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Guess a movie:Part II
Message de aimen7 posté le 20-07-2005 à 14:37:59 (S | E | F | I)

Hello everybody,

I have got a movie for you to guess:

It's the story of two sisters, who lived in the deep South of the United States. They lived 30 years of Hatered, violence, revange and love.
I'll tell you more later...
Just one thing however, if you've seen that film you must have cried and cried and cried.....

A clue: Goldberg...

Edité par aimen7 le 20-07-2005 14:56

Edité par grabuge le 20-07-2005 19:49

Réponse: Gues a movie:Part II de grabuge, postée le 20-07-2005 à 14:42:20 (S | E)
Hello Aimen,

I've seen this movie but I didn't remember his tittle.
One of the sisters was attractive, the other bad-looking. She must married a man who mistreated her and had a mistress, nice with she.
Is it this movie ?

Réponse: Gues a movie:Part II de grabuge, postée le 20-07-2005 à 14:50:26 (S | E)
Yes, of course : The color purple

Wonderful actresses and very hard movie to see

Réponse: Gues a movie:Part II de aimen7, postée le 20-07-2005 à 14:53:19 (S | E)
Hello grabuge,

Yes it is, I have the title in French (there's a colour in it).

The producer has produced also a movie that you have suggested recently.

By the way, this subject is lethidee's and I took the liberty to launch it once again because Part I was over. Do you think that lethidee will be angry at me?sorry lethidee.

Réponse: Guess a movie:Part II de lethidee, postée le 20-07-2005 à 19:14:14 (S | E)
Hello aimen

I'm very happy with your own initiative and wish a long life to this topic.
Congratulations !
See you

Réponse: Guess a movie:Part II de aimen7, postée le 20-07-2005 à 19:18:43 (S | E)
Hello lethidee,
Thank you, that topic about movies is a great idea you have had, it's not only a guessing game but it helps improve a lot in the language.
See you.

Réponse: Guess a movie:Part II de magmatic_rock, postée le 20-07-2005 à 22:31:53 (S | E)
That's not fair! Grabuge is too cultivated for us! All games she win again again and again, for the whole games, she can't lose she knows everything! Moreover, every time you're speacking for a movie or a novel I don't know what you're searching! I must be too young! Though I'm not telling that you're old! Perish the thought! No, already, I don't read so to find a novel it will be difficult but even find a movie I'm not able to!

Réponse: Guess a movie:Part II de kayrol, postée le 21-07-2005 à 00:11:50 (S | E)
Hello Aimen,
I think it is The Colour Purple.
I have is a film who made me cry as well. It is adapted from a novel by Stephen King. It is the story of a man who is accused and condemned to death for the murder of two young girls. But he is innocent and he is a wonderfully, deeply good man.
Guessed ?
See you

Edité par kayrol le 21-07-2005 00:12

Réponse: Guess a movie:Part II de chrischaton, postée le 21-07-2005 à 01:02:25 (S | E)
Hello! Is it The Green Mile (La Ligne Verte)? It is such a moving film!

Réponse: Guess a movie:Part II de aimen7, postée le 21-07-2005 à 08:12:28 (S | E)

Yes , La LIGNE VERTE, excellent.

Réponse: Guess a movie:Part II de grabuge, postée le 21-07-2005 à 09:52:03 (S | E)

I don't understand now. Why did you talk about "La ligne Verte". It was the movie to guess, Aimen ?
If my memory is good, this movie is a Steven Spielberg's film and spoke about a man who was in the jail because a wrong accusation and who had very strange powers. It was first a novel of Stephen King.

Réponse: Guess a movie:Part II de magmatic_rock, postée le 21-07-2005 à 09:56:49 (S | E)
"The green mile" wow what a wonderful movie, so beautiful! Hum I'm fond of it! Yes Grabuge it's that movie!

Réponse: Guess a movie:Part II de aimen7, postée le 21-07-2005 à 11:46:16 (S | E)
Let me sum up what has been said so far:
It's grabuge who found THE COLOR PURPLE, La Couleur Pourpre, a movie produced by S.Spielberg.
Then kayrol suggested THE GREEN MILE, La Ligne Verte which was found by chrischaton, it's by the same producer but an adaptation of S.King's novel.
After that I joined their opinion by saying: Excellent because I like that movie very much., and so does magmatic.
Now whose turn is it? Isn't it chrischaton

Réponse: Guess a movie:Part II de brunk, postée le 21-07-2005 à 14:23:56 (S | E)
Let's see if you can find this one...
It's the story of two crazy guys (I couldn't tell you which one is the craziest).. they actually are dope journalist and dope lawyer.. The main actor is one of the most prodigious in Hollywood and I'm sure you have enjoyed his acting skills in most of the Tim Burton's movies. This is not a 'Bestseller movie' but still funny and really crazy..

Réponse: Guess a movie:Part II de magmatic_rock, postée le 21-07-2005 à 14:39:26 (S | E)
Is there Eddy Murphy in here?

Réponse: Guess a movie:Part II de brunk, postée le 21-07-2005 à 14:40:55 (S | E)
sorry but Eddy is not part of this one even if he's a great actor too

Edité par brunk le 21-07-2005 15:06

Réponse: Guess a movie:Part II de brunk, postée le 21-07-2005 à 15:12:45 (S | E)
Let me help you..
There's a famous addage about the city where the movie takes place which is :
"Whatever happens in ***, stays in ***."

