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Verb+adjective=qualification etc.
Message de felin posté le 10-11-2005 à 19:39:28 (S | E | F | I)

Bonsoir tout le monde

<Correction Mardi soir 15/11/05

1. Verb + qualification

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the following verbs:
have, get/obtain, study,lead

1. The course........... to a professional qualification in business administration.
2. Sadly, some children leave without........... a single qualification.
3. You'll never get a good job if you don't........... any qualifications.
4. ........... for further qualifications is one way of getting promotion.

2. Adjective + qualification

Complete the sentences below with the following adjectives:
an academic, a further, a recognised.

1. For employers, practical experience is as important as........... qualifications.
2. You must have a university degree or a........... qualification of equal status.
3. Some graduates go on to take........... qualifications - e.g. a master's degree.

3. Verb + interview

Complete these sentences with the following verbs:
Be invited to, have, dread, prepare, hold.

1. I’ve .......... a lot of job interviews since I graduated, but not one job offer yet.
2. Candidates who are successful in the written test will be .......... to an interview.
3. The best way to .......... for an interview is to find out all you can about the job.
4. Interviews will be .......... in London next week.
5. I’m .......... my interview later today. I'm already a bundle of nerves.

Good luck.

Réponse: Verb+adjective=qualification etc. de nanette33, postée le 11-11-2005 à 10:14:10 (S | E)
Hello Felin

1. Verb + qualification

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the following verbs:
have, get/obtain, study,lead

1. The course leads to a professional qualification in business administration.
2. Sadly, some children leave without having obtained a single qualification.
3. You'll never get a good job if you don't have any qualifications.
4. To study for further qualifications is one way of getting promotion.

2. Adjective + qualification

Complete the sentences below with the following adjectives:
an academic, a further, a recognised.

1. For employers, practical experience is as important as recognised qualifications.
2. You must have a university degree or a further qualification of equal status.
3. Some graduates go on to take academic qualifications - e.g. a master's degree.

3. Verb + interview

Complete these sentences with the following verbs:
Be invited to, have, dread, prepare, hold.

1. I’ve had a lot of job interviews since I graduated, but not one job offer yet.
2. Candidates who are successful in the written test will be invited to an interview.
3. The best way to prepare for an interview is to find out all you can about the job.
4. Interviews will be hold in London next week.
5. I’m dreading my interview later today. I'm already a bundle of nerves.

Réponse: Verb+adjective=qualification etc. de to-be-free, postée le 11-11-2005 à 20:44:02 (S | E)
hello felin
1. Verb + qualification

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the following verbs:
have, get/obtain, study, lead

1. The course leads to a professional qualification in business administration.
2. Sadly, some children leave without getting a single qualification.
3. You'll never get a good job if you don't obtain any qualifications.
4. To study for further qualifications is one way of getting promotion.

2. Adjective + qualification

Complete the sentences below with the following adjectives:
an academic, a further, a recognised.

1. For employers, practical experience is as important as an academic qualifications.
2. You must have a university degree or a recognised qualification of equal status.
3. Some graduates go on to take further qualifications - e.g. a master's degree.

3. Verb + interview

Complete these sentences with the following verbs:
Be invited to, have, dread, prepare, hold.

1. I’ve had a lot of job interviews since I graduated, but not one job offer yet.
2. Candidates who are successful in the written test will be invited to an interview.
3. The best way to dread for an interview is to find out all you can about the job.
4. Interviews will be held in London next week.
5. I’m preparing my interview later today. I'm already a bundle of nerves.
vey much

Réponse: Verb+adjective=qualification etc. de cat3, postée le 11-11-2005 à 23:02:35 (S | E)
hello Felin
1 leads
2 to get
3 obtain
4 to study

1 an academic
2 recognized
3 a further

1 had
2 invited
3 prepare
4 held
5 dreading


Réponse: Verb+adjective=qualification etc. de fik, postée le 14-11-2005 à 17:09:22 (S | E)
Hi felin

. Verb + qualification

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the following verbs:
have, get/obtain, study,lead

1. The course leads to a professional qualification in business administration.
2. Sadly, some children leave without guetting a single qualification.
3. You'll never get a good job if you don't have any qualifications.
4. studying for further qualifications is one way of getting promotion.

2. Adjective + qualification

Complete the sentences below with the following adjectives:
an academic, a further, a recognised.

1. For employers, practical experience is as important as a further qualifications.
2. You must have a university degree or a recognised qualification of equal status.
3. Some graduates go on to take an academic qualifications - e.g. a master's degree.

3. Verb + interview

Complete these sentences with the following verbs:
Be invited to, have, dread, prepare, hold.

1. I’ve had a lot of job interviews since I graduated, but not one job offer yet.
2. Candidates who are successful in the written test will be invited to an interview.
3. The best way to prepare for an interview is to find out all you can about the job.
4. Interviews will be held in London next week.
5. I’m dreading my interview later today. I'm already a bundle of nerves.

Réponse: Verb+adjective=qualification etc. de isa71, postée le 14-11-2005 à 22:28:14 (S | E)

1. Verb + qualification

1. The course leads to a professional qualification in business administration.
2. Sadly, some children leave without getting a single qualification.
3. You'll never get a good job if you don't have any qualifications.
4. studying for further qualifications is one way of getting promotion.

2. Adjective + qualification

1. For employers, practical experience is as important as an academic qualifications.
2. You must have a university degree or a further qualification of equal status.
3. Some graduates go on to take a recognised qualifications - e.g. a master's degree.

3. Verb + interview

Complete these sentences with the following verbs:
Be invited to, have, dread, prepare, hold.

1. I’ve had a lot of job interviews since I graduated, but not one job offer yet.
2. Candidates who are successful in the written test will be invited to an interview.
3. The best way to prepare for an interview is to find out all you can about the job.
4. Interviews will be held in London next week.
5. I’m dreading my interview later today. I'm already a bundle of nerves.


Réponse: Verb+adjective=qualification etc. de felin, postée le 15-11-2005 à 18:21:49 (S | E)
Bonsoir tout le monde

Voici la correction:

1. Verb + qualification

1. The course leads to a professional qualification in business administration.
2. Sadly, some children leave without getting/obtaining a single qualification.
3. You'll never get a good job if you don't have any qualifications.
4. Studying for further qualifications is one way of getting promotion.

2. Adjective + qualification

1. For employers, practical experience is as important as academic qualifications.
2. You must have a university degree or a recognised qualification of equal status.
3. Some graduates go on to take further qualifications - e.g. a master's degree.

3. Verb + interview

1. I’ve had a lot of job interviews since I graduated, but not one job offer yet.
2. Candidates who are successful in the written test will be invited to an interview.
3. The best way to prepare for an interview is to find out all you can about the job.
4. Interviews will be held in London next week.
5. I’m dreading my interview later today. I'm already a bundle of nerves.

pour votre participation.

Edité par felin le 15-11-2005 18:21

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