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Exercices 14 (Revision)
Message de felin posté le 05-03-2005 à 03:11:31 (S | E | F | I)

Bonjour a tous.

Correction lundi soir

Choose the correct verb form A, B, C or D to fill the spaces in

1 I can't come tonight .......... my in-laws.
A I visit B I visited C I'm visiting D I will visit
2 Next month, the National Theatre ......... a new production of Hamlet.
A are putting on B shall put on C put on D putting on
3 ......... a successful author one day.
A I'm being B I'm going to be C I go to be D I be
4 According to the programme, the show ......... at 9 o'clock prompt.
A is start B shall start C starts D starting
5 ......... to John's party on Saturday - do you want to come?
A I go B I will go C I going D I'm going
6 This time tomorrow ........ on the beach sunbathing and drinking freshly
squeezed fruit juice!
A I'll lie B I'll have lain C I'll be lying D I'll will have been lying
7 By next August, I ........ my exams and I'll be ready for a holiday.
A will have been finishing B am finishing C will be finishing D will have finished
8 Shall I take your letters to the post office? ........ there anyway.
A I will go B I'll have gone C I'll have been going D I'll be going
9 Under no ........ will I allow such a thing.
A situation B situations C circumstances D circumstance
10 The economy needs more ........ if it is to grow.
A investigation B insurance C encouragement D investment
11 They put the accident down to his ........ .
A carelessly B careless C carelessness D carefulness
12 What is the legal age of ........ in your country?
A retirement B retiring C retired D retire
13 Her encouragement and support gave me the ........ to carry on.
A force B warmth C strength D purpose
14 If the strike's still on we'll have to ........ our trip till another time.
A put of B call off C carry on D go through
15 She ........ till the early hours listening to pop music.
A held me up B caught me up C kept me up D took me up
16 As children, we were ........ to respect our elders.
A grown up B kept up C brought up D held up
17 They should ........ corporal punishment at school, if you ask me.
A get back B carry on C keep up D bring back

Good Luck

Réponse: Exercices 14 (Revision) de gewurz, postée le 05-03-2005 à 03:55:44 (S | E)
1 I'm visiting
2 put on
3 I'm going to be (sans certitude)
4 starts
5 I'm going
6 I'll be lying
7 will have finished
8 I will go
9 circumstances ( ? déjà qu'en français, je ne sais pas s'il faut mettre un s ou pas...)
10 investment
11 carelessness
12 retirement
13 strength
14 put off
15 kept me up
16 brought up
17 bring back (nimporte nawak !)

Merci Felin.

Réponse: Exercices 14 (Revision) de joy813, postée le 05-03-2005 à 10:10:29 (S | E)
Hello Felin

1 I can't come tonight I'm visiting my in-laws.
2 Next month, the National Theatre put on a new production of Hamlet.
3 I'm going to be a successful author one day.
4 According to the programme, the show starts at 9 o'clock prompt.
5 I'm going to John's party on Saturday - do you want to come?
6 This time tomorrow I'll be lying on the beach sunbathing and drinking freshly
squeezed fruit juice!
7 By next August, I will have finished my exams and I'll be ready for a holiday.
8 Shall I take your letters to the post office? I will go there anyway.
9 Under no circumstances will I allow such a thing.
10 The economy needs more investment if it is to grow.
11 They put the accident down to his carelessness .
12 What is the legal age of retirement in your country?
13 Her encouragement and support gave me the strength to carry on.
14 If the strike's still on we'll have to call off our trip till another time.
15 She held me up till the early hours listening to pop music.
16 As children, we were .grown up to respect our elders.
17 They should bring back corporal punishment at school, if you ask me.
dur dur Felin, surtout pour les verbes
Edité par bridg le 05-03-2005 10:10
mise en page

Réponse: Exercices 14 (Revision) de felin, postée le 08-03-2005 à 17:14:56 (S | E)
Bonjour a tous

