Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais
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voyage - quel mot choisir?
Message de jeanluc19a posté le 09-03-2006 à 20:59:11 (S | E | F | I)
Plusieurs mots anglais signifient "voyager"
en français.
Ces mots sont: travel - trip - journey - tour - commute - voyage.
A quels indices se fier pour le choix du bon terme?
Message de jeanluc19a posté le 09-03-2006 à 20:59:11 (S | E | F | I)
Plusieurs mots anglais signifient "voyager"

Ces mots sont: travel - trip - journey - tour - commute - voyage.
A quels indices se fier pour le choix du bon terme?

Réponse: voyage - quel mot choisir? de joy813, postée le 09-03-2006 à 21:12:21 (S | E)
Hello ,
Travel ==> terme général et utilisé pour les noms composés : travel agency
Trip ==> lorsqu'il y a un but : business trip - city trip
Journey ==> pour les longues distances: they went on a long train journey across India
Voyage ==> mer ou espace : The Titanic sank on it's first voyage to NY
Tour ==> voyage organisé : tour operator
Voici un lien pour vous entraîner :
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Réponse: voyage - quel mot choisir? de willy, postée le 09-03-2006 à 21:34:41 (S | E)
Hello !
- The Titanic sank on her maiden voyage.
- The car journey from home to office takes one hour ; if we make that journey by bus it takes two hours. Such a two hours' journey is boring. It's a 3-hour train journey from home to the seaside.
- There are cheap trips to Malta in the winter.
John is away on a trip to Wales. He did the trip in 4 hours.
I took/made a trip into town last night as the shops were open till 9.00.
- I like travelling by car. I usually travel to work by car.
While we were travelling across England, the car broke down.
Travelling round the world must be fantastic !
- Thousands of people commute between Oxford and London every day.
- We went on a tour to Italy last year.
Have you ever been on a tour of the Broads in Norfolk ?
My neighbours are going on a tour round the world next month.
Shall we go on a cycling tour tomorrow ?
Voilà quelques exemples. Les nuances sont minces ; "travel" est le moins fréquent.