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Phrasal Verbs 3
Message de felin posté le 04-04-2006 à 13:11:17 (S | E | F | I)

Bonjour tout le monde

Correction Dimanche soir. 9/04/06

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the following phrasal verbs:
Cut off, log off, check in, go off, get off, turn down, drop off.

1 If the music’s too loud for you, why didn’t you ask me to ...........
2 It’s a good idea to ............. two hours before your flight is due to leave.
3 Kenneth slammed the phone down and ........ her ...........
4 Will you ....... the kids ......... at school on your way into town?
5 The teenager was last seen ...............a train in Liverpool.
6 What’s the noise? I think it’s fireworks the park.
7 Don’t forget to ..............when you’ve finished using the computer.

Good luck.

Réponse: Phrasal Verbs 3 de bobine, postée le 04-04-2006 à 13:49:30 (S | E)

1 If the music’s too loud for you, why didn’t you ask me to turn it down.
2 It’s a good idea to check in two hours before your flight is due to leave.
3 Kenneth slammed the phone down and cut her off
4 Will you drop the kids off at school on your way into town?
5 The teenager was last seen getting off a train in Liverpool.
6 What’s the noise? I think it’s fireworks going off in the park.
7 Don’t forget to log off when you’ve finished using the computer.

Réponse: Phrasal Verbs 3 de maya13, postée le 04-04-2006 à 16:08:18 (S | E)
hello felin,

1 - turn it down
2 - to check in
3 - cut her off
4 - will you drop the kids off
5 - getting off
6 - fireworks doing off in the park
7 - don't forget to log off

thank you

Réponse: Phrasal Verbs 3 de sandrineg, postée le 04-04-2006 à 16:33:03 (S | E)
1 If the music’s too loud for you, why didn’t you ask me to turn it down.

2 It’s a good idea to check in two hours before your flight is due to leave.

3 Kenneth slammed the phone down and cut her off.

4 Will you drop the kids off at school on your way into town?

5 The teenager was last seen getting off a train in Liverpool.

6 What’s the noise? I think it’s fireworks going off in the park.

7 Don’t forget to log off when you’ve finished using the computer.

Many thanks.

Réponse: Phrasal Verbs 3 de kimence, postée le 04-04-2006 à 16:51:47 (S | E)
Hello felin,

1 If the music’s too loud for you, why didn’t you ask me to turn it down
2 It’s a good idea to check in two hours before your flight is due to leave.
3 Kenneth slammed the phone down and cut her off.
4 Will you drop the kids off at school on your way into town?
5 The teenager was last seen getting off a train in Liverpool.
6 What’s the noise? I think it’s fireworks going off in the park.
7 Don’t forget to log off when you’ve finished using the computer.

Thank you very much...

Réponse: Phrasal Verbs 3 de mp27, postée le 04-04-2006 à 19:15:52 (S | E)
Hello Felin!
1-->turn it down.
2-->check in.
3-->cut her off
4-->drop the kids off
5-->getting off
6-->going off
7-->log off

Réponse: Phrasal Verbs 3 de magmatic_rock, postée le 05-04-2006 à 00:28:23 (S | E)
Hello Félin

J'avoue qu'en ce moment je ne peux pas trop suivre ton rythme pour les exercices, mais c'est toujours un plaisir quand même de trouver un moment pour y participer

1 If the music’s too loud for you, why didn’t you ask me to turn it down?
2 It’s a good idea to check in two hours before your flight is due to leave.
3 Kenneth slammed the phone down and cut her off. (je ne comprends pas ce que ça veut dire avec le "her" ici au milieu de ce verbe à particule? "et elle se coupa/se déconnecta"?)
4 Will you drop the kids off at school on your way into town?
5 The teenager was last seen getting off a train in Liverpool. (ne peut pas dire to get out aussi qui a la même signifcation?)
6 What’s the noise? I think it’s fireworks going off in the park.
7 Don’t forget to log off when you’ve finished using the computer.

Modifié par felin le 09-04-2006 16:57

Réponse: Phrasal Verbs 3 de anis71, postée le 05-04-2006 à 12:20:41 (S | E)
it is my first participation and i begin with your exercise felin
1-turn it down
2-check in
3-Cut her off
4- drop the kids off
5-getting off
6-going off
7-log off

Réponse: Phrasal Verbs 3 de hanitra, postée le 05-04-2006 à 13:15:03 (S | E)

Ce test est très intéressant et un grand merci à son auteur, comme réponses, les miennes sont les suivantes

If the music’s too loud for you, why didn’t you ask me to ....down.......
2 It’s a good idea to .check in............ two hours before your flight is due to leave.
3 Kenneth slammed the phone down and cut........ her
4 Will you ...drop.... the kids .off........ at school on your way into town?
5 The teenager was last seen .getting off..............a train in Liverpool.
6 What’s the noise? I think it’s fireworks the park.
7 Don’t forget to ...log off...........when you’ve finished using the computer.

Merci encore!

Réponse: Phrasal Verbs 3 de felin, postée le 09-04-2006 à 16:29:53 (S | E)
Bonjour tout le monde

Voici la correction

1 If the music’s too loud for you, why didn’t you ask me to turn it down.
2 It’s a good idea to check in two hours before your flight is due to leave.
3 Kenneth slammed the phone down and cut her off.
4 Will you drop the kids off at school on your way into town?
5 The teenager was last seen getting off a train in Liverpool.
6 What’s the noise? I think it’s fireworks going off in the park.
7 Don’t forget to log off when you’ve finished using the computer.

Build your vocabulary:

Cut off
Cut somebody off can also mean 'to interrupt somebody when they are speaking':
He rudely cut me off in mid-sentence.
He put his hand over her mouth to cut off her cry of fear.
My explanation for why I was late was abruptly cut off.

Turn down
The opposite of turn something down is turn something up:
Every time I turn the TV up so that I can hear It better, he says It's too loud and turns it

Check in
Noun: check-in (This noun can be countable or uncountable.)
Check-in is from 11.30.
= check out, check out of something

Go off
Go off can also be used with a similar meaning to describe something making a sudden flash:

When he finished his song, flashbulbs went off in the audience (= from cameras).

Get off
Get on, get on something
Also look at the verb get out; get out of something, which has a similar meaning.

Log off
Log out; log out of something has the same meaning and is used in the same variety of patterns:
You have successfully logged out of the system.
You are already logged out.
The opposite of log off is log on:
If your system is running slowly, try logging off and then logging on again.

Drop off
The opposite of drop somebody or something off is pick somebody or something up:
Parents can drop off or pick up their children outside the school.

Merci à tous pour votre participation.

hanitra, anis71, Bienvenue dans notre groupe. Participez aussi souvent que vous le pouvez. Vous verrez on apprend beaucoup en participant. Merci.

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