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Message de babyscot59 posté le 2004-12-01 13:27:50 (S | E | F | I)
voici un thème proposé en juin par chrisg, à votre tour de jouer, bonne chance:

Mes plus grands souvenirs de cinoche sont liés à « tonton Charles» qui n'était pas notre oncle mais le parrain de Colette et le meilleur copain du «jeune temps» de mes parents. Avec sa couenne épaisse et burinée, à la manière des grands baroudeurs amerloques – Bogart, Sterling Hayden, Randolph Scott, Spencer Tracy –, ses cheveux argentés, ses épaules massives, une ou deux dents en or, je lui trouvais une bonne gueule de héros. Sa compagne, Jeannette, aurait pu s'appeler MacDonald tant elle était décolorée, parfumée, embijoutée, bref chic et troublante. Le couple correspondait d'autant mieux, à mes yeux, à la mythologie hollywoodienne qu'il habitait un petit studio sous les toits, à Passy – stores rayés, géraniums au balcon, meuble-bar –, qui valait un penthouse à Manhattan.

Suprême prestige, tonton Charles était taxi, à son compte, et possédait ainsi une Vedette ventrue de chez Ford - encore l'Amérique – avec des chromes étincelants et un compteur à fanion. A l'heure du café, il me permettait parfois de m'installer derrière le grand volant de bakélite de la Vedette. Je me faisais alors un délicieux petit cinéma en klaxonnant et en imitant les « vroum-vroum » avec la bouche. Jusqu'au jour où, en tirant le démarreur, je déclenchai de vrais vroum-vroum. (...)

Charles et Jeannette, sans enfants, ne pensaient qu'à me faire plaisir avec de l'extraordinaire. En me laissant dévorer un saladier de griottes au sirop rafraîchies au «Frigidaire », en mettant de la gomina sur mes cheveux pleins d'épis, en me prêtant leur dentifrice Email Diamant, rose profond, avec un toréador sur le tube, ou en me racontant leurs épiques voyages à travers l'Espagne, inaccessible Eldorado. Grenade, Séville, Cadix, Aranjuez, castagnettes et corridas... Poussières d'or, soleil rouge, technicolor.

Robert BElLERET, Les Bruyères de Bécon Sabine Wespieser, 2002, p.121-122.

Réponse: re:thème agréga/capes de cocoon, postée le 2004-12-01 15:48:18 (S | E)
Bonjour baby!
J'ai juste une question à poser: chrisg ne vient plus depuis longtemps d'après ce que j'ai compris, alors qui va corriger? C'est toi qui a la traduction?
Merci baby! Je vais tout de suite le commencer.

Edité par cocoon le 2004-12-01 15:54:22

Réponse: re:thème agréga/capes de bridg, postée le 2004-12-01 16:04:16 (S | E)
Hello Cocoon entre Babyscot et Lucile je pense qu'on aura la traduction , de belles séances en perspective , il n'y a plus qu'à se mettre au travail .

Réponse: re:thème agréga/capes de cocoon, postée le 2004-12-01 17:30:54 (S | E)
Voilà ma proposition!

My greatest movies memories are connected with "Uncle Charles" who was not our uncle but Colette's godfather and the best friend of my parents during their "youth time".With his thick and burined skin, in the style of great yanks – Bogart, Sterling Hayden, Randolph Scott, Spencer Tracy –, his silver hair,his bulky shoulders, one or two gold teeth, I thought he had a great hero look. His wife, Jeannette, could have been called MacDonald since she was so much bleached, perfumed, jeweled, briefly stylish and disconcerting.The couple corresponded all the more, according to me, to the Hollywoodian mythology, that it was living in a small flat under the roofs, in Passy - scratched shades, geraniums on the balcony balcon, a bar-furniture – which was worth one penthouse in Manhattan.

