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Message de jeanmi posté le 12-07-2005 à 23:30:51 (S | E | F | I)


Que diriez-vous maintenant de trouver le maximum de mots se rapportant au thème HOLIDAYS et de rédiger pour chaque mot une phrase l'illustrant ?
Exemple : Tomorrow I am going on HOLIDAYS in Morocco. (rassurez-vous je ne pars pas demain. )
Je vous suggère à nouveau de ne poster qu'un mot / une phrase à la fois.

Réponse: Holidays de bridg, postée le 12-07-2005 à 23:55:49 (S | E)
Wait a minute, I've to pack my bag(faire ma valise) !!!

Réponse: Holidays de grabuge, postée le 13-07-2005 à 00:11:38 (S | E)
"I must go to the travel agency to make a booking"
-- Je dois aller à l'agence de voyage faire une réservation --

Réponse: Holidays de magmatic_rock, postée le 13-07-2005 à 00:46:27 (S | E)
I booked a one way ticket for Paris
J'ai réservé un aller simple pour Paris

Réponse: Holidays de magmatic_rock, postée le 13-07-2005 à 00:51:22 (S | E)
No finally I prefer the côte d'azur so I'm going to change and take a round-trip ticket!

--> un billet aller-retour

Réponse: Holidays de aimen7, postée le 13-07-2005 à 00:58:11 (S | E)
" Oh no! My flight to flight to Italy is cancelled!! "

"Oh non! Mon vol pour l'Italie est annulé!!"
Edité par jeanmi le 13-07-2005 11:16

Réponse: Holidays de jardin62, postée le 13-07-2005 à 08:56:57 (S | E)
My holiday card:
I dream of having a five-day cycle touring in August: I would ride as far as Pointe St Mathieu and stay there : it's the end of a world and the beginning of another one! The sea never takes a holiday, nor does the wind there.
See you soon!

Réponse: Holidays de grabuge, postée le 14-07-2005 à 13:00:57 (S | E)
To the members of this site :
Now, my English is very good than so I go to can travel around the world...
Edité par grabuge le 14-07-2005 13:01 - Well, Ok, my English isn't very good but I can dream

Edité par jeanmi le 14-07-2005 13:26

Réponse: Holidays de jeanmi, postée le 14-07-2005 à 13:27:27 (S | E)
Hello Grabuge,
Your English is not that bad and it's enough to travel around the world.

Réponse: Holidays de grabuge, postée le 14-07-2005 à 18:55:31 (S | E)
Well, thank you very much Jeanmi

So, I'm going to take a beer with my friend (she'll recognize herself) in Ivory Coast...

Réponse: Holidays de jardin62, postée le 14-07-2005 à 21:27:13 (S | E)
Just a minute, please, grabuge!
I need a few minutes to pack up and we'll go together if you don't mind being in my company, of course!
That's a gorgeous idea for a holiday! Visiting friends...Hitch-hiking to Africa...

Réponse: Holidays de joy813, postée le 14-07-2005 à 21:41:22 (S | E)

What a nice idea, Grabuge May I come with you ? I've also got a friend overthere and I'm sure you know her
Do you know if there are BB (bed and breakfast) in Ivory Coast ?

Réponse: Holidays de grabuge, postée le 14-07-2005 à 22:25:50 (S | E)
Hello Jardin and Joy,

No problem, I'll go with you and I'm sure, we'll find a "B&B"...
When are we going ? Tomorrow is a bit short, on Saturday if you want, I'm ok...

Réponse: Holidays de caro8, postée le 15-07-2005 à 14:08:11 (S | E)
hi you guys
in During my vacations, I will go to London and to Roma with my little younger sister and my twin sister ! We'll take plane, it's so exiting !!! We will have good time
big kisses

see you soon

Edité par jeanmi le 15-07-2005 17:07

Réponse: Holidays de jeanmi, postée le 15-07-2005 à 17:11:24 (S | E)
Hello Jardin, Joy and Grabuge,

Would you agree if I come with you? I'm surfing the net to book the return ticket from Paris to Africa. Do you think we'll have the opportunity to do a safari?

