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Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais
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Devoir oral à corriger
Message de habiba posté le 04-04-2005 à 18:11:52 (S | E | F | I)

Bonsoir, veuillez m'aider si possible pour un devoir à lire oralement demain.
Il s'agit de voir si je n'ai pas fais de fautes, merci d'avance.
Question (à partir d'un texte donné):
What are the major problems that both the rich and the poor countries of the world have to face in terms of water?
Using plastic bottles for solar disinfection (or SODIS) is a technique developed by the swiss federal institute for environmental science and technology in dubendorf to disinfect water.
First, with this method, we can understand that poor countries are interested in emty bottles which could come from rich countries where these bottles are used like soft drinks.
Therefore, it could reduce the waste and the cost of recycling in urban areas.
Then it is possible to think that in the one hand we have this problem for poor countries, it means the difficulty to find water which has to be safe and on the other hand, the lack of water on a worldwide scale.
Moreover, there is another matter which is the hygiene, everyone in the world hasn't the same easiness to obtain water, that's why everyone has to be responsible of his behaviour in front of this problem.

What efforts can we make as individuals to save water?
We can make a lot of efforts as individuals to save water.
In deed, first, awareness campaigns are very important. Everyone in the world has to know how it's difficult for a man who lives in africa, asia, in other words places where water is compared to gold for us, westerns, to find water.
Besides, everything in the world depends on our behaviour, therefore our willingness could not save but help efficiently a lot of people. As individuals, we have to take care of the difference between our really needs about water and what we can use.

Si vous avez d'autres idées n'hésitez pas à me les formuler!!!!
Do you save water?
Je ne sais, je n'ai pas envie de me répéter, help!!

Edité par bridg le 04-04-2005 18:17
+ titre

Réponse: Devoir oral à corriger de jardin62, postée le 04-04-2005 à 19:37:38 (S | E)
Bonsoir habiba.
Certaines erreurs ne s'entendront pas à l'oral mais je les corrige quand même
1- ...?
First, thanks to this method, it is understandable that poor countries are interested in empty bottles coming from rich countries where these bottles are used to contain soft drinks. Therefore the waste and the cost of recycling could be reduced in urban aeras.
Then, there's the problem of water : on the one hand poor countries lack water, deserts are gaining ground, on the other hand water is lacking too on a worldwide scale. The problem is becoming very serious for both the Poor and the Rich.
Moreover, another matter is arising : hygiene. Not everyone in the world has access to water, that's why everyone has to adopt a responsible behaviour towards this problem.

Voilà pour l'instant, je repasserai plus tard...

Réponse: Devoir oral à corriger de jardin62, postée le 04-04-2005 à 20:40:02 (S | E)
(Efforts) :
As individuals we can make efforts to save water : Information campaigns are very important. Everyone on this planet should know how difficult it is for people living in some aeras of Africa, Asia, South America to have water : In other words water is for them like gold for us. Besides, everything indispensable for any living creature - water, air, wood, electricity,...- depends on our behaviour. Therefore, our good will and some common sense could efficiently help, if not save, a lot of people. As individuals, we have to be aware (= être conscients de) of the enormous gap (fossé) between our real needs -as far as water is concerned- and what we use!
As far as I am concerned (en ce qui me concerne) the problem of water actually (= réellement) worries me. I can't stand the sight of water being wasted: artificial snow, personal swimming-pools, excess of watering, car wash, repeated baths instead of showers, water running freely from the tap, etc... When I see water running, I can't help thinking about that African baby dying because of dehydration. We should pay high taxes if we were caught making bad use of water for (= car) water is life!'
*Avoir écrit des idées c'est bien, les lire avec conviction, une bonne intonation, une bonne prononciation ( vérifiez la phonétique!),du rythme, de la voix, c'est autre chose: entraînez-vous tout haut! ( Ne lisez pas ce que vous ne comprenez pas, vous seriez mal 'reçue': on doit pouvoir vous demander ce que veut dire ce que vous lisez.)
Bon courage entout cas, c'est un travail d'acteur.

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