Voici la correction

1- C I'm visiting
2- A are putting on
3- B I'm going to be
4- C starts
5- D I'm going
6- C I'll be lying
7- D will have finished
8- D I'll be going
9- C circumstances
10- D investment
11- C carelessness
12- A retirement
13- C strength
14- A put of
15- C kept me up
16- C brought up
17- D bring back

Merci de votre participation

Réponse: Exercices 14 (Revision) de axis, postée le 06-05-2005 à 08:09:23 (S | E)
Bonjour félin

1 I can't come tonight I' m visiting my in-laws.
2 Next month, the National Theatre putting on a new production of Hamlet.
3 I' m going to be a successful author one day.
4 According to the programme, the show starts at 9 o'clock prompt.
5 I will go to John's party on Saturday - do you want to come?
6 This time tomorrow I' ll have lain on the beach sunbathing and drinking freshly sueezed fruit juice !
7 By next August, I will be finishing my exams and I'll be ready for a holiday.
8 Shall I take your letters to the post office? I will go there anyway.
9 Under no circumtance will I allow such a thing.
10 The economy needs more investment if it is to grow.
11 They put the accident down to his carelessness
12 What is the legal age of retirement in your country?
13 Her encouragement and support gave me the force to carry on.
14 If the strike's still on we'll have to go through our trip till another
15 She held me up till the early hours listening to pop music.
16 As children, we were held up to respect our elders.
17 They should bring back corporal punishment at school, if you ask me.

j' ai essayé mais .....que d' erreurs sans doute....
Merci pour cet exercice et bonne journée

Réponse: Exercices 14 (Revision) de sun74, postée le 06-05-2005 à 19:21:14 (S | E)
hello felin

1) I can`t come tonight I`m visiting my in laws.
2) Next month, the national theatre are putting on a new production of hamlet.
3) I am going to be a successful acthore on day.
4) According to the programme, the snow starts at 9 am prompt
5) I am going to john`s party on saturday , do you want to come ?
6) This time tomorrow I will be lying on the beach sunbathing and drinking freshly squeezed fruit juice.
7) By next august, I am finishing my exams and I will be ready for a holiday.
8) Shall I take your letters to the post office ? I will go there anyway.
9) Under no I don`t understand the sentence sorry
10) The economy needs more investment if it is to grow.
11) They put the accident down to his
12) What is the legal age of retiment in your country
13) Her encouragement and support gave me the force to carry on
14)If the strike is still on we`ll have to call off ............
15) She kept me up till the early hours listening to pop music
16) As children, we were grown up to respect our elders
17) They should

dur dur felin

Réponse: Exercices 14 (Revision) de felin, postée le 07-05-2005 à 01:13:43 (S | E)
Bonsoir Sun et Axis

Welcome Axis et merci

La correction est deja faite regardez en haut (avant axis)
Hello sun monsieur

pour votre participation.

Réponse: Exercices 14 (Revision) de marit64, postée le 07-05-2005 à 01:47:51 (S | E)
felin for your exercise.

1 I can't come tonight I'm visiting my in-laws.
2 Next month, the National Theatre are putting on a new production of Hamlet.
3 I'm going to be a successful author one day.
4 According to the programme, the show starts at 9 o'clock prompt.
5 I'm going to John's party on Saturday - do you want to come?
6 This time tomorrow I'll be lying on the beach sunbathing and drinking freshly squeezed fruit juice!
7 By next August, I will have finished my exams and I'll be ready for a holiday.
8 Shall I take your letters to the post office? I will go there anyway.
9 Under no circumstances will I allow such a thing.
10 The economy needs more investment if it is to grow.
11 They put the accident down to his carelessness.
12 What is the legal age of retirement in your country?
13 Her encouragement and support gave me the strength to carry on.
14 If the strike's still on we'll have to call off our trip till another time.
15 She kept me up till the early hours listening to pop music.
16 As children, we were brought up to respect our elders.
17 They should bring back corporal punishment at school, if you ask me.

Thanks again.

Réponse: Exercices 14 (Revision) de sun74, postée le 07-05-2005 à 09:44:14 (S | E)

encore pas mal de faute ,
ben au prochain exercice

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