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Radio in English
Message de optalix posté le 11-01-2007 à 17:00:20 (S | E | F | I)

Do you listen to English radio programmes in English on the web? Not those on this site (vao special English,...) I mean real radio like France Inter, rtl RTL but in English. If you do , could you give me the adresses.(Two clics on the Net and you'll get them
And what do you think about listening to the radio in order to practise a foreign language.
Thanks a lot.
Modifié par bridg le 11-01-2007 17:04

Réponse: Radio in English de bridg, postée le 11-01-2007 à 17:19:47 (S | E)
And you? what do you think about it?
It depends on your English level. If you are a beginner or an intermediate, you'd better listen to any slow English speaking programs instead of a national radio with normal speed talks. For my part I prefer to work with some DVD or languages laboratories.
See you soon.

Réponse: Radio in English de optalix, postée le 12-01-2007 à 12:58:00 (S | E)
I know that with two clics on the net we can find lot of radio. But how can i choose the good one. Shall I listen all of them? I think it's quite impossible.

I already listen to lot of slow English speaking. I read too, and watch film in English with English subtitle.
I would like to use radio to hear English not really to listen it. I'm wondering whether it's good.

Réponse: Radio in English de mp27, postée le 12-01-2007 à 13:03:23 (S | E)
Hello optalix!
Of course, it's good. Don't hesitate. Try for a while, see what you like best. Carry on listening to any audio too. Have a good time!

Réponse: Radio in English de memespeeed, postée le 26-01-2007 à 16:04:15 (S | E)
It 's depend of your level.For me beeing in the middle, I found a very good thing: when you are on the site "Special English"I click down of the page On the left, you click on the radio, in the lowyou find "Special english", click alwais on the left, "special script, and here you chose "3words an their stories" Now you choose the text you prefere and you cen listen with "real playeur" It's super, you can do that several times, and even put it on your MP3I's very good for comprehension, an it's better than listening radio spoken too fast.Cheer up.

Réponse: Radio in English de cbhm69, postée le 26-01-2007 à 22:29:55 (S | E)
live in Gatineau,near ottawa,it's difficult for me to speak English,and I don't think,listening to radio,is a good idea to practise my English,for my level,I am in level 3,beginner,but I work a lot,so if I make a mistake,excuse me,

Modifié par bridg le 26-01-2007 23:07



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