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Che Guevara/ Correction
Message de toz posté le 18-05-2005 à 15:14:15 (S | E | F | I)

Bonjour à tous ! Pour mon examen d anglais , je devais choisir un personnage du 20 ème siècle . Dire pourquoi je l avais choisi , mon opinion sur lui , une biographie et ce qu' il a apporté au monde.
Pourriez - vous corriger mes fautes s ' il vous plait?

Talkshow :

Biography :
Ernesto Che Guevara was born on June 14 in Rosario an important town in Argentina.
He registered to medical school.
In his last year at the school , che went on trip through the Latin America by motorbike with his friend Alberto Granadas.
Guevara graduated from medical school as a doctor and decided to work in a leper colony in Venezuela. Few years ago , Che go out in Ecuador , Guatemala and went to Mexico.
In Mexico , he met Fidel Castro and his friends , and joined the Cuban revolutinaries.
After the Revolution Colonel Ernesto Guevara , was assigned to the command of fort la Caban in Havana.
In 1959 he was given Cuban citizenship and had the presidensy of the National Bank of Cuba.
In the following years , his many visits to underdeveloped countries provided Che with a closer understanding of the exploited
nations and the imperialists.
On October 9 th 1967 , Ernesto was put to death by Bolivian soldiers , trained , equipped and guided by U.S. Green Beret and CIA opperatives.

Why this man?:
I have choose Ernesto Cheguevara because it‘s one of the most important people of the 20 centuries I think.
But before the talkshow i didn ‘t know a lot of things about him.
I had know only his trip with his friend Alberto Granadas.
After the film , I had want to know more about him.

What he bring :
He was a major figure in the Cuban revolution led by Fidel Castro in the late 1950 ' s and in the subsequent Castro governement.
Guevara also tried to promote similar revolutions in other Latin American nations.
For exemple , he played a leading role in the guerrila was against the Batista regime.
He was later in 1960 ' s to write an influential manual on guerrila warfare.
And Guevara ' s life and writings inspired many student radicals during the 1960 ' s.

Opinion :
Nowadays you see Che's face on shirts, banners, buttons etc. But the most people don't even know who that man behind the myth is. That's a big shame. In my opinion he was one of the greatest man ever. He was the first who would risk his own life for a good cause, who would risk it for other people. And the last that would want something for himself. He wanted to change the people into good educated, loving, caring people, that would do something for others, and strangly enough, he was the prototype, he WAS that kind of man. He should never be forgotten. It is our task to follow his example, for a better futur.
Edité par emy64 le 18-05-2005 15:29
mise en page + titre

Réponse: Che Guevara/ Correction de ruofei, postée le 19-05-2005 à 07:43:50 (S | E)
Bonjour Toz!
je ne sais pas si j'aurais le temps d'aller jusqu'au bout de cette correction, je vais essayer. Voici donc:

Ernesto Che Guevara was born inn June 14 1928 in Rosario, an important town in Argentina.
He registered to a medical school. (He attended a medical school)
In his last year at the school , Che went on a trip across South America by motorbike with his friend Alberto Granadas.
Guevara graduated, became a doctor and decided to work in a leper colony in Venezuela. Few years ago /later?, Che went to Ecuador, Guatemala and Mexico.
In Mexico , he met Fidel Castro and his friends (which friends?) , and joined the Cuban revolutinaries.
After the Revolution Colonel Ernesto Guevara , he was assigned to the command of fort la Caban in Havana.
In 1959 he was given / granted theCuban citizenship and became president of the National Bank of Cuba.
In the following years, the several visits he made in underdeveloped countries provided Che with a closer understanding of the exploited nations and the imperialists.allowed him to have deeper insights into exploitation processes and imperialism abuses
In October 9th 1967 , Ernesto was sentenced to death by Bolivian soldiers who weretrained, equipped and lead by U.S. Green Beret and CIA opperatives.

Why this man?: Why did I decide to talk about Che Guevara?)
I chose Ernesto Cheguevara because it‘s one of the most important people of the 20th century, I think.
But before the talk show (en 2 mots) I didn ‘t know a lot of things about him. ( i didn't know much about him)
I only knew ofhis trip with his friend Alberto Granadas.
After the film , I had want to know more about him.(After I watched the movie (donne le titre du film), I wanted to know more about his life)

What he bring : Why is he famous?
He was a major/key figure in the Cuban revolution led by Fidel Castro in the late 1950 's and under the subsequent Castro governement.
Guevara also tried to promote similar revolutions in other Latin American nations.
For example , he played a leading role in the guerrila was against the Batista regime.
He was later in 1960 ' s to write In the late 1960's, he wrote an influential manual on guerrila warfare.
And Guevara ' s life and writings inspired many (student) radicals during the 1960 ' s.

Opinion :
Nowadays you see Che's face on shirts, banners, buttons etc. But the most people don't even know who that man behind the myth is. That's a big shame. In my opinion, he was one of the greatest men ever. He was the first who would risk his own life for a good cause (for the greater good), who would risk it for other people. And the last that would want something for himself (He thought of others before thinking of himself). He wanted to change the people into well-educated, loving, caring people, who would do something for others, and strangely enough, he was the prototype of...(il manque quelquechose ici...), he WAS that kind of man. He should never be forgotten. It is our task to follow his example for a better future.

Finalement, je suis arrivée jusqu'à la fin du texte: je dois dire que j'ai beaucoup aimé ton exposé , plutôt bien écrit et bien structuré.

Edité par ruofei le 19-05-2005 07:47
Je suis désolée pour la mise en page toute verte (j'ai dû faire une fausse manoeuvre, comme d'habitude!!)!!! j'espère aue tu t'y retrouveras quand-même.
Edité par bridg le 19-05-2005 08:48
Réparé, un "O" manquait dans un balise de fin

Edité par ruofei le 19-05-2005 10:41

Réponse: Che Guevara/ Correction de toz, postée le 19-05-2005 à 16:52:48 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup de ton aide car je pensais que je n ' aurais pas de réponses!!!
Je suis content qu' il t'ait plût , sur ce je vais l' étudier car c 'est pour demain

Edité par bridg le 19-05-2005 17:07

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