le 18-09-2006 à 15:20:56 (S | E | F | I)

Quelques nouvelles qui vont vous faire plaisir
correction par mp

Betty est enfin chez elle. Quand je suis allée la voir hier elle m’a présenté Bobby. Qu’il est beau ! Il a les yeux verts, il est mince et d’un caractère très doux, plein d’affection quand ils se regardent. C’est un grand bonheur de les voir ensemble. Vous l’aimerez aussi quand vous le connaitrez.

See you soon

Réponse: Le retour de Betty/ Traduction de bridg, postée le 18-09-2006 à 15:24:17 (S | E)
Avec ta description on hésite encore entre un boyfriend et un compagnon à 4 pattes ... Quel suspens !! Dans le doute ne le prenons pas à rebrousse poils

Réponse: Le retour de Betty/ Traduction de mp27, postée le 18-09-2006 à 15:52:30 (S | E)
Je comprends ton hésitation, bridg... Finalement, j'opte pour le boyfriend, tant pis!
Hello lucile83!
Betty's home, at last. When I went to see her yesterday, she introduced Bobby to me. Isn't he gorgeous! He's got green eyes, he is slim and he's very gentle. They look at each other very affectionately. It's such a joy to see them together. You'll like him when you get to know him.

Just an after thought: I am not very knowledgeable about dogs. Can they have beautiful green eyes? I don't know... Do we take notice of dogs because they are slim?
Modifié par lucile83 le 18-09-2006 18:11
Modifié par mp27 le 18-09-2006 22:27 my second and last "after thought": Bobby is a gorgeous and adorable slim and agile green eyed cat, perhaps a kitten. More chance for a boyfriend's name to be Bob than Bobby but I might be totally wrong! Anyway, I hope "he/it" won't turn up into a green eyed snake. How did they travel back from London together-->the cat/snake/.x. and Betty? I'm getting too inquisitive! Sorry... Good night!

Réponse: Le retour de Betty/ Traduction de maya13, postée le 18-09-2006 à 16:02:29 (S | E)
hello Lucile,

Some news that will delight you

At last, Betty's home. When I called on her yesterday night, she introduced me to Bobby. How gorgeous he is ! He's got green eyes, he is slim with a very mild nature and they fondly look at each other. It's a real pleasure to see them together. You'll like him when you meet him.

thank you Lucile, but this can't be a man, too perfect..

Modifié par lucile83 le 18-09-2006 18:15

Modifié par whynot95 le 19-09-2006 02:27
Thanks a lot! After all.... maybe you're right!

Réponse: Le retour de Betty/ Traduction de traviskidd, postée le 18-09-2006 à 16:26:17 (S | E)
Some news you're going to like.

Betty has finally made it back home. When I went to see her yesterday she introduced me to (ou 'showed me' si c'est un animal, à moins qu'on ne veuille pas qu'on le sache ) Bobby. How handsome he is! He has green eyes, is thin and has a gentle character, plenty of affection when they look at each other. It's really nice to see them together. You will love him too when you get to know him!

(Je pense que cette dernière phrase dit tout. )

Réponse: Le retour de Betty/ Traduction de sandrineg, postée le 18-09-2006 à 17:56:24 (S | E)
Betty is finally at home. When I wentto see her yesterday, she introduced me Bobby. How handsome he is ! He's got green eyes, he is thin and has a good character, with a lot of tenderness when they look at each other. It's a huge happiness to see them together. When you will met him, you will love him also.

So long.


Réponse: Le retour de Betty/ Traduction de cat3, postée le 18-09-2006 à 19:12:52 (S | E)

Betty is finally at home.When I went to see her yesterday,she introduced Bobby to me .How georgeous he is! He has green eyes,he is slim,and he has a gentle character.There is a lot affection when they look at each other
It's a real joy to see them together
You'll like him too,when you meet him

C'est peut-être un gentil minou?

Merci lucile


Réponse: Le retour de Betty/ Traduction de masselotte, postée le 18-09-2006 à 22:16:58 (S | E)
Bonsoir lucile83

Betty finally is at home. When I went to see her yesterday , she introduced Bobby .He is handsome with green eyes , he is slim, and has a gentle character, their stare show lot of tenderness each other, it’s a great pleasure to see them together . You will also love when you meet him

------------------- merci lucile83
Modifié par masselotte le 21-09-2006 08:54

Réponse: Le retour de Betty/ Traduction de whynot95, postée le 19-09-2006 à 03:56:01 (S | E)
Hello dear Lucile
What pet have you got?

Finally Betty is at home. When I went to see her yesterday she introduced Bobby to me.(pour contredire Maya je penche pour un homme; Bobby n'est-il pas un des diminutifs de Robert?) How handsome he is! He has green eyes, he is slim and has a very gentle character, full of affection when they look at each other. It is a great happiness to see them together. You will also like him when you know him.

Réponse: Le retour de Betty/ Traduction de bobine, postée le 19-09-2006 à 08:15:23 (S | E)
Hello dear Lucile,

Betty is at home, at last ! When I went to see her yesterday she introduced Bobby to me. How handsome he is ! He is slim with green eyes, and has a gentle easy-going nature, full of affection when they look at each other. It’s a great delight to see them together.You’ll also love him when you meet him.

