Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais
Tout ce qui a un rapport avec l'apprentissage de l'anglais: grammaire, orthographe, aides aux devoirs, phrases etc.
DM: compréhension de texte
Message de frapedur posté le 21-01-2007 à 14:43:25 (S | E | F | I)
Hi again everybody!
Dans cet exercice, il faut déjà que je mette dans l'ordre les 5 extraits suivants, puis je dois répondre aux questions que je mettrai après que je sache si mes textes étaient dans l'ordre (si non j'aurai des rectifications à faire)
A) King George VI knew about his famous ancestor's book. But it didn't stop him smoking. He died of lung cancer in 1952.
B) The problem is really a modern one, because cigarettes only became popular and cheap a hundred years ago, after an American called James Albert Bonsack invented a machine to make them (before then people smoked pipes and cigars, which are much less dangerous). Bonsack's machine has been responsible for many million people. They have already killed more people this century than two world wars. The next time you see a packet of cigarettes, just think about that.
C) Tobacco comes from America. It first arrived in Britain in about 1565. King James I of England didnt like it; in 1604 he wrote a little book, to try and convince people not to smoke. In the last sentence of the book he said tobacco was "dangerous to the lungs".
D) Two years before Georges VI died, an English doctor caled Richar Doll proved that lung cancer kills more smokers than non-smokers. since then, dozens scientists in Britain and America have done research on the health problems of smokers. What they have discovered is frightening.
E) Cigarettes cause more cancer than anything else. They cause more heart disease than anything else, too. And it's not just the people who smoke that suffer. For babies whose mothers smoke the chances of being born small and of dying young are greater. Even if you're a non-smoker, living with a smoker means that you may get cancer.
Ordre que j'ai mis:
1) C (introduction, le tabac vient de...)
2) D (étude sur la cigarette)
3) E (développement de l'étude sur la cigarette (conclusion))
4) A (montre la mort d'un personnage suite à une consommation de cigarettes
qui entraîne un cancer)
5) B (sensiblisation: on montre que c'est un problème récent et qu'elle tue
beaucoup de monde)
Voilà, j'espère que c'est juste. J'attends un avis ou deux voir si l'ordre est juste puis je mettrai mes questions.![](
Modifié par bridg le 21-01-2007 14:48
Modifié par frapedur le 21-01-2007 15:40
Modifié par frapedur le 21-01-2007 15:41
jean, je sais beaucoup de fautes futur/conditionnel
Message de frapedur posté le 21-01-2007 à 14:43:25 (S | E | F | I)
Hi again everybody!
Dans cet exercice, il faut déjà que je mette dans l'ordre les 5 extraits suivants, puis je dois répondre aux questions que je mettrai après que je sache si mes textes étaient dans l'ordre (si non j'aurai des rectifications à faire)
A) King George VI knew about his famous ancestor's book. But it didn't stop him smoking. He died of lung cancer in 1952.
B) The problem is really a modern one, because cigarettes only became popular and cheap a hundred years ago, after an American called James Albert Bonsack invented a machine to make them (before then people smoked pipes and cigars, which are much less dangerous). Bonsack's machine has been responsible for many million people. They have already killed more people this century than two world wars. The next time you see a packet of cigarettes, just think about that.
C) Tobacco comes from America. It first arrived in Britain in about 1565. King James I of England didnt like it; in 1604 he wrote a little book, to try and convince people not to smoke. In the last sentence of the book he said tobacco was "dangerous to the lungs".
D) Two years before Georges VI died, an English doctor caled Richar Doll proved that lung cancer kills more smokers than non-smokers. since then, dozens scientists in Britain and America have done research on the health problems of smokers. What they have discovered is frightening.
E) Cigarettes cause more cancer than anything else. They cause more heart disease than anything else, too. And it's not just the people who smoke that suffer. For babies whose mothers smoke the chances of being born small and of dying young are greater. Even if you're a non-smoker, living with a smoker means that you may get cancer.
Ordre que j'ai mis:
1) C (introduction, le tabac vient de...)
2) D (étude sur la cigarette)
3) E (développement de l'étude sur la cigarette (conclusion))
4) A (montre la mort d'un personnage suite à une consommation de cigarettes
qui entraîne un cancer)
5) B (sensiblisation: on montre que c'est un problème récent et qu'elle tue
beaucoup de monde)
Voilà, j'espère que c'est juste. J'attends un avis ou deux voir si l'ordre est juste puis je mettrai mes questions.
Modifié par bridg le 21-01-2007 14:48
Modifié par frapedur le 21-01-2007 15:40
Modifié par frapedur le 21-01-2007 15:41
Réponse: DM: compréhension de texte de lucile83, postée le 21-01-2007 à 14:55:36 (S | E)
A mon avis je donnerais l'ordre suivant:
C introduction
D étude
A exemple
E développement de l'étude
B sensibilisation actuelle et conclusion
See you
Réponse: DM: compréhension de texte de frapedur, postée le 21-01-2007 à 15:30:38 (S | E)
En effet, c'est peut-être plus logique de d'abord mettre un exemple et d'expliquer ensuite.
