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That article presents ...(correction)
Message de ajanim16 posté le 07-03-2007 à 16:16:21 (S | E | F | I)

Voici des petites phrases que j'ai rédigées sur un texte..Je souhaiterais obtenir si possible des corrections pour comprendre mes fautes de synthaxe(s), de temps ou d'autre(s) nature(s)..
Merci beaucoup!

"That article presents a text writted by Joe Eszterhas. This last focus attention upon problems about glamorizing smoking in Hollywood. He lays great stress upon the danger constituted by cigarette and doesn’t underpin the unconscionable Hollywood star who are aiming young people and are inciting them to smoking. The author is disturbing by this subject because he has been victim of tabagism.

As far as I am concerned, I am agree with the author. He reveals his problem to avoid at other people to committing the same error. By the same token, he denounces advertising and business and Hollywood’s film to show at worldwide the unconsciable situation of the american’s cinema.

The behaviour can be influenced by characters or movie stars. They constitued stars for the public and become quickly models for teenagers who search icons to grow up.

The behaviour aren’t influenced by characters of Hollywood. This later are only actors payed by hollywood’s business. Over and above that, a film stays an entertainment."

2nd party:

"Smoking gives a style for young people. It may be to seem their membership with young’s groups. They smoke equally to become like their icons favorites.

I am not smoke. I don’t find utility. By the same token, cigarette’s prices discourage that action.

I am fort legislation against smoking in pulic places because smoking is an action which musn’t involved other people. Moreover, smoking stays harmful for health."

Thanks you!

Réponse: That article presents ...(correction) de marlond, postée le 07-03-2007 à 20:14:39 (S | E)
Vous avez traduit du français? Pouvez-vous nous donner l'original?

Je le corrigerai, mais je ne comprends pas ce que vous avez écrit parfois, et ce serait plus facile avec le texte français.

Réponse: That article presents ...(correction) de ajanim16, postée le 07-03-2007 à 22:44:47 (S | E)
Bonsoir, voici une traduction:

Cet article présente un texte écrit par Joe Eszterhas. Ce dernier porte l’attention sur les problèmes de fumeur à Hollywood. Il souligne fortement le danger constitué par la cigarette et ne soutient pas les inacceptables stars d’Hollywood qui vise des jeunes gens et les incitent à fumer.
L’auteur est perturbé par ce sujet car il a été victime du tabagisme.

En ce qui me concerne, je suis d’accord avec l’auteur. Il révèle son problème pour éviter aux autres personnes de commettre les mêmes erreurs. De la même façon, il dénonce les publicités, le business des films d’Hollywood qui montre au monde entier l’inacceptable situation du cinéma américain.

Le comportement n'est pas influencé par les personnages d’hollywood. Ces derniers sont souvent des acteurs payés par le business d’hollywood. Au delà de ça, un film reste un divertissement.

Fumer donne un style pour les jeunes personnes. Ca peut éventuellement être pour montrer leur appartenance à des groupes de jeunes. Ils fument également pour devenir comme leur icônes favoris.

Je ne suis pas fumeur. Je ne trouve pas d’utilité. De plus, le prix des cigarettes décourage cette action.

Je suis pour une législation contre le droit de fumer dans une place parc que fumer est une action qui ne doit pas impliqué d’autres personnes. D’ailleurs, fumer reste néfaste pour la santé.

Réponse: That article presents ...(correction) de marlond, postée le 07-03-2007 à 23:28:16 (S | E)
It's a very literal translation into English - difficult to understand in parts - sounds like Babelfish did a lot of that to me... I've corrected the first sentence but then just italicised your errors so you can work them out yourself. Sorry if I've missed any, which is quite probable...

"That (BETTER ‘THIS’) article presents a text writted (WRITTEN) by Joe Eszterhas. This last (SOUNDS VERY UNNATURAL. BETTER SIMPLY: HE) focus (FOCUSES) attention upon problems about glamorizing smoking in Hollywood. He lays great stress upon the danger constituted by cigarette(CIGARETTES) and doesn’t underpin the unconscionable (VERY FORMAL WORD, DOESN’T FIT REGISTER – WRECKLESS, UNACCEPTABLE, OUTRAGEOUS, DISGRACEFUL - MAYBE) Hollywood star who are aiming young people and are inciting them to smoking. The author is disturbing by this subject because he has been victim of tabagism.

As far as I am concerned, I am agree with the author. He reveals his problem to avoid at other people to committing the same error. By the same token, he denounces advertising and business and Hollywood’s film to show at worldwide the unconsciable situation of the american’s cinema.

The behaviour can be influenced by characters or movie stars. They constituted stars for the public and become quickly (placement of adverb) models for teenagers who search icons to grow up. (French translation means something totally different in this paragraph!)

The behaviour aren’t (wrong person for verb) influenced by characters of Hollywood. This later (compare first paragraph) are only actors payed by hollywood’s business. Over and above that, a film stays an entertainment."

"Smoking gives a style for young people. It may be to seem their membership with young’s groups. They smoke equally to become like their icons favourites (position of adjective/no agreement in English).

I am not smoke (= ‘je ne suis pas fumée’ !). I don’t find utility. By the same token, cigarette’s (apostrophe misuse – better for the noun to be singular here) prices discourage that action.

I am fort (sp.) legislation against smoking in public places because smoking is an action which musn’t (sp.) involved other people. Moreover, smoking stays (wrong verb) harmful for health."



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