Supreme prestige, uncle Charles was a taxi driver, it was his own business, and so he had a bulbous Ford Vedette -America again-with sparkled chromes and a lance pennon speedometer. At coffee time, he allowed me to sit behind the big bakelite wheel of the Ford. Then I made myself a delightful little cinema by hooting and imitating the "hum-hum" with my mouth. Until the time when, by pulling the starter out, I set real "hum-hum" off.

Charles and Jeannette, having no child, only thought of pleasing me with the extraordinary. By letting me devour a salad bowl of griottes cordial cooled in the "Fridge", by putting gomina on my hair full of tufts, by lending me their Email Diamant toothpaste, deep pink, with a toreador on the tube, by telling me their epic journeys across Spain, inaccessible Eldorado. Grenade, Séville, Cadix, Aranjuez,castanets and bullfights... Gold dusts, red sun, technicolor.


PS: j'avais oublié mais, lucile est-elle au courant du travail qui l'attend pour cette correction?

Edité par cocoon le 2004-12-02 18:15:28

Réponse: re:thème agréga/capes de marie37400, postée le 2004-12-01 20:04:13 (S | E)
Hi everybody !
Here is my try
My greatest pictures memories are linked to Uncle Charles who wasn’t our uncle but Colette’s godfather and the best friend during my parents’ « young days ». With his thick and deeply-lined skin, like the big Yankee warriors – Bogart, Sterling, Hayden, Randolph Scott, Spencer Tracy – his silvery hair, his heavy shouldrs, one or two gold teeth, I liked the look of him. It could have happened to his companion, Jeannette, to be called Mac Donald as much she was bleach-haired, perfumed, overloaded with jewellery, in short, smart and disturbing. In my eyes, the couple matched all the more the hollywoodien mythology so as they lived in a small studio flat in a garret, in Passy – striped blinds, geraniums on the balcony, a bar – which was worth a penthouse in Manhattan.
Capital glamour, Uncle Charles was a self-employed taxi driver and thus he owned a rounded « Vedette » from Ford – still America – with sparkling chrome and a speedometer with pennant. At coffe time, he sometimes allowed me to sit behind the large Bakelite wheel of the « Vedette ». Then, I put on a delightful act, hooting and imitating the «brrmmm-brrmmm » with my mouth. Until that day, when, pulling the starter, I set some real « brrmmm-brrmmm » off. (…)
Charles and Jeannette, childless couple, only thought of pleasing me with some extraordinary things. They let me devour a bowl of freshed griottes with syrup chilled in the « Frigidaire », they put hair cream on my hair full of tufts, they lent me their « Email Diamant » toothpaste, deep pink, with a toreador on the tube, or they told me their epic trips through Spain, impossible Eldorado, Grenade, Seville, Cadiz, Aranjuez, castagnets and corridas… gold dust, red sun, Technicolor.
Un grand merci, et j'encourage tout le monde à venir !!!

Réponse: re:thème agréga/capes de babyscot59, postée le 2004-12-02 08:59:12 (S | E)
ok bon ben moa, vous verrez ça lundi, Baxter m'attend

merci à tous

Réponse: re:thème agréga/capes de sixa, postée le 2004-12-02 10:46:15 (S | E)

patience svp je vais arriver.. tant pis pour vous...

Réponse: re:thème agréga/capes de bridg, postée le 2004-12-02 10:47:57 (S | E)
Ne t'inquiète pas, je n'en suis qu'au second paragraphe également, ils nous attendront

Réponse: re:thème agréga/capes de cocoon, postée le 2004-12-02 11:12:25 (S | E)
Ne vous en faites pas, à mon avis la correction ne va pas arriver si vite. Il y a encore quelques personnes en train de travailler sur le texte de la mort de Kennedy, et je pense que ces mêmes personnes auront aussi envie de traduire celui-ci.

