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pour débutants
Message de lucile83 posté le 27-02-2005 à 09:31:00 (S | E | F | I)

voici une traduction pour les débutants , et les autres si cela vous tente....
See you soon

Bonjour, ici il est 4h de l’après-midi, et je vous écris pour vous dire qu’il fait beau, il y a du soleil, il fait chaud. J’espère que tout va bien pour vous aussi ; quel âge avez-vous ? avez-vous des frères et sœurs ? avez-vous des animaux de compagnie ? hier je suis allé au cinéma et j’ai vu un dessin animé ; j’ai beaucoup ri. Est ce que vous aimez aller au cinéma ? moi, oui. J’attends avec impatience de vous lire.

Réponse: pour débutants de lyne, postée le 27-02-2005 à 11:55:32 (S | E)
Bonjour lucile,

Good afternoon, it’s 4 here and I’am writing to you to say the weather is fine, it’s sunny, it’s warm. I hope all is well for you also ; how old are you ? Have you got any brothers and sisters ? Have you got any pets ? I went to the cinema and I saw a cartoon yesterday, I laughed very much. Do you like to go to the cinema ? I do. I am looking forward to reading you.

Merci lucile

Edité par lyne le 27-02-2005 23:02

Réponse: pour débutants de pascaline, postée le 27-02-2005 à 12:21:37 (S | E)
Bonjour Lucile,

Juste pour me mettre en appétit!

Bonjour, ici il est 4h de l’après-midi, et je vous écris pour vous dire qu’il fait beau, il y a du soleil, il fait chaud. J’espère que tout va bien pour vous aussi ; quel âge avez-vous ? avez-vous des frères et sœurs ? avez-vous des animaux de compagnie ? hier je suis allé au cinéma et j’ai vu un dessin animé ; j’ai beaucoup ri. Est ce que vous aimez aller au cinéma ? moi, oui. J’attends avec impatience de vous lire.

Good afternoon, it’s four o'clock p.m, and I’m writing to you to say you the weather is beautiful, it’s sunny, it’s hot. I hope that all is good for you too ; how old are you ? have you got any brothers and sisters ? Have you got any pets ? Yesterday, I went to the cinema and I saw a cartoon. I burst out laughing. Do you like going to the cinema ? I do. I am looking forward to reading you.

Have a good day.


Réponse: pour débutants de claire1, postée le 27-02-2005 à 12:56:19 (S | E)
good afternoon ,here it's4 o'clock PM,and I write to tell you the
weahter is good ,it's sunny and cold.I Hope everythihng is good for you too. How old are you? Have you got any brothers and sisters ? Have you got any pets? Yesterday I went to the cinema and I watched a cartoon movie,I burst out laughing!!! do you like going to the cinema? I do it! I expect reading you very soon..................
sorry for my mistakes
thanks a lot

Réponse: pour débutants de fabio13600, postée le 27-02-2005 à 13:00:35 (S | E)
hello,here it is fourth of afternoon,and I'm writing you to inform you
the weather is beautiful,there is sun ,it's heat.I hope to all right for you too;how old are you?Have you got any brothers or sisters ?have you got domestic animal?yesterday I went to the cinema and I saw an animated cartoon; I laught very much!do you like to go to the cinema? I like
I hardly wait to reading you.

merci @++

Réponse: pour débutants de grabuge, postée le 27-02-2005 à 14:42:17 (S | E)
Bonjour Lucile, toujours en forme ???

Hello, it's four o'clock in the afternoon here (or 4.00 pm) and I'm writing to you to tell you that the weather is nice, there is some sun, it's hot. I hope you all is right : what old are you ? Have you sisters and brothers ? Have you many pets ? Yesterday, I went to the cinema and saw a animated cartoon; I laughed a lot. Do you like going to the cinema ? So, do I. I'm waiting to read you with impatience.

