Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais
Tout ce qui a un rapport avec l'apprentissage de l'anglais: grammaire, orthographe, aides aux devoirs, phrases etc.
Correction de la langue
Message de ladycha posté le 02-03-2007 à 12:28:42 (S | E | F | I)
Bonjour. Besoin d'aide pour corriger mes fautes d'expression ou de grammaire sur une dissertation en anglais que je viens de réaliser pour le cours d'anglais à rendre dans une semaine dont le sujet est " What do you think of employment discrimination?" et si vous avez d'autres idées n'hésitez pas!
In the employment, multiple forms of discrimination exist: social discrimination,sexual discrimination, discrimination against gays,lesbians, handicaps and stranges; nowadays these injustices are always of current events in spite of the adoption of statutory measures.
I think it's an inhuman behaviour: every man has owes him to the work, to be respected and to exploit his rights as member of a society wher every man is equalq in rights. It's simply necessary to show tolerance and to think that it can arrive at everybody, nobody is in shelter to be fire for X illegal reasons or not to be engaged for x reansons. As we say " does not make at the others what you would not like that one makes you".
Modifié par whynot95 le 03-03-2007 13:22
Message de ladycha posté le 02-03-2007 à 12:28:42 (S | E | F | I)
Bonjour. Besoin d'aide pour corriger mes fautes d'expression ou de grammaire sur une dissertation en anglais que je viens de réaliser pour le cours d'anglais à rendre dans une semaine dont le sujet est " What do you think of employment discrimination?" et si vous avez d'autres idées n'hésitez pas!
In the employment, multiple forms of discrimination exist: social discrimination,sexual discrimination, discrimination against gays,lesbians, handicaps and stranges; nowadays these injustices are always of current events in spite of the adoption of statutory measures.
I think it's an inhuman behaviour: every man has owes him to the work, to be respected and to exploit his rights as member of a society wher every man is equalq in rights. It's simply necessary to show tolerance and to think that it can arrive at everybody, nobody is in shelter to be fire for X illegal reasons or not to be engaged for x reansons. As we say " does not make at the others what you would not like that one makes you".
Modifié par whynot95 le 03-03-2007 13:22
Réponse: Correction de la langue de vivi22, postée le 03-03-2007 à 12:54:02 (S | E)
Je trouve que c'est bien ; il n'y a pas beaucoup de fautes. Voici celles que j'ai vues:
-on ne dit pas " in the employment",je dirais plutôt " in the working world"
-"stanges" se dit "foreigners " dans ce cas
-"injustices" est-ce bien anglais? Je mettrais plutôt "prejudices"
- pour la phrase "nowadays...", je dirais : "nowadays prejudices are current in spite of statutory measures"
-je ne comprends pas "every man has owes him to the work"
-je ne dirais pas "to exploit his rights"
-"it can arrive at anybody" se dirait plutot "this can be lived by anybody"
-"is in A shelter"
-"to be firED"
-" does not make at the others what you would not like that one makes you". n'est pas anglais
Bon travail.
Carry on working.
Modifié par willy le 03-03-2007 13:35