Réponse: re:thème agréga/capes de babyscot59, postée le 2004-12-02 12:44:40 (S | E)
oui et puis ma priorité ce weekend c'est de débloquer des circuits sur mon jeu de course. Je vais essayer mon scanner pour fixer ma poire sur le site. Pour le thème, je mettrai çà mardi. Merci à tous d'alimenter mes Posts de remarques Koh-lantesques. J'adore!!!

Réponse: re:thème agréga/capes de sixa, postée le 2004-12-03 08:47:15 (S | E)

Bon c' est la dernière fois ....

My biggest memories of movie binded at "uncle charles" who was not our uncle but the godfather of Colette and the best friend of "time young" of my parents. With his thick and engraved skin, at the manner of big Amecrican fightmans.Bogard, sterling hayden, Randolph Scoot, Spencer Tracy, his I silvered hairs his massive shoulders, one or two tooths in gold, I found him a mouth good of hero. His companion jeannete, could have called Macdonald soo much, was discoloured, scented, full of jewels, in short, smart and desturbing. The pair corresponded better at my eyes, at the hollywoodienne mythology. That he lived one little one-roomed in a garret, in Passy, striped blind, geraniums on balcony, piece of fourniture of drinks, which worthed in penthouse a Manhattan.
Marvel supreme, uncle Charles was taxi-driver, is done for, and had a car too, corpulent star from ford, more again America with throwing chrome stulend ont lance pennon counter. At the coffee time, he authorized me sometimes install oneself behind the big steering wheel in bakelite of the star. I did myself then on little movie delicious in blowing and imitating the "vroum vroum" with the mouth until such time as, pulling out the startermotor, I started the real vroum vroum...
Charles and Jeannette, without children's, thought that pleasure to my with the zxtraordinary. Allowing me to decour one salad-bowl of merellos, with syrup refreshed in the fridge, putting me the gomina on my hairs full tuft of hair, lending me them tooth-past email diamond, very pink with a toreador on the tube, or telling me them trips epicaccross Spania, inaccessible eldorado, Grenade, Seville, Cadix, Aranjuez, castanets and bull-fight, gold dust, red sun, technicolor....

Ouf... maintenant je me "pause" pour de bon...
Merci et bonne journée

Réponse: re:thème agréga/capes de zen34, postée le 2004-12-03 11:08:03 (S | E)
Je commence par le premier paragraphe, mais je sais pas si j'aurrai le courage pour la suite...

My Greatest flicks memories are tied up with “Uncle Charles” who wasn’t our uncle but the Colette’s godfather and the “young time” best mate of my parents. With his thick and lined rind, like great Yanks adventurers – Bogart, Sterling Hayden, Randolph Scott, Spencer Tracy -, his silver hairs, his strong shoulders, one or two gold teeth, I thought he had a real hero face. His beloved, Jeannette, was so much bleached, perfumed, jewelled, briefly chic and disconcerting that she could be called MacDonald. In my eyes, the couple matched all the better to the hollywoodian mythology that it lived a little studio flat under the roofs, in Passy – striped blind, geraniums on the balcony, furniture bar -, which was worth a penthouse in Manhattan.