Réponse: pour débutants de sofiaxa, postée le 27-02-2005 à 15:05:35 (S | E)
Hello Lucile,

Voici ma traduction :

Hello, here it's four o'clock of afternoon, and I write you for to say you it's doing nice, there is of a sun, it's doing warm. I hope you doing well too; how old are you? Have you got any sisters and brothers? Have you got any pets? Yesterday, I went to cinema and I saw a cartoon : I laughed a lot. Do you like to go to cinema? Me, yes. I am looking forward to reading you.

pour votre exercice
J'espère que je n'aurai pas fait trop de fautes!!!
See you soon. sofiaxa

Réponse: pour débutants de masselotte, postée le 27-02-2005 à 15:06:33 (S | E)
Bonjour à toutes et à tous
merci lucile83 pour cet exercice

Good afternoon it's 4 o'clock PM ,and I write to you to tell the weather is nice, sunny, and warm too ,I hope that's all right for you;how old are you?have you got brother and sister and have you got any pets animal too?Yesterday I went to the movie,and I saw an animated cartoon;I was laughing a lot.Do you like to go to the cinema?Me,I like the cinema .I wait you with impatience to read your letter .

merci lucile83 pour la correction

Edité par masselotte le 27-02-2005 21:40

Edité par masselotte le 27-02-2005 21:44

Réponse: pour débutants de fabio13600, postée le 27-02-2005 à 15:33:31 (S | E)
ma correction

Hello,it's four o'clock of afternoon,and I'm writing to you about to weather is beautiful,it's sunny and warmly.I hope you to all right too.
how old are you?Have you got any brothers or sisters ?have you got any pets?yesterday I went to the cinema and I saw an animated cartoon.I laughed very you like gone to the cinema?me,I do.
I looking forward to read you


Réponse: pour débutants de claire1, postée le 27-02-2005 à 17:28:44 (S | E)
ma correction:
Good afternoon,here it's 4 0'clock PM.I write to tell you the weather is good,ti's sunny and hot.I hope everything is good for you too.How old are you? Have you any brothers and sisters ? have any pets?
Yesterday I went to the cinema and I watched a cartoon movie,and I laugh a lot do you like going to the cinema? I do ! I expect to read you very soon!!!
bye and thanks

Réponse: pour débutants de samia51, postée le 27-02-2005 à 18:24:48 (S | E)
Bonjour Lucile
Merci pour cet exercice

Hello, It is 4.00 pm and I am writing to you to tell you that the weather is nice, it is sunny, it is warm. I hope you are all right ; how old are you ? have you got sisters and brothers ? Do you have pets ? Yesterday, I went to the cinéma and saw an animated cartoon. I laughed a lot (I enjoyed a lot). Do you like going to the cinéma. So do I. Waiting with eager to read you soon.


Réponse: pour débutants de cat3, postée le 27-02-2005 à 18:57:46 (S | E)

Hello,it's here 4 PM,and I'm writting to you for to inform the weather is nice.There is some sun,it's hot
I hope all is OK so you.How old are you?Have you got brothers and sisters?Have you got any pets?
Yesterday,I went to the cinema,and I saw a cartoon.I laughed a lot.
Do you like going to the cinema?I do I
I'm impatient to read you

Merci beaucoup

Réponse: pour débutants de isa71, postée le 27-02-2005 à 22:11:20 (S | E)
bonsoir Lucile
Good afternoon here it's 4 p.m,and I write you to say you that the weather is nice.It's sunny,its' hot.
I hope everything is well for you old are you?have you got brothers and sisters?Have you got any pets?yesterday I went to the cinema and I saw a cartoon;I laughed a you like go to the cinema?me yes.I 'n looking forward to reading you.

Réponse: pour débutants de lucile83, postée le 28-02-2005 à 08:34:03 (S | E)
Merci à tous pour vos efforts ! voici ma proposition;

Good afternoon, it is 4.00 p.m. here and I am writing to tell you it is fine, sunny and warm. I hope everything is all right for you too; how old are you? Have you got any brothers and sisters? Have you got any pets? Yesterday I went to the cinema and saw a cartoon; I laughed a lot. Do you like going to the pictures? I do. I am looking forward to reading you.

See you soon

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