Message de frederiquebain posté le 2004-11-10 19:18:03 (S | E | F | I)
complétez par must, musn't ou may
1-........I buy you a drink?
2-Look at the sign! you...............park your car here.
3-.........I help you?
4-Look at the sky ! it............rain tonight.
5- In poor daytime visibility, you.........use your headlamps.
Edité par bridg le 18-11-2004 18:22

1-........I buy you a drink?
2-Look at the sign! you...............park your car here.
3-.........I help you?
4-Look at the sky ! it............rain tonight.
5- In poor daytime visibility, you.........use your headlamps.
Edité par bridg le 18-11-2004 18:22
Réponse: re:may ou must? de lyne, postée le 2004-11-10 19:27:13 (S | E)

1-May I buy you a drink?
2-Look at the sign! You musn’t park your car here.
3-May I help you?
4-Look at the sky ! it may rain tonight.
5- In poor daytime visibility, you must use your headlamps.
Réponse: re:may ou must? de samia51, postée le 2004-11-10 19:57:54 (S | E)
Bonsoir Frederiquebain

1-........I buy you a drink?
. May I buy you a drink ?
2-Look at the sign! you...............park your car here.
. Loot at the sign ! You must park your car here.
3-.........I help you?
. May I help you ?
4-Look at the sky ! it............rain tonight.
. Loot at the sky ! It musn't rain tonight.
5- In poor daytime visibility, you.........use your headlamps.
. In poor daytime visibiliy, you must use your headlamps.
Réponse: re:may ou must? de salsify, postée le 2004-11-10 19:58:14 (S | E)
1-....May....I buy you a drink?
2-Look at the sign! you......mustn't.......park your car here.
3-...May..I help you?
4-Look at the sky ! it...may...rain tonight.
5- In poor daytime visibility, you...must..use your headlamps.
Merci pour ce rappel.
Edité par bridg le 10-11-2004 23:19
Réponse: re:may ou must? de adice, postée le 2004-11-10 20:01:25 (S | E)
l1-..may......I buy you a drink?
2-Look at the sign! you.....must..........park your car here.
3-.......may..I help you
4-Look at the sky ! it......may......rain tonight.
5- In poor daytime visibility, you.must........use your headlamps
Edité par bridg le 10-11-2004 23:18
Réponse: re:may ou must? de the_dauphin, postée le 2004-11-10 20:08:23 (S | E)
j'essaye ok

1-May I buy you a drink?..... possibility
2-Look at the sign! you musn't park your car here......obligation
3-May I help you?.....possibility
4-Look at the sky ! it may rain tonight.......possibility
5- In poor daytime visibility, you must use your headlamps.....obligation.
merci Frederiquebain.
Edité par bridg le 10-11-2004 22:10
Réponse: re:may ou must? de morenita, postée le 2004-11-10 21:19:38 (S | E)
1- MAY I buy you a drink?
2-Look at the sign! you MUSTNT park your car here.
3-MAY I help you?
4-Look at the sky ! it MAY rain tonight.
5- In poor daytime visibility, you MUST use your headlamps.
Réponse: re:may ou must? de gorgayles, postée le 2004-11-10 22:13:46 (S | E)
1-...May.....I buy you a drink?
2-Look at the sign! you.......musn't.......park your car here.
3-....May.....I help you?
4-Look at the sky ! it.....may.......rain tonight.
5- In poor daytime visibility, you..must.......use your headlamps
voilà pour moi

Réponse: re:may ou must? de bridg, postée le 2004-11-10 22:13:52 (S | E)
1-May I buy you a drink?
2-Look at the sign! you musn'tpark your car here.
3-May I help you?
4-Look at the sky ! it may rain tonight.
5- In poor daytime visibility, you must use your headlamps
Réponse: re:may ou must? de dandoun, postée le 2004-11-10 23:00:05 (S | E)
1- May I buy you a drink?
2- Look at the sign ! You musn't park your car here.
3- May I help you?
4- Look at the sky! It may rain tonight.
5- In poor daytime visibility, you must use your headlamps.

Réponse: re:may ou must? de edith49, postée le 2004-11-10 23:15:08 (S | E)

1 May I buy you a drink ?
2 Look at the sing ! you mustn't park your car here.
3 May I help you
4 look at the sky ! it may rain tonight.
5 In poor daytime visibility, you must use your headlamps.
Réponse: re:may ou must? de speedjo905, postée le 2004-11-10 23:19:51 (S | E)
must, musn't ou may
1-..May......I buy you a drink?
2- Look at the sign! you..musn't.....park your car here.
3-. May........I help you?
4- Look at the sky ! it..must..........rain tonight.
5- In poor daytime visibility, you.may........use your headlamps.
je suis allé voir les réponses plus bas et je vois que tout le monde a écrit may au numéro 5 - quelle est la différence entre may et must - les autres réponses ont été écrites parce que j'avais déjà entendu la phrase... je change donc must au no 5 pour may ---------merci
5- In poor daytime visibility, you.........use your headlamps.
Edité par bridg le 10-11-2004 23:21
Réponse: re:may ou must? de frederiquebain, postée le 2004-11-10 23:32:38 (S | E)
MAY: possibilité
MUST: obligation