Réponse: Holidays de joy813, postée le 15-07-2005 à 17:15:33 (S | E)
OK, Jeanmi, but for me a one-way ticket is enough

Réponse: Holidays de grabuge, postée le 15-07-2005 à 19:25:36 (S | E)
Oh, I don't know Jeanmi. This evening, I'll make a call to my ivoirian friend for knowing to know if men are accepted there

Edité par jeanmi le 15-07-2005 19:34

Réponse: Holidays de jeanmi, postée le 15-07-2005 à 19:35:40 (S | E)
Maybe Grabuge, but if you go there only with girls, be careful, I have heard that camels rapidly fall in love with French girls.

Réponse: Holidays de grabuge, postée le 15-07-2005 à 19:41:43 (S | E)
Oh, my God !
Camels'll be able to fall in love with us ! But where shall we put them ?
Ok, Jeanmi, you can go with us

Réponse: Holidays de jeanmi, postée le 15-07-2005 à 20:13:36 (S | E)
Do you think that travel agents have thought of a seat in the planes for camels? You know, falling in love with a camel may be some thing interesting in the desert... No needs to carry heavy bags full of water... and if it's a female, you have free milk for your coffee.

Edité par jeanmi le 15-07-2005 20:14

Edité par grabuge le 15-07-2005 20:21 - Ahahahah.... A printing mistake

Réponse: Holidays de grabuge, postée le 15-07-2005 à 20:25:25 (S | E)
Oh Jeanmi,

I told you it's ok ! I prefer to travel with a man than with camels. Could you make a booking please, I have no time for.
I agree with you, we'll go for a safari The dream
But, where are Joy and Jardin ?
When are we going ???

Réponse: Holidays de joy813, postée le 15-07-2005 à 20:50:27 (S | E)
Joy is watching her favourite programme on TV.
Do you know what it is ? KOH-LANTA ( laugh is forbidden) .
See you later

Réponse: Holidays de jeanmi, postée le 15-07-2005 à 20:58:00 (S | E)
Hi Joy,
I'm watching it too and moreover I am recording it for my friend who is at work this night.
And I am watching it while laughing on the site because of your answers.

And what about joigning them at Loh Lanta, eating worms, and having a bath once a week in the sea? What do you think of it Grabuge?

Réponse: Holidays de grabuge, postée le 15-07-2005 à 21:46:11 (S | E)
Oh, that's a great idea Jeanmi !

Eating worms, I'm fond of them Take a bath in the sea ? Yes, you can come in Marseille, no problem ! It's a very good idea : But I don't know if the north people can swim.... Can you swim ?

Réponse: Holidays de jeanmi, postée le 15-07-2005 à 22:05:29 (S | E)
Of course I can,
We have the sea! with long nice yellow sand beaches. So I can swim and lie on the sand doing nothing but suntanning.
What do you think we should put in our rucksack?

Réponse: Holidays de grabuge, postée le 15-07-2005 à 22:08:37 (S | E)
Yes Jeanmi,

You can put in your rucksack, I'll take you along the "Calanques de Cassis". They are the most wonderful of the world

Réponse: Holidays de jeanmi, postée le 15-07-2005 à 22:18:05 (S | E)
Ok, but I think it is a bit far from Koh Lanta. And will the holidays be long enough for you to come to the North and visit our beaches, for me to come to Marseille and visit the Calanques, all this before going to Africa for a Safari and finally on the way to Koh Lanta... I'm already tired...

Réponse: Holidays de grabuge, postée le 15-07-2005 à 22:21:23 (S | E)
And then ! Not still go out, you're already tired !!!

Ok, we'll go to Ivory Coast between women because we are never tired !
Joy ! Jardin ! Help me please !

Edité par jeanmi le 15-07-2005 22:24

Réponse: Holidays de grabuge, postée le 15-07-2005 à 22:26:23 (S | E)
Yaaaaaaa !

Nothing to say

Réponse: Holidays de grabuge, postée le 17-07-2005 à 20:51:47 (S | E)

I came back from Ivory Coast... Now, I think to prepare my tent and my
sleeping bag to go for a trekk in the "Mercantour". Who wants to go there with me ?

Edité par jeanmi le 17-07-2005 21:10

Réponse: Holidays de jeanmi, postée le 17-07-2005 à 21:11:59 (S | E)
I'd be ok, but I'm sure you'll tell me that you only accept women in your adventure...

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