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Time to play: riddles!
Message de gizm0 posté le 11-02-2007 à 15:43:24 (S | E | F | I)

Read the following riddles and try to find the answer!

Riddle # 1 What part of the body has the most rhythm?
Riddle # 2 A farmer combined 2 compost heaps with 3 others. How many compost heaps does he have?
Riddle # 3 Who succeeded the first Prime Minister of Australia ?
Riddle # 4 Why was Karl Marx buried at Highgate Cemetery in London?
Riddle # 5 What odd number becomes even when beheaded?
Riddle # 6 Why is the letter E like London?
Riddle # 7 What lives on its own substance and dies when it devours itself?

Riddle # 8
"The beginning of eternity
The end of time and space
The beginning of every end,
And the end of every place."

Riddle # 9
"I never was, am always to be,
No one ever saw me, nor ever will
And yet I am the confidence of all
To live and breathe on this terrestrial ball."

Riddle # 10
"At night they come without being fetched,
And by day they are lost without being stolen."

Modifié par bridg le 11-02-2007 15:48
English only

Réponse: Time to play: riddles! de dolfin56, postée le 11-02-2007 à 18:46:46 (S | E)
riddle 1 the heart
riddle 2 1
riddle 3 the second one
riddle 4 because he died in London
riddle 5 ?
riddle 6 ?
riddle 7 the time
riddle 8 it's the letter e
riddle 9 the air
roddle 10 the stars in the sky

Réponse: Time to play: riddles! de gizm0, postée le 12-02-2007 à 08:24:27 (S | E)
Not Bad dolfin56!!
riddle 1 the heart
riddle 2 1
riddle 3 the second one
riddle 4 because he died in London
riddle 5 ?
riddle 6 ?
riddle 7 the time
riddle 8 it's the letter e
riddle 9 the air
roddle 10 the stars in the sky

5 correct! have a second try!

Réponse: Time to play: riddles! de magstmarc, postée le 12-02-2007 à 10:12:01 (S | E)
Good idea gizm0

Riddle # 1 Heart ?
Riddle # 2 One heap ?
Riddle # 3 the second Prime Minister of Australia
Riddle # 4 'cause he was dead
Riddle # 5 seven ! Phew ! Took me some time to find it but I thought I had to
Riddle # 6 It is covered like London's sky ? not too good, can't be that
Riddle # 7 passion ?
Riddle # 8 The letter "e" (an easy one !)
Riddle # 9 The future ?
Riddle # 10 The stars

I hope I have some right !
Bye bye

Réponse: Time to play: riddles! de mp27, postée le 12-02-2007 à 11:17:41 (S | E)
Good morning gizm0!

Riddle 1 - the heart
Riddle 2 - one (a big one!)
Riddle 3 - the second Prime Minister of Australia
Riddle 4 - because he died in London
Riddle 5 - chop the “s” off seven, you get six, so, answer is “seven”
Riddle 6 - You have given us a capital "E", so, each one is a “capital”
Riddle 7 - thought of chrysalis, but no... The trouble is the verb to "devour"!
Riddle 8 - the letter “e”
Riddle 9 - Either “tomorrow” or “the future”
Riddle 10 - the stars!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lovely, gizmo... Thanks a lot!
Hope to be back with something better for 7

Réponse: Time to play: riddles! de gizm0, postée le 12-02-2007 à 20:42:47 (S | E)
Hello to all! and thank you for playing!
Not bad for all of you!!!! but still some unknown to find!!!

So! for magstmarc: 5/10 (ok, I could say 6/10! one is almost that)
Riddle # 1 no
Riddle # 2
Riddle # 3
Riddle # 4
Riddle # 5
Riddle # 6 (HAHAHA funny but unfortunately not that!)
Riddle # 7 no
Riddle # 8
Riddle # 9 (nearly! I could give you a star though!!!)
Riddle # 10

and for mp27, An excellent 8/10!! congratulations!
Riddle # 1 no
Riddle # 2
Riddle # 3
Riddle # 4
Riddle # 5
Riddle # 6
Riddle # 7 no
Riddle # 8
Riddle # 9
Riddle # 10

Ok then! Who can find n°1 and 7 !!!! MYSTERY

Réponse: Time to play: riddles! de nihonchan, postée le 12-02-2007 à 21:06:40 (S | E)
Hello ! cool game Here are my answers for number 1 & 7 :

1 : I would say eardrums ?
7 : maybe fire but I'm not sure at all for that one !

Thanks !
See you

Modifié par nihonchan le 12-02-2007 21:08

Modifié par nihonchan le 12-02-2007 21:09

Réponse: Time to play: riddles! de mp27, postée le 12-02-2007 à 21:08:30 (S | E)
Hello again!
And, what about:
1 -- Eardrum...........?
7 -- Fire..............?

Réponse: Time to play: riddles! de gizm0, postée le 13-02-2007 à 08:41:07 (S | E)
number 1

for number 7... not exactly, Fire does not devour itself....
It starts with a "C"
Elton John sang a VERY famous song with it in the title

Réponse: Time to play: riddles! de mp27, postée le 13-02-2007 à 11:38:23 (S | E)
Hi gysm0!
I wonder whether it might be ---> "a candle" ?
--the famous song being the 1997 remake of : "A candle in the wind", sung by Elton John at the funeral of Diana, Princess of Wales, in Westminster Abbeye, on 6th September 1997--
Modifié par mp27 le 13-02-2007 17:50
Correction: Sorry, it is Westminster Abbey (not abbeye!!!)

Réponse: Time to play: riddles! de gizm0, postée le 13-02-2007 à 17:46:26 (S | E)
hooray!!! you've found it!! indeed It was CANDLE!
Keep in touch, I'll post some more riddles soon

Ps: It's "Abbey" and not "Abbeye"



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