Message de sandrafrancois posté le 2004-05-15 20:29:21 (S | E | F | I)
Do you think translate french to english is a good way to learn english ?
Do you think translate french to english is a good way to learn english ?
Réponse: re de gizm0, postée le 2004-05-15 20:38:34 (S | E)
you need a comparaison when you are starting a new language..
after it should become an automated process & you shouldn't need to go through the FRENCH language
Réponse: re de chrisg, postée le 2004-05-15 21:22:35 (S | E)
yes, the most difficult one, but yes.
Réponse: re de fifi, postée le 2004-05-15 22:51:33 (S | E)
Translate to frensh it is good to learn ; but you have to know that which is english it is not french and vis versa
Réponse: re de flo-flo, postée le 2004-05-16 07:47:20 (S | E)
I think you are right Fifi,sometimes it's impossible to translate word to word.
we have to develop an english brain.
FoR instance,help yourself=servez-vous
en clair quand je traduit un texte je me dis :si j'étais anglaise comment je dirais cela,ou comment on dit ça en français,nous.
Au début c'est difficile mais avec un peu de pratique ça deviens une gymnastique.
Réponse: re de cricri295, postée le 2004-05-16 18:53:06 (S | E)
I think it is a way to learn.
When you translate french to english, you can get new word in english that you can use.
Réponse: re de marcotruth, postée le 2004-05-16 19:21:23 (S | E)
you have to translate french to english because your brain works in french at the beginning and during a long time.but sometimes you're reading something in english and you don't think in french( i mean you don't have to translate the english sentence in french although you'd understand the sentence's sense.
correct my mistakes.
Réponse: re de gizm0, postée le 2004-05-16 19:25:58 (S | E)
re réponse de marcotruth - Voir profil complet
Date : 16/05/04, 19H21
you have to translate FROM French to English (MAJUSCULES aux noms de pays+nationalités) because your brain works in French (MAJUSCULES aux noms de pays+nationalités) at the beginning and FOR a long time. But sometimes you're reading something in English (MAJUSCULES aux noms de pays+nationalités) and you don't think in French (MAJUSCULES aux noms de pays+nationalités) ( i mean you don't have to translate the English sentence TO French although you'd understand the sentence's sense.)
correct my mistakes.=> mistakes have all been fixed
Réponse: re de hereiam, postée le 2004-05-16 23:02:39 (S | E)
Translation may help you, nevertheless expressions and idioms can't be translated (references are not the same), you must learn them! so, choose a topic and let's go!
Take care! (tiens un bon exemple!)
Réponse: rereponse de avie, postée le 2004-07-04 19:24:59 (S | E)
yes I think but I think it's better english to french .