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Phrasal verbs 2 etoiles: look...
Message de ruofei posté le 17-03-2005 à 12:39:18 (S | E | F | I)

Hello everyone!

(correction on Monday)
Fill in the blanks with the appropriate phrasal verbs, in the correct form:
look up to, look after, look for, look round, look back, look up, look into, look forward to, look in on, look on, look out.

1) I……………………….. my younger brothers when my mother is at work.
2) I tried to ………………….my keys but I couldn’t find them.
3) Old people often …………………..on over their lives.
4) I…………….. hearing from you.
5) I’ve heard that Danny wasn’t feeling well, I’ll………………… him on my way home.
6) People just……………………….. as the old lady was mugged.
7) …………………..! You’re going to burn yourself!
8) He is going to………………… these problems and let know as soon as he has had the solutions.
9) They……………………..the house and decided that they didn’t like it enough to buy it
10)I didn’t know how to spell this word correctly so I………it…………. in the dictionary.
11) My uncle is a great poet, everybody……………… him.

Réponse: Phrasal verbs 2 etoiles: look... de cleo, postée le 17-03-2005 à 14:19:35 (S | E)
Bonjour Ruofei et pour ton exercice

1) I look after my younger brothers when my mother is at work.
2) I tried to look for my keys but I couldn’t find them.
3) Old people often look back on over their lives.
4) I look forward to hearing from you.
5) I’ve heard that Danny wasn’t feeling well, I’ll look in on him on my way home.
6) People just look into as the old lady was mugged.
7) Look out ! You’re going to burn yourself!
8) He is going to look round these problems and let know as soon as he has had the solutions.
9) They looked on the house and decided that they didn’t like it enough to buy it
10)I didn’t know how to spell this word correctly so I look it up in the dictionary.
11) My uncle is a great poet, everybody look up to him.

Edité par cleo le 17-03-2005 14:21

Réponse: Phrasal verbs 2 etoiles: look... de serena, postée le 17-03-2005 à 14:45:46 (S | E)
Hello !

1) I look after my younger brothers when my mother is at work.
2) I tried to to look for my keys but I couldn’t find them.
3) Old people often look back on over their lives.
4) I look forward to hearing from you.
5) I’ve heard that Danny wasn’t feeling well, I’ll look in on him on my way home.
6) People just looked round as the old lady was mugged.
7) Look out ! You’re going to burn yourself!
8) He is going to look into these problems and let know as soon as he has had the solutions.
9) They looked on the house and decided that they didn’t like it enough to buy it
10)I didn’t know how to spell this word correctly so I looked it up in the dictionary.
11) My uncle is a great poet, everybody look up to him.

Thank you ruofei ! Phrasal verbs are so important.

Réponse: Phrasal verbs 2 etoiles: look... de samia51, postée le 17-03-2005 à 15:33:05 (S | E)
Bonjour Ruofei

Merci pour cet exercice.

Fill in the blanks with the appropriate phrasal verbs, in the correct form:
look up to, look after, look for, look round, look back, look up, look into, look forward to, look in on, look on, look out.

1) I LOOK AFTER my younger brothers when my mother is at work.
2) I tried to LOOK FOR my keys but I couldn’t find them.
3) Old people often LOOK BACK on over their lives.
4) I LOOK FORWARD TO hearing from you.
5) I’ve heard that Danny wasn’t feeling well, I’ll LOOK IN ON him on my way home.
6) People just LOOKED AROUND as the old lady was mugged.
7) LOOK OUT ! You’re going to burn yourself!
8) He is going to LOOK INTO these problems and let know as soon as he has had the solutions.
9) The LOOKED ON .the house and decided that they didn’t like it enough to buy it
10)I didn’t know how to spell this word correctly so I LOOKED it UP in the dictionary.
11) My uncle is a great poet, everybody LOOK UP TO him.

pour cet exercice et son utilité.

