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Phrasal Verbs 12
Message de felin posté le 12-10-2006 à 16:20:59 (S | E | F | I)

Bonjour tout le monde

Correction Mardi 17/10/06

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the following phrasal verbs:
Put up with, hang up, fill up, keep up, hold up, own up, take up, pick up,

1. Nicolas’s not home yet. He must have been ................. at the post office
2. A frame had been broken, but nobody ............. to it.
3. I find him very moody; I don’t know how she ........... with him.
4. She ............... languages and now speaks Spanish quite well.
5. Serge was walking fast, but I ............ with him.
6. .......... your cigarette butt .......... off the floor, please.
7. The number you dialled is busy. Please ............. and try again.
8. If you want some more water, .............. the bottle ........... from the tap.

Réponse: Phrasal Verbs 12 de steeve34, postée le 12-10-2006 à 22:24:16 (S | E)
Hello felin,

1. Nicolas’s not home yet. He must have been held up at the post office
2. A frame had been broken, but nobody had owned up to having broken it.
3. I find him very moody; I don’t know how she puts up with him.
4. She has taken up languages and now speaks Spanish quite well.
5. Serge was walking fast, but I managed to keep up with him.
6. Pick your cigarette butt up off the floor, please.
7. The number you dialled is busy. Please hang up and try again.
8. If you want some more water, fill the bottle up from the tap.

Réponse: Phrasal Verbs 12 de whynot95, postée le 13-10-2006 à 06:41:05 (S | E)
Hello my dear Felin.

1. Nicolas’s not home yet. He must have been held up at the post office.
2. A frame had been broken, but nobody has owned up to it.
3. I find him very moody; I don’t know how she puts up with him.
4. She has taken up languages and now speaks Spanish quite well.
5. Serge was walking fast, but I kept up with him.
6. Pick your cigarette butt up off the floor, please.
7. The number you dialled is busy. Please hang up and try again.
8. If you want some more water, fill the bottle up from the tap.

Réponse: Phrasal Verbs 12 de adamolma4, postée le 13-10-2006 à 20:42:37 (S | E)

Hello Felin,
1) -Nicola's not home yet. He must have been held up at the post office.
2) -A frame had been broken, but nobody owned up to it.
3) -I find him very moody; I don't know how she puts up with him.
4) -She has taken up languages and now speaks spanish very well.
5) -Serge was walking fast, but I was able to keep up with him.
6) -Pick your cigarette butt up off the floor, please.
7) -The number you dialled is busy, please hang up and try again.
8) -If you want some more water, fill the bottle up from the tap.

Thank you felin and have a good weekend.

Réponse: Phrasal Verbs 12 de mp27, postée le 13-10-2006 à 20:45:53 (S | E)
Hello felin!
1. Nicolas’s not home yet. He must have been held up at the post office
2. A frame had been broken, but nobody owned up to it.
3. I find him very moody; I don’t know how she puts up with him.
4. She's taken up languages and now speaks Spanish quite well.
5. Serge was walking fast, but I kept up with him.
6. Pick your cigarette up butt off the floor, please. ----- (Pick up your cigarette)
7. The number you dialled is busy. Please hang up and try again.
8. If you want some more water, fill the bottle up from the tap. ----- (fill up the bottle)
Thank you very much!

Réponse: Phrasal Verbs 12 de nick27, postée le 13-10-2006 à 23:54:08 (S | E)
Hey Felin!

1. Nicolas’s not home yet. He must have been held up at the post office
2. A frame had been broken, but nobody owned up to it.
3. I find him very moody; I don’t know how she puts up with him.
4. She's taken up languages and now speaks Spanish quite well.
5. Serge was walking fast, but I kept up with him.
6. Pick your cigarette butt up off the floor, please.
7. The number you dialled is busy. Please hang up and try again.
8. If you want some more water, fill the bottle up from the tap.


Réponse: Phrasal Verbs 12 de annie, postée le 15-10-2006 à 17:07:03 (S | E)
Hello Felin,

1. Nicolas’s not home yet. He must have been held up.. at the post office
2. A frame had been broken, but nobody .had owned up.. to it.
3. I find him very moody; I don’t know how she puts up with him.
4. She took up languages and now speaks Spanish quite well.
5. Serge was walking fast, but I used to keep up with him.
6. .Pick. your cigarette butt ..up. off the floor, please.
7. The number you dialled is busy. Please .hang up and try again.
8. If you want some more water, .fill the bottle .up. from the tap.

