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This boy needed a haircut/correction
Message de lilou1912 posté le 11-11-2006 à 16:43:48 (S | E | F | I)

Bonjour à tous je voudrais savoir si mon texte est bon car je ne suis pas très bonne en anglais mais je tiens à m'amméliorer.

This boy needed a haircut, said the people. Miss Gamma and Krikor, who was him brother, said that also. He had a big head and he had too much hair black. A bussiness man, who was rich, showed him for people who travelled in the world. He was sad but he was glad too. When he opened his eyes. A bird built a nests in his his hair. He decided after that to go in a bar ber. There was a barber who wasn't his really job. Nobody knewn his job. His name was Aram. he had a shop on Mariposa Street. The boy woke up to him and axplained that everybodywants to him to get a hair cut. The barber offered a cup of coffee to him. Nobody came to the barber. The boy drank the coffee and after the barber said him to sit down. Aram told him a story of the world. The story of his uncle Misak. Misak was born in Housh. While he told, he began to cut the boy's hair. He was a very good to fight. Everybody said that he could to earn money by fighting. He broke much bones of men. He just wanted to eat and to drink and the rest for the children. Miska was forty and he was no longer stronger. He travelled. he went to Constantinople after Vienna. He didn't work and he never stole but he died of hunger. Aram always cut while that he told the history of poor Miska, he went in Berlin, a cruel city of the world. It was the same in Paris, the same in London, the same in New-York, the same in South of America. He want in China, he met a Arab who warked in a French travelling show. The Arab asked if he loved an imals and men. Miska answered that he loved him. The job of Miska answered that he loved him. The job of Miska was to put his head in the mouth of tigers. the show travelled from China to India, from India to Afganistan, from Afganistan to Persia. A day, the tiger was angry. When Miska put his head in the mouth of tiger, the tiger closed his mouth. There was the story of his poor Miska. After he paid Aram. He had a bad hair cut. Everybody laughed him. He thought that in for weeks. He needed a hair cut and he returned by Aram.

voila voila merci à tous de bien vouloir m'indiquer où sont mes fautes merci d'avance.

Modifié par bridg le 11-11-2006 16:46

Réponse: This boy needed a haircut/correction de jean31, postée le 11-11-2006 à 20:26:01 (S | E)
Bonsoir, lilou

Confronté à un cruel dilemme devant le nombre impressionnant d'erreurs commises, j'ai finalement opté pour le message personnel.
Tu y trouveras ample matière à réflexion.
J'espère que tu tiendras compte de mes remarques et que tu travailleras sur le site en y exploitant ses nombreuses ressources.
Good luck.

Modifié par jean31 le 11-11-2006 20:33

Modifié par jean31 le 11-11-2006 21:12

Réponse: This boy needed a haircut/correction de lilou1912, postée le 12-11-2006 à 17:43:50 (S | E)
merci beaucoup jean31...tu peux compter sur moi pour m'améliorer en anglais...merci encore pour la correction de mon texte. Bonne soirée lilou1912

Réponse: This boy needed a haircut/correction de jean31, postée le 12-11-2006 à 19:09:04 (S | E)
Bonsoir lilou,

J'espère bien que tu tiendra ton engagement.
Dis-toi que tu travailles pour toi et que les progrès que tu ne manqueras pas d'accomplir ici ne seront dus qu'à ta persévérance.
Keep up the good work!



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