Réponse: Phrasal verbs 2 etoiles: look... de joy813, postée le 17-03-2005 à 16:42:24 (S | E)
Hello Ruofei and (I don't like phrasal verbs at all )

1) I look after my younger brothers when my mother is at work.
2) I tried to look for my keys but I couldn’t find them.
3) Old people often look back on over their lives.
4) I look forward to hearing from you.
5) I’ve heard that Danny wasn’t feeling well, I’ll look in on him on my way home.
6) People just looked around as the old lady was mugged.
7) Look out ! You’re going to burn yourself!
8) He is going to look into these problems and let know as soon as he has had the solutions.
9) They had looked on the house and decided that they didn’t like it enough to buy it
10)I didn’t know how to spell this word correctly so I look it up in the dictionary.
11) My uncle is a great poet, everybody looks up to him.

Réponse: Phrasal verbs 2 etoiles: look... de cam3, postée le 17-03-2005 à 17:44:50 (S | E)
1) I look after my younger brothers when my mother is at work.
2) I tried to look for my keys but I couldn’t find them.
3) Old people often look back on over their lives.
4) I look forward to hearing from you.
5) I’ve heard that Danny wasn’t feeling well, I’ll look in on him on my way home.
6) People just looked round as the old lady was mugged.
7) Look out ! You’re going to burn yourself!
8) He is going to look into these problems and let know as soon as he has had the solutions.
9) They looked on the house and decided that they didn’t like it enough to buy it
10)I didn’t know how to spell this word correctly so I looked it up in the dictionary.
11) My uncle is a great poet, everybody looks up to him.
Merci .

Réponse: Phrasal verbs 2 etoiles: look... de grabuge, postée le 17-03-2005 à 18:49:38 (S | E)
Merci Ruofei pour cet apprentissage : je vais apprendre plein de choses grâce à cet exercice.

Fill in the blanks with the appropriate phrasal verbs, in the correct form:
look up to, look after, look for, look round, look back, look up, look into, look forward to, look in on, look on, look out.

1) I look after my younger brothers when my mother is at work.
2) I tried to look keys but I couldn’t find them.
3) Old people often look back.on over their lives.
4) I'm looking forward to hearing from you.
5) I’ve heard that Danny wasn’t feeling well, I’ll look in on him on my way home.
6) People just looked up as the old lady was mugged.
7) Look out ! You’re going to burn yourself!
8) He is going to look intothese problems and let know as soon as he has had the solutions.
9) They looked round.the house and decided that they didn’t like it enough to buy it (looked over)
10)I didn’t know how to spell this word correctly so I look it up in the dictionary.
11) My uncle is a great poet, everybody look up to him.

Merci Ruofei

Réponse: Phrasal verbs 2 etoiles: look... de idem, postée le 17-03-2005 à 19:08:57 (S | E)

) I look after my younger brothers when my mother is at work.
2) I tried to look for my keys but I couldn’t find them.
3) Old people often look back on over their lives.
4) I look forward to hearing from you.
5) I’ve heard that Danny wasn’t feeling well, I’ll look in on him on my way home.
6) People just looked round as the old lady was mugged.
7) Look out.! You’re going to burn yourself!
8) He is going to look into these problems and let know as soon as he has had the solutions.
9) They looked on the house and decided that they didn’t like it enough to buy it
10)I didn’t know how to spell this word correctly so I look it up in the dictionary.
11) My uncle is a great poet, everybody look up to him.

un peu difficile mais moins que les copier/coller et les couleurs


Réponse: Phrasal verbs 2 etoiles: look... de sun74, postée le 17-03-2005 à 21:30:17 (S | E)
hi ruofei ,
Fill in the blanks with the appropriate phrasal verbs, in the correct form:
look up to, look after, look for, look round, look back, look up, look into, look forward to, look in on, look on, look out.