I. Concentrate of the title:
1)What's the writer's message?
The writer wants that every people (old man, teenagers...) don't smoke because we can die. It's very dangerous and we don't try to do that!
2)How does he express it?
He expresses it to underline the title twice. The title is persuasive because eerybody can understand that (When we read the site, we enjoy reading the end)
3)What form does he use? (a question, a suggestion, an order)?
He uses a suggestion (Why don't have a cigarette ==> Pourquoi ne pas avoir une cigarette) because it's a retoric question (we can take the answer alone)
4)Why does he use such form? Who could say this? (a teenager/an oldman/a doctor etc...)
He uses this form because a lot of teenager use retoric question. The text is for teenager which want begin to smoke at 13 years old or 14 years old (very young)
II. Concentrate of the paragraph E. Is it for or against smoking? Why? Pick up the words which prove it.
The text is only to stop smoking because it's very dangerous and a lot of young people begin to smoke at 13 or 14 years old. The words which prove that are: "cause more cancer", "mothers smoke", "dying young are greater", "living with a smoker means that you may get cancer".
It's hard to choose one word, I have taken expression to understand easier.
III. Concentrate at the diagram, explain that you understand.
Diagram: ==> Smoker's attitude to smoking:
1) Glad they had started 2%
2) wish they had never started 75%
3) want to give up 15%
We can see that a big part of the population want to stop smoking. Only just 2% of the population are glad to have begun smoke and 75% are sad (they wish stop).
Modifié par frapedur le 21-01-2007 15:34
Réponse: DM: compréhension de texte de jean31, postée le 21-01-2007 à 15:36:49 (S | E)
Pour l'amour du Ciel, frapedur, fais un effort et guéris-toi définitivement de cette faute récurrente qui consiste à employer la terminaison du conditionnel à la place de celle du futur.
=> que je mettrAI après
=> si non j'aurAI des rectifications à faire
=> puis je mettrAI mes questions.
* Crois-moi, cela risque de t'être utile plus tôt que tu ne penses.
Réponse: DM: compréhension de texte de frapedur, postée le 21-01-2007 à 15:42:47 (S | E)
ok jean, je vais essayer mais je n'ai pas l'habitude de mettre ai avec le pronom personnel "je". Ne t'inquiète je vais me guérir très rapidement car sinon mon orthographe va me dépasser. Une faute par ci, une faute par là...
Modifié par frapedur le 21-01-2007 15:55
je vais goûter et je viens voir les rectifications
Réponse: DM: compréhension de texte de lucile83, postée le 21-01-2007 à 16:08:46 (S | E)
I. Concentrate of the title:
1)What's the writer's message?
The writer wants that every people
2)How does he express it?
He expresses it to
3)What form does he use? (a question, a suggestion, an order)?
He uses a suggestion (Why don't have a cigarette ==> Pourquoi ne pas avoir une cigarette) because it's a retoric
4)Why does he use such form? Who could say this? (a teenager/an oldman/a doctor etc...)
He uses this form because a lot of teenager
II. Concentrate of the paragraph E. Is it for or against smoking? Why? Pick up the words which prove it.
The text is only to stop smoking because it's very dangerous and a lot of young people begin to smoke at 13 or 14 years old
It's hard to choose one word, I have taken expression
III. Concentrate at the diagram, explain that you understand.
Diagram: ==> Smoker's attitude to smoking:
1) Glad they had started 2%
2) wish they had never started 75%
3) want to give up 15%
We can see that a big part of the population want to stop smoking. Only
See you
Réponse: DM: compréhension de texte de frapedur, postée le 21-01-2007 à 16:21:42 (S | E)
I. Concentrate of the title:
1)What's the writer's message?
The writer wants that everyone (old man, teenagers...) don't smoke because we can die(explique mieux car de toute façon,avec ou sans cigarette....). It's very dangerous and we don't try to do that!(là aussi un peu vague, choisis des verbes plus précis)
2)How does he express it?
He underlines the title twice to express it. The title is persuasive because everybody can understand that (When we read the site, we enjoy reading the end)....oops,je ne comprends pas
3)What form does he use? (a question, a suggestion, an order)?
He uses a suggestion (Why don't have a cigarette ==> Pourquoi ne pas avoir une cigarette) because it's a rhetoric question....ah ! c'est une suggestion ou une question? (we can take the answer alone)
4)Why does he use such form? Who could say this? (a teenager/an oldman/a doctor etc...)
He uses this form because a lot of teenagers use rhetoric questions. The text is for teenagers who want ??? begin to smoke at 13 years old or 14 years old (very young)....c'est trop lourd
II. Concentrate of the paragraph E. Is it for or against smoking? Why? Pick up the words which prove it.
The text is only to stop smoking because it's very dangerous and a lot of young people begin to smoke at 13 or 14 years old. The words which prove that are: "cause more cancer", "mothers smoke", "dying young are greater", "living with a smoker means that you may get cancer".