Réponse: Phrasal Verbs 12 de coferam, postée le 15-10-2006 à 17:39:35 (S | E)

Bonjour Felin,

1. Nicolas’s not home yet. He must have been..Held the post office
2. A frame had been broken, but nobody ..owned up. to it.
3. I find him very moody; I don’t know how she ..puts up..with him.
4. She .has taken up..languages and now speaks Spanish quite well.
5. Serge was walking fast, but I . .Kept up..with him.
6. .Pick your cigarette butt up off the floor, please.
7. The number you dialled is busy. Please hang up and try again.
8. If you want some more water, ..Fill..the bottle ..up..from the tap.

Bonne soirée, et Merci.

Réponse: Phrasal Verbs 12 de coco02, postée le 16-10-2006 à 13:37:56 (S | E)
Hello Felin,

1. Nicolas’s not home yet. He must have been held up at the post office
2. A frame had been broken, but nobody owns up to it.
3. I find him very moody; I don’t know how she puts up with him.
4. She picks up languages and now speaks Spanish quite well.
5. Serge was walking fast, but I was keeping with him.
6. Take your cigarette butt up off the floor, please.
7. The number you dialled is busy. Please hang up and try again.
8. If you want some more water, fill the bottle up from the tap.

Modifié par coco02 le 17-10-2006 12:13

Réponse: Phrasal Verbs 12 de lakata, postée le 16-10-2006 à 16:16:51 (S | E)
Hello, felin!

1) Nicolas's not home yet. He must have been held up at the post office.
2) A frame had been broken, but nobody had owned up to it.
3) I find him very moody; I don't know how she puts up with him.
4) She has taken up languages and now she speaks Spanish quite well.
5) Serge was walking fast, but I kept up with him.
6) Pick your cigarette butt up off the floor, please.
7) The number you dialled is busy. Please hang up and try again.
8) If you want some more water, fill the bottle up from the tap.

Thank you!

Réponse: Phrasal Verbs 12 de felin, postée le 17-10-2006 à 15:33:12 (S | E)
Bonjour tout le monde

Voici la correction:

1.Nicolas’s not home yet. He must have been held up at the post office
2.A frame had been broken, but nobody owned up to it.
3.I find him very moody; I don’t know how she puts up with him.
4.She took up languages and now speaks Spanish quite well.
5.Serge was walking fast, but I kept up with him.
6.Pick your cigarette butt up off the floor, please.
7.The number you dialled is busy. Please hang up and try again.
8.If you want some more water, fill the bottle up from the tap.

These are grammatically possible:

Hold up:She held the meeting up.
She held up the meeting
She held it up
The meeting was held up.

Own up:
She owned up.
She owned up her mistake
She owned up to it
She owned up to making a mistake.

Put up with:
She put up with the noise
She put up with it.
She put up with living there.

Take up:
She took up sailing
She took it up

Keep up:
I couldn’t keep up.
I couldn’t keep up with him.

Pick up:I picked the pen up
I picked up the pen
I picked it up.
The pen was picked up.

Hang up:
I hung up
I hung up the phone
I hung up on him.

Fill up:He filled the bottle up
He filled up the bottle.
He filled it up.
The bottle was filled up.
Note: you can also use fill up with this pattern
Example: the boat was filling up with water.
After 8 o’clock the restaurant began to fill up.

Hello steeve: (phrase 2) To own up to "something"

Dans la phrase, "something" = “it” = the breaking of the window
Un membre a ajouté: “to (having broken) it”
-->Il n'est pas nécessaire d'ajouter (having broken), car le fait est mentionné dans la première partie de la phrase donc. il n'y a pas de confusion possible.
Il s'agit d'une phrase hors contexte.
Pour le choix entre: had owned up / owned up, le contexte préciserait.

(phrase 5) To keep up with somebody:

Dans une marche, une course, c'est “aller aussi vite que quelqu'un”.
“I managed” (to keep up with him) a été proposé dans les réponses.
Cela est intéressant et fait sous-entendre que j'ai dû faire pas mal d'efforts pour marcher aussi vite que Serge, mais... j'y suis arrivé !

Merci à tous pour votre participation.



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