Réponse: re:thème agréga/capes de kayrol, postée le 2004-12-03 22:47:25 (S | E)
Hello Babyscott,
Eh bien je peux dire que celui-ci m'a fait suer encore plus que le Kennedy.. Voici ma proposition et je vais me coucher
My greatest flicks memories are related to « Uncle Charles » who was not our uncle but Colette’s godfather and my parents younger days’ best friend. With his thick and seamed hide, in the same way as great Yankee firebrands – Bogart, Sterling Hayden, Randolph Scott, Spencer Tracy -, and with his silver hair, his sturdily built shoulders, one or two golden teeth, I found he had the good face of a hero. His friend, Jeannette, could have been called MacDonald as she was so much bleached, perfumed, jewelled, in brief posh and arousing. In my eyes, the couple corresponded much better to the hollywood mythology as they lived in a little studio under the roofs, in Passy – striped blinds, geraniums on the balcony, bar furniture – which was worth a penthouse in Manhattan.
A supreme prestige, uncle Charles was a taxi driver, of his own business, and had thus a bulbous Vedette from Ford – the States, again - with a sparkling chrome and a speedometer with a pennant. When it was coffee time, he sometimes allowed me to have a seat behind the Vedette’s big wheel made of bakelite. And then I put on a little delightful act, hooting and imitating the “brum brum” with my mouth. Until that day when, by pulling the starter, I released some real “brum brum”.(…)
Charles and Jeanette had no children and thought of nothing but make my day with extraodinary things. By letting me devour a whole salad bowl of Morello cherries in syrup refreshed in the fridge, by putting some hair cream on my numerous tufts, by lending me their “Email Diamant” toothpaste, which was of deep pink with a toreador on the tube, or by telling me about their epic trips through Spain, this inaccessible Eldorado : Grenade, Seville, Cadix, Aranjuez, castanets and corridas….dust of gold, red sun, tecnhicolor.


Réponse: re:thème agréga/capes de lucile83, postée le 2004-12-04 10:43:08 (S | E)
Voici ma proposition, faite en plus de 12 mn quand même !!!

My greatest movies memories are linked with "Uncle Charles" who was not our uncle but Colette's godfather and my parents’ best friend during their "youth period". With his thick and wrinkled fat, in the way of great yankees – Bogart, Sterling Hayden, Randolph Scott, Spencer Tracy –, his silver hair, his bulky shoulders, one or two gold teeth, I thought he had a great hero ‘s mug. His wife, Jeannette, could have been called MacDonald since she was so much bleached, perfumed, jewelled, briefly stylish and disconcerting. The couple corresponded all the more, according to me, to the Hollywoodian mythology, that it was living in a small studio flat under the roofs, in Passy - striped blinds, geraniums on the balcony , a bar-furniture – which was worth one penthouse in Manhattan.

Highest prestige, uncle Charles was a taxi driver, that was his own business, and thus he had a bulbous Ford Vedette -America again- with sparkled chromes and a lance pennon speedometer. At coffee time, he allowed me to sit behind the big bakelite wheel of the Ford. Then I made myself a delightful little film by hooting and imitating the "hum-hum" with my mouth. Until when, by pulling the starter out, I set real "hum-hum" off.

Charles and Jeannette, having no children, only thought of pleasing me with the extraordinary. By allowing me devour a salad bowl of cherries in syrup, cooled in the "Fridge", by spreading solid brilliantine on my tufted hair, by lending me their deep pink Email Diamant toothpaste, with a toreador on the tube, by telling me about their epic travels across Spain, inaccessible Eldorado. Grenade, Séville, Cadix, Aranjuez, castanets and bullfights... Golden dusts, red sun, technicolor.

Réponse: Texte fort pénible de bridg, postée le 2004-12-04 11:04:44 (S | E)
quand même babyscot

My greater movies memories are connected to « tonton Charles » who wasn’t our uncle but Colette’s godfather and the best buddy of the "young age" of my parents. With his thick and engraved skin, with the manner of the great yanks fighters - Bogart, Sterling Hayden, Randolph Scott, Spencer Tracy – his silver-grey hairs, his massive shoulders, one or two gold teeth I thought he had a right mug of a hero. His girlfriend could have been named Mac Donald so she was bleached, perfumed, jewelled; in short stylish and provocative. In my opinion, the couple agreed all the more at the hollywoodian mythology, that he was living in a small mansard-roofed studio in Passy- striped blinds, geranium on the balcony, bar which cost a penthouse in Manahattan.
Supreme prestige, uncle Charles was taxi driver on his own account and owned a bulging “vedette” from Ford- Still America- with sparkling chromes and a speedometer with flag. At coffee time, he sometimes allowed to me to sit behind the large Vedette’s bakelite wheel. Then, I put on a delightful movie, by hooting and imitating the «vroom vroom» with my mouth. Until that day, when, by pulling the starter, I started some real « vroom vroom ».
Charles and Jeannette, without children, only thought to please me with the extraordinary.By letting me devour a salad bowl of morellos cherries with syrups refreshed in the fridge, by spreading solid brilliantine on my tufted hairs, by lending me their “ Email Diamant ” deep pink toothpaste with a toreador on the tube, or by telling me about their epic trips through Spain, inaccessible Eldorado. Grenade, Séville, Cadix, Aranjuez, castanets and corridas... Golden dusts, red sun, technicolor.

