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Message de yannloic posté le 2004-11-15 14:47:50 (S | E | F | I)
"The Incredibles" should be a nickname for the people at Pixar, the computer-animation company that gave us "Toy Story" and "Finding Nemo."

I saw the last Pixa production last theursday in the REX.

An extended prologue introduces us to Mr. Incredible a strongman who performs the usual good deeds (foiling robberies, saving trains ...),
and her wife Elastigirl, a stretchy superhero, and Frozone, whose gimmick is ice.

Sadly, because of lawsuits, these superheroes are forced to retire by the government, and placed in anonymity in a superhero protection program. Under their nickname they spent 15 years raising three kids that have superpower to Violet, Flash and Jack.

But being ordinary doesn't sit well with Mr. Incredible,

Naturally, there must be an evil villain : Syndrome. His island lair becomes the setting for much of the action movie tricks turning around some fun James Bond conventions.

Well a very good film to see.

Edité par bridg le 15-11-2004 19:47
English only

Réponse: re:the incredibles Pixar de avie, postée le 2004-11-15 18:28:54 (S | E)
Don't you think your topic should be in ' english only ' ?

Réponse: re:the incredibles Pixar de eminem2, postée le 2004-11-15 18:30:24 (S | E)
i saw it to

just awesome

Réponse: re:the incredibles Pixar de frederiquebain, postée le 2004-11-15 19:43:38 (S | E)
Thanks, I'll bring my kids!

Réponse: re:the incredibles Pixar de yannloic, postée le 2004-11-16 13:10:06 (S | E)
Yes awesome is the word. You can bring your children frederiquebain. I m sure they would like it. But adults would like it too. Second degree humour, good characters finding :

syndrome the evil character with no power but a lot of technology items and weapons,

The famous Hollywood designer Edith Head delivering a non stop litany of disasters associated with superhero capes

Syndrome's seductive henchwoman strong cruel, and weak

That's something else than "Finding Nemo". A real great movie, with my own inside feeling that pixar team really had fun making it.



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