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Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais
Tout ce qui a un rapport avec l'apprentissage de l'anglais: grammaire, orthographe, aides aux devoirs, phrases etc.


A summary
Message de tshamia posté le 05-11-2006 à 17:58:31 (S | E | F | I)

Bonjour bonjour ! J'ai fait un résumé d'une petite histoire de Ray Bradbury, est-ce que vous pourriez juste me dire ce que vous en pensez, voir s'il y a des fautes me le dire ! !

First of all, they are two leading characters in this story : a young boy whose name is Bob Spaulding and who is fourteen, and a teacher whose name is Ann Taylor and who is twenty-four.
Ann Taylor came to teach summer school at Green Town Central where Bob Spaulding was.
All children were filled with wonder by her and Bob was one of them.
But Bob was different : he didn’t have any friends, he always stayed alone, played himself cards or read those books.
When Ann Taylor arrived the first day in the school, Bob who used to be really absent-minded, stoped making his spitball and payed attention to her : he was totally astounded.
And even more impressive, each days after class, he began to wash the boards, clean the erasers and rolled up the maps then he sat at the end of the room, looking at her.
Later, he walked Ann Taylord at the front door to the school.
Firstly, Ann was a little embarassed of this situation, then she began to talk with his student and saw how he was amazing to such an extent that she kept thinking about him.
But one day, she decided to stop this, she called him to talk and said him that he would never be possible that they’ll be together : she was ten years older than him.
He thought that very silly but in view of the fact was he was going to move he didn’t blame her and said that he never forgot her.
Then he was thirty and married. While he drove to chicago, he stopped off in Green Town for a day. There, he heard of Anna’s death. She was only twenty-six. Now Bob was four years older than Miss Taylor.

Réponse: A summary de jean31, postée le 05-11-2006 à 18:27:42 (S | E)

=> They are<=>There are. Confondrais-tu les deux ?
=> Les noms des saisons prennent la majuscule.
=> stop redouble la consonne finale aux prétérit et participe passé.
=> dire qqch à qqun = to tell somebody something. To say s'emploie de préférence pour rapporter les paroles de qqun au style indirect.
=>...and said that he never forgot her ne respecte pas la concordance des temps. On attend un conditionnel dans la subordonnée, tout comme en français.
=> Chicago est un nom propre, majuscule.

Réponse: A summary de tshamia, postée le 05-11-2006 à 18:37:24 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup Jean ! ! Donc cela donnerait...:

First of all, there are two leading characters in this story : a young boy whose name is Bob Spaulding and who is fourteen, and a teacher whose name is Ann Taylor and who is twenty-four.
Ann Taylor came to teach Summer school at Green Town Central where Bob Spaulding was.
All children were filled with wonder by her and Bob was one of them.
But Bob was different : he didn’t have any friends, he always stayed alone, played himself cards or read those books.
When Ann Taylor arrived the first day in the school, Bob who used to be really absent-minded, stopped making his spitball and payed attention to her : he was totally astounded.
And even more impressive, each days after class, he began to wash the boards, clean the erasers and rolled up the maps then he sat at the end of the room, looking at her.
Later, he walked Ann Taylord at the front door to the school.
Firstly, Ann was a little embarassed of this situation, then she began to talk with his student and saw how he was amazing to such an extent that she kept thinking about him.
But one day, she decided to stop this, she called him to talk and told him that he would never be possible that they’ll be together : she was ten years older than him.
He thought that very silly but in view of the fact was he was going to move he didn’t blame her and said that he would never forget her.
Then he was thirty and married. While he drove to Chicago, he stopped off in Green Town for a day. There, he heard of Anna’s death. She was only twenty-six. Now Bob was four years older than Miss Taylor.


Réponse: A summary de pyan, postée le 05-11-2006 à 18:37:46 (S | E)
Hope this is some help.

Taylor or Taylord?
Ann or Anna?

"There are two leading characters..."

"All the children were filled with wonder by her and Bob was one of them."
"All the children, including Bob, were filled ..."

"... played cards by himself or read books."
"... Bob who used to be really absent-minded ..." (Should this be "Bob,who was always absent-minded,"?)

"Spitball" What is a spitball or spitball? Is it a game?
"Payed" is not correct: pay conjugates like "say".

"Later, he walked Ann Taylord at the front door to the school." This is not clear. Did he walk with Ann Taylor to the front door of the school?

Embarrassed at...
"She saw how amazing he was...".
"...said to him that it would never be possible that they would be together :.

"Later, when he was thirty and married, while he drove to chicago..."
"... than Miss Taylor had been.

Good luck


Réponse: A summary de tshamia, postée le 05-11-2006 à 18:59:43 (S | E)
Than you very much for your help pyan !
It's well Ann Taylor and a spitball is a paper rolled into a ball to be thrown at teacher

First of all, there are two leading characters in this story : a young boy whose name is Bob Spaulding and who is fourteen, and a teacher whose name is Ann Taylor and who is twenty-four.
Ann Taylor came to teach Summer school at Green Town Central where Bob Spaulding was.
All children were filled with wonder by her and Bob was one of them.
But Bob was different : he didn’t have any friends, he always stayed alone, played cards by himself or read books.
When Ann Taylor arrived the first day in the school, Bob who used to be really absent-minded, stopped making his spitball and paid attention to her : he was totally astounded.
And even more impressive, each days after class, he began to wash the boards, clean the erasers and rolled up the maps then he sat at the end of the room, looking at her.
Later, he walked Ann Taylord at the front door to the school. ( I don't know how to say.. Bob accompagnies Miss Taylor until the front door. Then he walks alone until his home.. )
Firstly, Ann was a little embarrassed at this situation, then she began to talk with his student and she saw how amazing he was to such an extent that she kept thinking about him.
But one day, she decided to stop this, she called him to talk and told him that he would never be possible that they would be together : she was ten years older than him.
He thought that very silly but in view of the fact was he was going to move he didn’t blame her and said that he would never forget her.
Later, when he was thirty and married, while he drove to Chicago, he stopped off in Green Town for a day. There, he heard of Anna’s death. She was only twenty-six. Now Bob was four years older than Miss Taylor. ( I didn't understand when you write "than Miss Taylor had been" ? )

Is that correct?? And do you think it's a good english? THANKS A LOT PYAN AND JEAN !!



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