Réponse: re:thème agréga/capes de kayrol, postée le 2004-12-04 15:53:52 (S | E)
Lucile 12 mn je te tire mon chapeau...j'imagine que c'est pour cela que tu es prof d'anglais.. je suis encore loin des 12 mn j'ai mis 1h30 !!

Réponse: re:thème agréga/capes de lucile83, postée le 2004-12-04 15:57:06 (S | E)
non Kayrol, j'ai dit que j'avais quand même mis plus de 12 mn pour traduire ce texte,

Réponse: re:thème agréga/capes de kayrol, postée le 2004-12-04 16:04:01 (S | E)
aaaaahhh mais entre 12 et combien ?? .........pour moi le plus long c'est tout ce temps passé à feuilleter mon dictionnaire...
J'ai une question : Au capes, le dictionnaire est totalement interdit je pense.......alors comment est-ce possible de traduire de tels textes ??? est-ce qu'on a une aide sur le vocabulaire le jour du capes ??

Edité par kayrol le 2004-12-04 16:09:48

Réponse: re:thème agréga/capes de lucile83, postée le 2004-12-04 16:12:26 (S | E)
j'ai dû mettre 1 h et sans dico !!! le capes c'est comme le vendée globe, seul, sans escale et sans assistance!

Réponse: re:thème agréga/capes de bridg, postée le 2004-12-04 16:18:16 (S | E)
Bon alors moi qui ai dû mettre 4heures réparties en 3 jours avec le dictionnaire qui rend l'âme, je me dis que le CAPES ça n'est pas pour demain à moins qu'avec un bon coach ..........

Réponse: re:thème agréga/capes de kayrol, postée le 2004-12-04 17:03:18 (S | E)
Oooh oui avec un bon coach.... à bon entendeur....


Réponse: re:thème agréga/capes de babyscot59, postée le 2004-12-06 09:18:21 (S | E)
eh non, ne stressez pas. On sait très bien que des mots vont manquer à l'exam mais la préparation au Capes permet d'apprendre des trucs et je crois que l'on est plus pénalisés sur les erreurs de sens .

Soyez Zen mes amis
Edité par bridg le 06-12-2004 15:53

Réponse: re:thème agréga/capes de gartin, postée le 2004-12-06 15:53:01 (S | E)

Allez je m'y colle. Tu m'as empêchée de dormir ce week-end , Babyscott mais enfin tant pis, je te pardonne car tu nous fais travailler dur mais j'espère que cela sera profitable... à la longue .

My best memories of cinema are linked up to « uncle Charles » who wasn’t our uncle but Colette’s godfather and the best friend of my parent’s « younger days ». With his tick and lined hide, like great Yanks fighters –Bogart, Starling, Hayden, Randolph Scott, Spencer Tracy- his silvery hair, solid shoulders, one or two golden teeth, I like the look of him.
His partner, Jeannette, might have been called MacDonald because she was bleached, perfumed, full of knick-knacks but smart and disturbing.
The couple fitted, even better in my opinion to the Hollywood mythology, that they lived in an attic studio flat, in Passy –striped awning (shade), geraniums on balcony, bar furniture- which was equivalent to a penthouse in Manhattan.
Supreme prestige, « uncle Charles », was a self-employed cab and so, owned a bulbous Ford Vedette –always America- with gleaming chrome and a counter with a flag (or a pennant). When the coffee time came, sometimes he allowed me to sit down behind the big Bakelite Vedette’s wheel. Thus, I had a delightful time to hoot and making « brum ! brum ! » with my mouth.
Charles and Jeannette, childless, only thought to please me with extraordinary things. They let me devour a bowl full of Morello cherry, chilled in the fridge, they put hair cream on my full of tufts’ hair, they lended me their deep pink Email diamant toothpaste, with a toreador on the tube, or they told me about their epic trips across Spanish, out-of-the way El Dorado. Granada, Seville, Cadix, Aranjuez, castanets and bullfights… Gold dust, red sun, Technicolor.

