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Message de joy813 posté le 2004-08-04 13:02:01 (S | E | F | I)
Come about: se produire
Come across: se rencontrer par hasard
Come along: faire des progrès, avancer
Come away: partir, s’en aller
Come back: revenir
Come by :obtenir, se procurer
Come down: descendre, baisser
Come forward: s’avancer, s’annoncer
Come from: venir de, être originaire de
Come in: entrer
Come into: hériter de
Come off: se détacher, s’enlever
Come on: se mettre en marche, avancer
Come out :sortir, se mettre en grève
Come round: reprendre connaissance, revenir à soi
Come through: survivre, s’en sortir
Come under: subir
Come up : monter
Come upon: tomber sur


Réponse: re:Phrasal verbs : come de berichard, postée le 2004-08-04 18:11:10 (S | E)
I, who come from Bruay, came across Mariet who came about every day. With her, I came by a lot of (I learnt Yesterday) explanations so I come along.
If the webmaster doesn't come upon me and doesn't say to come away, I'll come back.
If you come upon this site by chance, come in; but you will know, if you come across mariet, lucile83 ( except they come out), you 'll not be able to come off.
So, come round, come up your chair and find your old English book or come by one if you haven't come into one.
I hope this joke will not come me down in your esteem and, above all, I came along than Mariet will say there are less mistakes than usually.

Réponse: re:Phrasal verbs : come de aodglas, postée le 2004-08-04 18:50:04 (S | E)
I'll come along to come through on this web site.Berichar's answer was so funny.

Réponse: re:Phrasal verbs : come de andrewfsi, postée le 2004-08-04 19:38:42 (S | E)
*who came about every day
"come about" = se produire only for situations, events: "He expected the parliament to pass his reforms, but it never came about."

*doesn't say to come away
"come away" = most often, used in the phrase "come away with" to talk about leaving with new knowledge, quelque chose qu'on a appris: "I came away from the weekend in France with a new appreciation for foreign cultures."

*you'll not be able to come off
"come off" = se détacher only for physical things: "This gum won't come off my desk."

*come up a chair
"come up" = monter only when physically moving from a lower place to a higher place: "Come up to the bedroom, I need to talk to you." "Come up in the tree, you can see the whole neighborhood!"
Here, "pull up a chair" would be better.

"come into" = hériter de generally only when talking about money: "He came into money during the war when his father died."

"come down" = descendre only when physically moving from higher to lower: "Come down, I need to talk to you."
and baisser only when talking about rates, statistics: "Despite good news from the agricultural sector, the Dow Jones came down today." Otherwise you would say "bring down"--"I hope this joke will not bring me down in your esteem"

Man, phrasal verbs are HARD!

Réponse: re:Phrasal verbs : come de berichard, postée le 2004-08-04 20:55:26 (S | E)
thanks ,andrefwsi
I thought Mariet had learnt English to me but, obviously, I'm always too null. Mariet, you haven't finished with me!!!
As you are American, can you confirm my son said to me: In California people says "I'm drunk" and not "I'm thirsty"? Thanks


Réponse: come in, come in de berichard, postée le 2004-08-05 10:07:54 (S | E)
I, who come from Bruay, came across Mariet who came back every day on this site ( but for two days, it doesn't come about). With her, I came by a lot of (I learnt Yesterday) explanations so I come along.
If the webmaster doesn't come upon me and doesn't say to come out, I'll come back.
If you come upon this site by chance, come in; but you will know, if you come across mariet, lucile83 ( except they come out), you 'll not be able to come through.
So, come round, come up your bedroom or come down your cellar and find your old English book or come by one if you haven't come into one from your father.
I hope this joke will not bring me down in your esteem and, above all, I came away with hope than Mariet and andrefsi will say there are less mistakes than usually.
I have to come off my chair. BYE

Réponse: re:Phrasal verbs : come de hoppy1, postée le 2004-08-09 00:03:19 (S | E)
thankyou joy ,i'm very sorry about the test i promess to post , i was not at home and i'll not be here tomorrow .



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