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Message de morenita posté le 2004-11-05 21:00:29 (S | E | F | I)

Read the following passage,then ask the corresponding questions
Sara went to the market yesterday afternoon.There she met Julia and they bought fruit & vegetables.They came back home in the evening.Sara tookher son to see a film,but Julia didnt go.She watched a good programme on TV.
To the market
Fruit & vegetables
In the evening
No,she watched TV

Réponse: re:Asking questions de rachel22, postée le 2004-11-05 21:08:33 (S | E)
1- Where did sara go yesterday?
2-who did she meet at the market?
3-What did sara and julia buy at the market?
4-When did they come back home?
5-Did Julia go with sara and her son see a film?

Réponse: re:Asking questions de speedjo905, postée le 2004-11-05 23:01:52 (S | E)
1. When did Sara go to the market?
2. Who did she meet at the market?
3. What did they buy ?
4. When did they come back home ?
5. Did Julia watch a film with Sara ?


Réponse: re:Asking questions de marit64, postée le 2004-11-06 00:54:24 (S | E)
1-Where did Sara go yesterday afternoon?
2-Who did she meet?
3-What did they buy?
4-When did they come back home?
5-Did Julia go to a movie?

Réponse: re:Asking questions de kameleon, postée le 2004-11-06 02:07:13 (S | E)
encore un petit coup de coeur:

1- Whee did sara go yesterday?

2- Who did she meet at the market?

3-What did sara and Julia buy at the supermarket?

4- When did they come back?

5- Did julia go to the film?

Réponse: re:Asking questions de dandoun, postée le 2004-11-06 02:13:15 (S | E)
Good evening,

1) Where did sara go yesterday afternoon?
2) Who did she meet at the market?
3) What did they buy?
4) When did they come back home?
5) Did julia go to see the film?

Réponse: re:Asking questions de joy813, postée le 2004-11-06 10:39:23 (S | E)
Good morning Morenita

1 Where did Sara go yesterday afternoon ?
2 Who did she met ?
3 What did they buy ?
4 When did they come back home ?
5 Did Julia go with Sara and his son to see a film ?

Réponse: re:Asking questions de morenita, postée le 2004-11-06 21:18:57 (S | E)
you're doing well,all of you

Réponse: re:Asking questions de mouad_u, postée le 2004-11-08 14:50:06 (S | E)
1- Where did sara go yesterday?
2-who did she meet at the market?
3-What did sara and julia buy at the market?
4-When did they come back home?
5-Did Julia go with sara and her son see a film?

Réponse: re:Asking questions de mouad_u, postée le 2004-11-08 14:54:12 (S | E)
1. When did Sara go to the market?
2. Who did she meet at the market?
3. What did they buy ?
4. When did they come back home ?
5. Did Julia watch a film with Sara ?


Réponse: re:Asking questions de morenita, postée le 2004-11-08 15:45:11 (S | E)
but you made a little mistake in the first sentence in the second answer!!!
when did sara go to the market

Réponse: re:Asking questions de godfather, postée le 2004-11-13 10:32:24 (S | E)
1. Where did sara go yesterday ?
2. Who did she meet at the market?
3. What did Sra and Julia buy ?
4. When did they come back to home ?
5. Did Julia go with Sara and her son to see a film ?

Réponse: re:Asking questions de elibarclo, postée le 2004-11-13 17:17:06 (S | E)
Concerning the question 2, I think "who" is the subject, so we don't use "did" ." Who met she in the market ? "Perhaps, I make a grammatical mistake. What does the webmaster think about this item ?

Réponse: re:Asking questions de webmaster, postée le 2004-11-13 17:42:15 (S | E)
Hello, elibarclo
Correct answer: Who did she meet?
Because WHO is not the subject of the verb (the subject is SHE).

But you're right. You don't need an auxiliary in this sentence:
Who was at the market?
(WHO is the subject of WAS).

Réponse: re:Asking questions de elibarclo, postée le 2004-11-13 20:09:07 (S | E)
to webmaster : Thanks for your answer. I'm sorry: I'm quite wrong. Being in a hurry, I didn't at once realize that "she" was the subject. I apologize.

Réponse: re:Asking questions de fofolle762000, postée le 2004-11-14 12:09:25 (S | E)
Where did Sara go yesterday?
Did she meet her friend?
What did Sara and her friend buy at the market?
When did Sara AND Julia come back home?
Did Julia accept to see a film with Sara?

Réponse: re:Asking questions de , postée le 2004-11-14 14:50:44 (S | E)
1 When did Sara go yesterday aftenoon?....................
To the market
2 Who did she meet there?
3 What did they buy?
Fruit & vegetables
4 when did they come back home?.
In the evening
5 Did Julia go to the movies with Sara?
No,she watched TV



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