Réponse: Guess a movie:Part II de grabuge, postée le 22-07-2005 à 19:36:11 (S | E)

this movie was about the bloody events between Irland and England but the story which is narrated concern a man and his all family wrongly accused...
I'm sure, you've seen this film.

I'm waiting for your guess.

Réponse: Guess a movie:Part II de aimen7, postée le 22-07-2005 à 19:43:27 (S | E)
Hello grabuge,

I have seen that film. The father and the son or the two sons are sent to jail for that reason, but in the end of the story the whole family is rehabilitated and they are declared innocent.
Unfortunately I don't remember the title.

Réponse: Guess a movie:Part II de grabuge, postée le 22-07-2005 à 19:50:15 (S | E)
Yes Aimen, it's this film.
I give you a clue : "Name"

Réponse: Guess a movie:Part II de aimen7, postée le 22-07-2005 à 20:02:10 (S | E)
So maybe: In the name of Ireland,

Réponse: Guess a movie:Part II de grabuge, postée le 22-07-2005 à 20:13:05 (S | E)
Another clue Aimen and you're going to find : "Father"

Réponse: Guess a movie:Part II de aimen7, postée le 22-07-2005 à 20:19:45 (S | E)

Is it: " Sloan family name..."?

Réponse: Guess a movie:Part II de failte, postée le 22-07-2005 à 20:55:21 (S | E)
Hello! Is it "In the Name of the Father" with
Peter Postlethwaite and Daniel Day-Lewis?

Edité par failte le 22-07-2005 20:56

And with my favourite actress Emma Thompson?

Edité par failte le 22-07-2005 21:05

Réponse: Guess a movie:Part II de grabuge, postée le 22-07-2005 à 22:12:32 (S | E)
Yes Failte, , you won. It's was "in the name of the father"

Now, It's your turn, have you a movie to make us guess ?

Réponse: Guess a movie:Part II de failte, postée le 22-07-2005 à 22:14:15 (S | E)
Maybe. It's another film with Peter Postlethwaite.
A clue: kaiser Söze...

Réponse: Guess a movie:Part II de aimen7, postée le 22-07-2005 à 22:23:03 (S | E)

You have got to tell us what the movie deals with.

Edité par aimen7 le 22-07-2005 22:23

Réponse: Guess a movie:Part II de failte, postée le 22-07-2005 à 22:25:46 (S | E)
It's a thriller.
Five men are arrested and when kept in jail they decide to steal jewels. What they don't know is that they have been trapped...
by Kaiser Söze...
Edité par failte le 22-07-2005 22:26

Réponse: Guess a movie:Part II de failte, postée le 22-07-2005 à 22:35:51 (S | E)
Do you need another clue?

Réponse: Guess a movie:Part II de aimen7, postée le 22-07-2005 à 22:44:00 (S | E)
I'm afraid I haven't seen it,

Réponse: Guess a movie:Part II de failte, postée le 22-07-2005 à 22:46:27 (S | E)
It's with Benicio del Toro and it's the first film by Bryan Singer.

Edité par failte le 22-07-2005 22:48

Réponse: Guess a movie:Part II de aimen7, postée le 23-07-2005 à 09:43:04 (S | E)
Thanks for the clues failte but I don't know this movie

Réponse: Guess a movie:Part II de failte, postée le 23-07-2005 à 09:46:31 (S | E)
Nobody for the game... It was "Usual Suspects" (1995) with Kevin Spacey.
Have a good day!

Réponse: Guess a movie:Part II de grabuge, postée le 23-07-2005 à 10:30:46 (S | E)
Hello Failte

You gave the tittle too quickly !
I've seen "Usual Suspects" several times. I'm fond of this film

Réponse: Guess a movie:Part II de failte, postée le 23-07-2005 à 11:53:34 (S | E)
It's one of my favourite films too. But as nobody seemed to be interested I thought it was over.

Réponse: Guess a movie:Part II de brunk, postée le 25-07-2005 à 18:11:03 (S | E)
Mine was "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas" (as known as "LasVegas Parano" in France) based on the Hunter S. Thompson novel, directed in 1998 by Terry Gilliam, Starring Johnny Depp.

Take it easy

Réponse: Guess a movie:Part II de grabuge, postée le 31-07-2005 à 11:00:48 (S | E)
Hello everybody

I think about another movie which is the story of a woman who had accused of the murdering of her husband thirty years ago.
Now, she's accused for another murder and her daughter come back in her house after some years where she was out.

Réponse: Guess a movie:Part II de failte, postée le 01-08-2005 à 06:37:39 (S | E)
Hello Grabuge!

Is it with Michelle Pfeiffer?

Have a sweet day.

Hélène still half asleep

Edité par failte le 01-08-2005 06:37

Réponse: Guess a movie:Part II de grabuge, postée le 01-08-2005 à 11:46:03 (S | E)
Hello Failte

No, Michelle Pfeiffer isn't in this movie.

Réponse: Guess a movie:Part II de grabuge, postée le 03-08-2005 à 16:30:13 (S | E)

Nobody find my movie ? It's not possible

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