Waouh tout un programme, à quand la suite ? (mieux que les feux de l'amour!!)

Réponse: Le retour de Betty/ Traduction de nanette33, postée le 19-09-2006 à 13:16:30 (S | E)
Hello Lucile,

Finally, Betty's at home. When I went to see her yesterday, she introduced Bobby to me. How handsome he is! He has green eyes, he's slim and has a very gentle character, full affection when they look at each other. It's a big happiness to see them together. You'll also like him when you know him.

S'il s'agit d'un homme, a-t-il un frère jumeau ? (libre, bien sûr!)

Réponse: Le retour de Betty/ Traduction de adamolma4, postée le 19-09-2006 à 13:31:44 (S | E)
Bonjour Lucile

Le suspense est à son comble! Mais qui est donc ce bel inconnu? Attendons la suite...

Betty came back home at last! When I went to see her yesterday, she introduced me to Bobby. Isn't he handsome! He's got green eyes, he's slim and he looks really gentle! When they look at each other, their eyes are full of affection and it's a great happiness to see them together! I'm sure, when you meet him, you'll like him as well.

Réponse: Le retour de Betty/ Traduction de bridg, postée le 19-09-2006 à 14:31:36 (S | E)
Finally Betty's at home. When I went to see her yesterday she introduced Bobby to me. How gorgeous he is!! He has green eyes; he's slim and has a gentle character, plenty of affection when they look at each other. It's so nice to see them together.
You'll love him too when you meet him.

Modifié par bridg le 20-09-2006 17:20
Les 2 mots manquants

Réponse: Le retour de Betty/ Traduction de coferam, postée le 19-09-2006 à 15:28:10 (S | E)

Bonjour lucile, (j’ai failli écrire ‘Bonjour Betty’ !)

Betty is at home, at last. When I went to see her yesterday, she introduced me Bobby. How handsome he is! He has the green eyes, he is thin and he has a very gentle character,full of affection when they look into each other’s eyes. It is a big happiness to see them together. You will love him too when you know him.


Réponse: Le retour de Betty/ Traduction de lucile83, postée le 20-09-2006 à 16:46:44 (S | E)

Je vous demande de m'excuser pour avoir abandonné vos traductions pour certains, mais j'ai eu un problème de connexion pendant 2 jours.
Je vais essayer de rattraper mon retard le plus vite possible.
Merci de votre compréhension

See you soon

Réponse: Le retour de Betty/ Traduction de lucile83, postée le 20-09-2006 à 21:42:39 (S | E)

Bien sûr vous vous demandez tous qui est Bobby! certains pensent que c'est un "boyfriend", certains pensent à un gentil minou ou autre...mais pourquoi ne pas rester neutre, car je ne précise rien !! donc le mot "handsome" ne convient pas ici puisque rien ne dit que ce soit un homme; je n'ai pas relevé la "faute", préférant vous le dire à la fin, après un certain nombre de traductions
See you soon

Réponse: Le retour de Betty/ Traduction de bien, postée le 20-09-2006 à 22:09:16 (S | E)

At last Betty is at home. When I saw her yesterday, she introduced me Bobby.
What is nice ! He has green's eyes, He is fine and he sweet-tempered, a lot of affection when they are looking them. It's a big pleasure to see them together. You will like too when you know him.


Réponse: Le retour de Betty/ Traduction de shinygirl, postée le 21-09-2006 à 06:52:11 (S | E)

Betty est enfin chez elle. Quand je suis allée la voir hier elle m’a présenté Bobby. Qu’il est beau ! Il a les yeux verts, il est mince et d’un caractère très doux, plein d’affection quand ils se regardent. C’est un grand bonheur de les voir ensemble. Vous l’aimerez aussi quand vous le connaitrez.

Betty is at home at last. When I went to see her yesterday, she introduced Bobby. He is handsome ! He is green-eyed, he is thin and has a very gentle character, much affection when they look at each other. It's a great pleasure to see them together. You will love him too when you know him.

Réponse: Le retour de Betty/ Traduction de vivianne, postée le 21-09-2006 à 19:18:30 (S | E)
Hello Lucile83.

The return of Betty.

Betty is finally at home ! When I called on her yesterday, she introduced Bobby to me. How beautiful is it ! It has got green eyes, it is thin, and it is gentle-natured. There are full of affection when they are looking themselves. What happiness is to seeing them together ! You will love it when you know it.

Thank you !

Réponse: Le retour de Betty/ Traduction de nick27, postée le 22-09-2006 à 12:29:29 (S | E)
Hello Lucile

At last Betty's at home. When I went and saw her yesterday she introduced Bobby to me. How beautiful/handsome he is! He's got green eyes, he's slim and very gentle, plenty of affection when they look at each other. It's great to see them together. You'll also like him when you get to know him.

Réponse: Le retour de Betty/ Traduction de lucile83, postée le 22-09-2006 à 15:00:40 (S | E)
et à tous !
Voici ma proposition :

Betty is back home at last. When I went and saw her yesterday she introduced me to Bobby. How fine he is ! He has got green eyes, he is thin and mild tempered, full of affection when looking at each other. Seeing them together makes you feel happy. You will like him too when you get to know him.

See you soon



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