It's hard to choose one word, I have got expressions to understand that easier
III. Concentrate at the diagram, explain that you understand.
Diagram: ==> Smoker's attitude to smoking:
1) Glad they had started 2%
2) wish they had never started 75%
3) want to give up 15%
We can see that a big part of the population want to stop smoking. Only just 2% of the population are glad to have begun smoke and 75% are sad. (They're fed up with cigarettes)
-Question 4 ==> pourquoi la tête fachée: je ne vois pas ce qui est faux
-Question II ==> comparatif de supériorité: easier (qu'est-ce qui est faux)
Réponse: DM: compréhension de texte de lucile83, postée le 21-01-2007 à 16:45:54 (S | E)
-Question 4 ==> pourquoi la tête fachée: je ne vois pas ce qui est faux .....tu avais écrit : teenager which want ; au lieu de teenagerS WHO want
-Question II ==> comparatif de supériorité: easier (qu'est-ce qui est faux)....le mot "easier" est le comparatif de l'adjectif "easy" , or ici il faut l'adverbe "easily < comparatif = more easily.
Tu n'as pas tout corrigé, je te suggère de reprendre le tout calmement, sur une page propre et claire, tu peux y parvenir,courage
Réponse: DM: compréhension de texte de frapedur, postée le 21-01-2007 à 17:59:00 (S | E)
I. Concentrate of the title:
1)What's the writer's message?
The writer wants that everyone (old man, teenagers...) don't smoke because we can die(explique mieux car de toute façon,avec ou sans cigarette....). It's very dangerous and we don't try to do that!(là aussi un peu vague, choisis des verbes plus précis)
2)How does he express it?
He underlines the title twice to express it. The title is persuasive because everybody can understand that (When we read the title, we enjoy reading the end)
3)What form does he use? (a question, a suggestion, an order)?
He uses a suggestion (Why don't have a cigarette ==> Pourquoi ne pas avoir une cigarette) because it's a rhetoric question. The formulation of the question is not like everytime. Here, we know the answer. In a question, we don't know the answer!
4)Why does he use such form? Who could say this? (a teenager/an oldman/a doctor etc...)
He uses this form because a lot of teenagers use rhetorics questions. The text is for teenagers who want begin to smoke at 13 or 14 years old (it is very young)
II. Concentrate of the paragraph E. Is it for or against smoking? Why? Pick up the words which prove it.
The text is only to stop smoking because it's very dangerous and a lot of young people begin to smoke at 13 or 14 years old. The words which prove that are: "cause more cancer", "mothers smoke", "dying young are greater", "living with a smoker means that you may get cancer".
It's hard to choose one word, I have got expression to understand more easily.
III. Concentrate at the diagram, explain that you understand.
Diagram: ==> Smoker's attitude to smoking:
1) Glad they had started 2%
2) wish they had never started 75%
3) want to give up 15%
We can see that a big part of the population want to stop smoking. Only just 2% of the population are glad to have begun smoke and 75% are sad. (They're fed up with cigarettes)
Voilà, j'ai corrigé, j'espère que c'est enfin bon!!!
Modifié par frapedur le 21-01-2007 18:36
Je n'avais pas les indications à côté des phrases
Réponse: DM: compréhension de texte de willy, postée le 21-01-2007 à 20:03:26 (S | E)
Hello !
"Want" n'est jamais suivi d'une proposition commençant par that !
I want you to stop making that big mistake !
I'd like you to use an infinitive clause !
Réponse: DM: compréhension de texte de frapedur, postée le 22-01-2007 à 18:08:38 (S | E)
ok willy,
J'espère que vous pourrez à nouveau me trouver les fautes dans mes phrases
Modifié par willy le 22-01-2007 18:16
Jean31 va avoir un infarctus si tu ne corriges pas tes deux fautes de temps sur lesquelles il a déjà maintes fois attiré ton attention !
Modifié par frapedur le 22-01-2007 19:30
Modifié par willy le 22-01-2007 19:52
C'est correct maintenant. Suggestion : chaque jour, tu écris 5 phrases au futur simple et 5 phrases au conditionnel présent, pour t'imprégner de la différence entre ces deux temps. Puis, tu les lis à haute voix.
Modifié par frapedur le 23-01-2007 17:47
ok merci
Réponse: DM: compréhension de texte de minoo23, postée le 22-01-2007 à 19:27:00 (S | E)
Passez la souris ici pour voir la suite:
Salut,Je suis minoo23. Je peux vous aider à classer le texte de la façon suivante : c,d,b,e.
Modifié par willy le 22-01-2007 19:56
Réponse: DM: compréhension de texte de frapedur, postée le 22-01-2007 à 19:32:54 (S | E)