1) I…look after.. my younger brothers when my mother is at work.
2) I tried to …look for……………….my keys but I couldn’t find them.
3) Old people often …look back .on over their lives.
4) I…am looking forward to.. hearing from you.
5) I’ve heard that Danny wasn’t feeling well, I’ll…look in on … him on my way home.
6) People just…looked round….. as the old lady was mugged.
7) …look out……..! You’re going to burn yourself!
8) He is going to…look into these problems and let know as soon as he has had the solutions.
9) They…looked on .the house and decided that they didn’t like it enough to buy it
10)I didn’t know how to spell this word correctly so I…looked…it…up…. in the dictionary.
11) My uncle is a great poet, everybody…looks up to……… him.
merci ruofei

Edité par sun74 le 17-03-2005 21:31

Réponse: Phrasal verbs 2 etoiles: look... de isa71, postée le 17-03-2005 à 22:27:52 (S | E)

1) I look after my younger brothers when my mother is at work.
2) I tried to look for my keys but I couldn’t find them.
3) Old people often look back on over their lives.
4) I 'm lookinf forward to hearing from you.
5) I’ve heard that Danny wasn’t feeling well, I’ll look in on him on my way home.
6) People just looked round as the old lady was mugged.
7) Look out ! You’re going to burn yourself!
8) He is going to look into these problems and let know as soon as he has had the solutions.
9) They looked on (looked round) the house and decided that they didn’t like it enough to buy it
10)I didn’t know how to spell this word correctly so I look it up in the dictionary.
11) My uncle is a great poet, everybody look up to him.


Réponse: Phrasal verbs 2 etoiles: look... de ruofei, postée le 18-03-2005 à 02:37:23 (S | E)
Vraiment pas mal du tout!!!! MAIS, parce qu'il y a toujours un 'mais' vous avez tous inversé 2 phrasal verbs (ha ha! Lesquels??)
(+ revoyer les concordances de temps pour quelques uns d'entre vous)

Réponse: Phrasal verbs 2 etoiles: look... de felin, postée le 18-03-2005 à 21:05:14 (S | E)
Bonsoir Ruofei

1) I look after my younger brothers when my mother is at work.
2) I tried to look for my keys but I couldn’t find them.
3) Old people often look back on over their lives.
4) I look forward to hearing from you.
5) I’ve heard that Danny wasn’t feeling well, I’ll look in on him on my way home.
6) People just, looked round as the old lady was mugged.
7) Look up ! You’re going to burn yourself!
8) He is going to look into these problems and let know as soon as he has had the solutions.
9) They looked round the house and decided that they didn’t like it enough to buy it
10) I didn’t know how to spell this word correctly so I looked it up in the dictionary.
11) My uncle is a great poet, everybody looks up to him.

Réponse: Phrasal verbs 2 etoiles: look... de gewurz, postée le 18-03-2005 à 21:35:42 (S | E)
1) look after
2) look for
3) look back
4) Î'm looking forward to
5) look in on
6) looked on
7) look out
8) look into
9) looked round
10) look up
11) looks up to

Merci Ruofei.

Réponse: Phrasal verbs 2 etoiles: look... de ruofei, postée le 21-03-2005 à 06:26:16 (S | E)
Bonjour et merci d'avoir bien voulu faire cet exercice. Voici la correction (avec entre parenthèses, la définition de chaque phrasal verb..oui, j'y avais pensé Serena)

1) I look after my younger brothers when my mother is at work. (take care)
2) I tried to look for my keys but I couldn’t find them. (try to find)
3) Old people often look back on over their lives. (think about the past)
4) I'm looking/ I look forward to hearing from you. (wait for something pleasant)
5) I’ve heard that Danny wasn’t feeling well, I’ll look in on him on my way home. (visit briefly to see, very often, if everything’s alright. Synonymes nuancés, 'drop in on', 'stop by', 'come by')
6) People just looked on as the old lady was mugged. (watch something like a crime without helping)
7) Look out ! You’re going to burn yourself! (:'watch out!' be careful!)
8) He is going to look into these problems and let know as soon as he has had the solutions. (research, investigate)
9) They looked round the house and decided that they didn’t like it enough to buy it (inspect a house)
10) I didn’t know how to spell this word correctly so I looked it up in the dictionary. (consult a reference book. Phrasal verb séparable)
11) My uncle is a great poet, everybody looks up to him. (respect. Le contraire : "look down on" to have a low opinion of somebody or something)

Les 2 fautes communes: look on/ look around + everybody ...-s.

A bientôt!

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