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what about fair sacrifices?
Message de mey-lin posté le 06-04-2006 à 18:56:56 (S | E | F | I)

Hi ! when I was a child, my mother used to tell me that to obtain what we want, we have to make efforts.I always took that for a universal rules, to be able to have what we desire we have to leave something in exchange, it appears to me as a fair "sacrifice" .Nevertheless,people all have to die , no matter what we do to live, no matter the efforts we make, and the things we sacrifice to continue to live...
Then this rules must be wrong, or at least not entirely right, but so far, the idea that if I wanted to obtain something only needed great efforts has been quite reassuring...
The world is not such a perfect place and I realise we can't rule it .
What do you think about that?
For you , do we have to leave something in return of what we obtain?

Réponse: what about fair sacrifices? de polinou66, postée le 12-04-2006 à 18:48:14 (S | E)
hi mey-lin !

what interesting question that yours!
Like what your mother have said to you, I believe that we have to make efforts to obtain what we want. Nevertheless there are things we can change in spite OF ours effoRtS...
For me efforts are necessary, we have to fight instead of being passives.
In summary I think that "we have nothing with no efforts " !!

See you soon !!!!
popo !!!!

Réponse: what about fair sacrifices? de nick27, postée le 12-04-2006 à 19:34:59 (S | E)
Hello everyone !

I agree with Polinou66 ! Nowadays if people don't make efforts to get what they want no one will help them to get the thing they want. Maybe people have become more selfish because life has become more difficult and so we just make efforts for ourselves and not for others.

See you all

Réponse: what about fair sacrifices? de lor, postée le 15-04-2006 à 00:17:26 (S | E)
Hi Mey-Lin,

I thing that it is an interesting question.
Nowadays, people don't need to make effort to get something or things are easier to get (I mean in developed countries) and that's true that perhaps we are more selfish...but I think the rule your mother teach you is good. When you make some effort to get something, you better appreciate it. So the more effort you are making, the more happy you are when you get something.
And this also made us realise that getting things are not easy... I was thinking about others countries...
That was my opinion...

Réponse: what about fair sacrifices? de frenchgirl75, postée le 15-04-2006 à 11:08:35 (S | E)
Hi! Thanks for your question... Yes, I think it's very important to make efforts to get something. Nothing any more would have value ! That is important for us, if not we would not feel any more any pride and we would become idle . For example : If somebody has a lot of money, and this person can to buy all that he wants.... she bores.... because... she needn't to make effort, that destroyed the desire! if we can to get things quickly and without efforts, it's unvalue!

Réponse: what about fair sacrifices? de mirajevolant, postée le 15-04-2006 à 18:00:37 (S | E)
hi!your question is very interesting, i think that we must do an effort to get what we want, then your mother was write.for me the good thing i do maybe i don't see their result in earth , but they will help me to reach heaven, life is not fair when you don't believe in another life after death.
you don't have to wait until that time , you will realize that sacrifices give good results.

Réponse: what about fair sacrifices? de mey-lin, postée le 16-04-2006 à 20:42:30 (S | E)
your answer is quite relevant mirajevolant, because, as I told you , although it seems to be right to make efforts, I was wondering whether it's worth the price or not.
Indeed, what if in spite of all what you do you don't get what you want?We're all looking for happiness but so few of us ever found it.
When I tend to be in pain, I sometimes think that's there no point in spending so many time to work if we're not sure of the result.
Nevertheless, the idea that our efforts are also valuable after death can be considered as a special kind of hope...Then we can believe and trust ourselves, because we can realise our efforts will allow us to reach our goals, one day or another...

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