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Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais
Tout ce qui a un rapport avec l'apprentissage de l'anglais: grammaire, orthographe, aides aux devoirs, phrases etc.


aide correction
Message de sabrina75 posté le 23-09-2006 à 21:01:54 (S | E | F | I)

bonsoir je voulais savoir si quelqu'un pouvait voir si j'ai des fautes svp merci

p: Well done my son! congratulation. You are successful, I'm very proud of you.

f: Thank you, but do you remember what you said 1 years before. You objects to me becoming an artist and you knew I long to become and artist and now I am an artist.

p: Well, I know I(avoir tort) , I remerber I object to the job not paying well and notgetting in the end a good pension but now you are well off and I think now I object to you doing another job. I'm very proud of you

f: Dad, you know I can become a very great personnality but I have to do hardwork and it's possible not just for my but its possible for you and everybody. If somebody do hardwork he become successful even if his parents are poor and doesn't have much money to educated there child.....

Bref je n'ai que cela comme idée en fait c'est à propos d'un père et de son fils . le père est un boucher et veut que son fils aille à l'université mais son fils ne veut pas et veux devenir un artiste. Un an plus tard son fils réussi son concert et son père vient le féliciter et dit qu'il avait eu tord...
Merci pour votre aide

Modifié par bobine le 23-09-2006 21:36
Mis en place accents et majuscules

Réponse: aide correction de sabrina75, postée le 23-09-2006 à 22:41:39 (S | E)

Modifié par bridg le 24-09-2006 07:49
Les réponses sur les forums ne sont pas forcemment immédiates. Il faut accepter un délai d'attente compréhensible pour des membres bénévoles.

Réponse: aide correction de lucile83, postée le 24-09-2006 à 08:07:43 (S | E)
p: Well done my son! congratulation. You are successful, I'm very proud of you.
*j'emploierais plutôt le verbe to succeed;

f: Thank you, but do you remember what you said 1 years before. You objects to me becoming an artist and you knew I long to become and artist and now I am an artist.
*faute à years
*faute à objects + phrase mal construite
*faute à I long to become

p: Well, I know I(avoir tort) , I remerber I object to the job not paying well and not getting in the end a good pension but now you are well off and I think now I object to you doing another job. I'm very proud of you
*avoir tort = to be wrong
*faute à remerber
*faute à object (temps) + phrase mal construite
*la phrase entière est bizarre

f: Dad, you know I can become a very great personnality but I have to do hardwork and it's possible not just for my but its possible for you and everybody. If somebody do hardwork he become successful even if his parents are poor and doesn't have much money to educated there child.....
*faute à personnality
*faute à just for my
*faute à do
*faute à become
*faute à doesn't
*faute à educated
*faute à there
*je mettrais child au pluriel

Essayez de corriger déjà tout ça , vous le pouvez.
See you soon

Réponse: aide correction de sabrina75, postée le 25-09-2006 à 18:16:49 (S | E)
p: Well done my son! congratulation. You succeed, I'm very proud of you.

f: Thank you, but do you remember what you said 1 year before. You objects me to becoming an artist and you knew I long becoming and artist and now I am an artist.

p: Well, I know I was wrong , I remember I objected to the job not paying well and not getting a good pension but now, you are well off and I think, now I never object to you doing another job. I'm very proud of you.

f: Dad, you know I can become a very great personality but I have to do hardwork and it's possible not just for me but its possible for you and everybody. If somebody will do hardwork he will become successful even if his parents are poor and doesn't have much money to educated their children.....

j'ai corriger pour moi en partit ce dont pour le quel j'étais capable mais le doesn't de la fin je ne vois pas merci lucile83

Réponse: aide correction important pour demaIN de sabrina75, postée le 26-09-2006 à 20:09:20 (S | E)

Réponse: aide correction de canadiankaty, postée le 27-09-2006 à 22:54:39 (S | E)
Hello there.... can I give it a try? My first language is English...

p: Well done my son! Congratulations. You are successful, and I'm very proud of you.

You'll never see the word "congratulation", it's always always in the plural.

f: Thank you, but do you remember what you said 1 year ago? You objected to me becoming an artist, even though you knew that I had longed to be an artist, and now, I am an artist.

p: Well, I know I was wrong, and I remember that I thought that the job would not pay well, and I was worried that you would not have a pension, but now, you are well off and now I wouldn't want you to do any other job. I'm very proud of you.

f: Dad, you know I can be a great success, but I have to work hard, and that's something I can do, and something that you or anyone else can do. If someone works hard, then that person can succeed, even if his parents are poor and don't have much money to send their child to a good school.....

from Katy from Canada



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