Merci encore

Réponse: re:thème agréga/capes de bridg, postée le 2004-12-06 15:56:18 (S | E)
eh babys depuis quand on écrit en abrégé sur le site ? , Je prends note

Réponse: re:thème agréga/capes de babyscot59, postée le 2004-12-06 15:56:36 (S | E)
ca va, d'habitude, on me dit que j'endors les gens ( ) non mais bon, les efforts ne sont jamais vains!!

Réponse: re:thème agréga/capes de lucile83, postée le 2004-12-07 18:16:39 (S | E)
Hello Baby !!!
il te reste à donner le corrigé, n'oublie pas ..........

Réponse: re:thème agréga/capes de babyscot59, postée le 2004-12-08 11:38:05 (S | E)
merci Lucile, j'ai pas encore démarré le texte.... je suis en retard

Bon, ben je la mettrai demain, j'y travaillerai avec acharnement même si je dois rater REX et les Chiffres et les lettres....

Edité par bridg le 08-12-2004 11:41

Réponse: re:thème agréga/capes de marie37400, postée le 2004-12-08 11:50:26 (S | E)
Babyscot, mais tu as oublié Tout vu tout lu, et Questions pour un champion
Nous sommes donc tous sur les jusqu'à demain !
Many thanks in advance,

Réponse: re:thème agréga/capes de babyscot59, postée le 2004-12-08 11:55:00 (S | E)
boaf, à cette heure là, baby regarde le GZH!!

mais juré j'arrive

Réponse: re:thème agréga/capes de babyscot59, postée le 2004-12-08 14:09:21 (S | E)
Bon ben, j'ai bossé dur mais j'y suis arrivé, ma version n'a pas valeur d'exemple cependant, je vais l'ameliorer, en regardant GZH

Mes best memories at the pictures' are linked up to « Unca charles » who was not our uncle but Colette's godfather et my parents'best friend in the early years. HE had a fat and craggy belly that made look like one of those Us aventurers: bogart, sterling hayde, randolphscoot,, spencer tracy, with his golden hair, his broad shoulders and one or two golden teeth, I thought he was like a heroe.
His girlfriend, jeanette, could have been called Mc donald becuase she was so discolored, jewelled and parfumed, that is to say chic and puzzling. The couple all the more fitted the hollywood myth since they lived in a studio under an attic, in Passy with stipped blinds, geraniums on the balconey and a bar. It was worth a penthouse in Manhattan.

As an utmost prestige, Unca charles was an independant taxi man et owed a big Ford Vedette (America again) with shiny chromes and flagged meters (là je doute....). On coffee time, he allowed to seat behind the big bakelite wheel of the Vedette. I let my imagination going on, hooting and producing « vavavoums » (merci thierry henry et la pub renault en angleterre). Until the day when I would really started the engine up, producing real « vavavoums »

Charles and Jeanette had no kids always spoiled me with extraordinary things. I could eat a whole bowl of cherries, putting saliva in my hair, borrowing their Email Diamant toothpaste, of a deep pink with a toreador on the tube. They also told me their epic travels through Spain, the inacessible Eldorado, Grenada, Sevilla, Cadix, Aranjuez, castanets and corridas.... golden dust, red sun, technicolor

at last, I am seeing Rome



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