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What about your hobby ?
Message de lethidee posté le 21-07-2005 à 19:21:12 (S | E | F | I)

Hello everybody

What about your hobby ?
The most important of mine is reading. I've been contaminated since I was 7 years old and if I miss books I am not totally myself. I used to need reading words and thoughts of the other people.
And you ?
See you

Réponse: What about your hobby ? de rockpoetry, postée le 21-07-2005 à 20:15:19 (S | E)
Hello !
Nice topic ;-) Well, I also love reading books but actually, one of my favourite hobbies is to collect photos, lovely scenes, lovely pictures and postcards, and add them to my my bedroom. And I always marvel at all of them, because the whole thing is colourful, cute, and I feel safe in that room. It brings me to another dimension. Far from the real world ! yeah, I am such a dreamer...I can't help it.
Good bye!

Réponse: What about your hobby ? de kayrol, postée le 21-07-2005 à 22:18:15 (S | E)
Hello Lethidee,
My favourite hobby is music. I sing and play the guitar (electro-accoustic), and we formed a band with my man who plays drums and three friends : one who plays the bass guitar, one who plays the electric guitar and one who plays the violin. When we play and sing, I forget everything and feel so fine.
My other hobbies are : the english language, genealogy, the Internet...
See you

Réponse: What about your hobby ? de magmatic_rock, postée le 21-07-2005 à 23:10:20 (S | E)
hello Lethidee cool your topic!
Sorry but I hate reading! That's true, in fact I'm a sportive man so I don't like to stay there without doing something I need to move! The only one moment when I'm happy to stay without moving it's when I'm behind my computer's screen.
Otherwise, hobbies, I've two. Football and volcanos but these are more than an hobby, they are my life! Because I love watching TV, hanging on with my friends, looking at and playing all sports, geology, going to the beach, snowboarding...These are hobbies but volcanos and especially football.....hum without football my life would be null! I used to play football in a club from my 5years old to 19years old and since two years I've only played to enjoy myself with my friends. I watch TV every week during the championship and right now I'm sad because players are on holidays for more 1months and until end of july!
To volcanos, I've studied in geology for 2years and last year I enter in third years. But that, a lot of people from here know it already!

Réponse: What about your hobby ? de lethidee, postée le 23-07-2005 à 11:18:39 (S | E)
Hello everybody

I'm very impressed magmatic by your passion concerning football.
I think that male people are more passionned by this kind of sport than female people but maybe I'm wrong.
I just come back at home with two books borrowed at the library :"Frankestein" by Mary Shelley and "L'art de la joie" written by Nicolas Go, a French philosopher, that I'am reading for the first time and who teaches at the IUFM of Nice.
Have a good week-end

Réponse: What about your hobby ? de serena, postée le 23-07-2005 à 17:42:43 (S | E)
Hello Lethidee,

Painting while listening to music. This is my favourite sparetime.
I also like reading and mostly writing. But I prefer drawing, cause I feel it's the best way not to tell about my feelings to anyone easily. Only those who can look at the picture with a true and sensitive look would deserve knowing what I have deep down inside.
Well, not to seem too much introverted, it's just that some things are hard to be "emerged". And only drawing let me do that.

About women and football, I think you're wrong cause I like it too !
Ok, I never play it (surely not!!), but I like seeing some of my favourite teams playing.
Hummm.....rather complex as a person, aren't I ?

Thank you Lethidee !

Réponse: What about your hobby ? de lethidee, postée le 23-07-2005 à 22:32:09 (S | E)
Hello serena

I remember that my father was a fan of the great team of football from Saint-Etienne and he was very proud of it. I watched TV a this time and I shared his enthusiasm and stress. It was a long time ago.
See you

Réponse: What about your hobby ? de grabuge, postée le 24-07-2005 à 10:55:25 (S | E)
Hello Lethidee,

As usual, your question is interesting. However I can't speak about one hobby in particularbecause I've several hobbies. It seems to be a problem because I have no time to do them when I'd like to!
Like you, I like reading. I've read since I was young and I've never stopped. I do also like dressmaking and like Serena I love drawing and painting because that makes me quiet when I'm troubled. Of course, I'm interested in a lot of things and studying is one of my favourite leisure activities. In a nutshell To finish quickly, I'm fond of roller-skating and I practise it anytime I can.
Now, unfortunately, I must do my housework and it's not my favourite spare time activity!

Edité par grabuge le 25-07-2005 19:50 - Corrections

Réponse: What about your hobby ? de lethidee, postée le 24-07-2005 à 11:10:45 (S | E)
Hello grabuge.

Just for a laugh, I must also do my homework and this morning I have to iron the clothes I'll take in my luggage and ironing is not really my favourite hobby
See you

Edité par serena le 26-07-2005 06:17
"Just for a laugh" ou "Just for laughs" = Histoire de rigoler (un peu)
PS: I also hate ironing!!

Réponse: What about your hobby ? de grabuge, postée le 24-07-2005 à 11:12:35 (S | E)
Hi Lethidée,

I think you're going to Vancouver.... It's fantastic !
Have a good time !

Réponse: What about your hobby ? de dassise, postée le 25-07-2005 à 12:39:09 (S | E)
Just to teel to tell the other(s) members that I have read the title of forum, but for a the moment, I am not able to dialogue with them because I have not (don't have) a good level in English.

Edité par serena le 26-07-2005 06:21

Réponse: What about your hobby ? de orien, postée le 25-07-2005 à 12:50:01 (S | E)

for my part ,the préfére hobby is lisning music ,
Edité par bridg le 25-07-2005 13:00
Personally my favorite hobby is listening to music

Réponse: What about your hobby ? de jeremy255, postée le 25-07-2005 à 15:03:30 (S | E)
my prefer favourite hobby is the soccer I think that it is the best sport.

Edité par serena le 26-07-2005 06:25

Réponse: What about your hobby ? de lethidee, postée le 25-07-2005 à 18:45:46 (S | E)
Hello orien

Can you tell us what kind of music you're fond of listening ?
I like music too but there is a large choice and there are so many and many styles of music :
dancing music, classical music, soul music, jazz, etc...
See you

Réponse: What about your hobby ? de shmone, postée le 25-07-2005 à 21:35:36 (S | E)
Hello everybody

For me, my favourite Hobby is karate. Not only the sport but also the philosophy, the history. It's very captivating to read all books of formers masters, to know how they lived on the Okinawa island, to know their philosophy of life (control of themselves, harmony with the nature). In the sport there are the control of all our movements, the speed, the diversity of the techniques, the intellect of the fight. Now I have the black belt, but is only the beginning, I am still a beginner, there are lots of things to know.

Too, I play electronic organ (between organ and synthesiser). And as my teacher of "karate" is on holidays, I read Harry Potter tome 6 ... of course, it is the basis.


Réponse: What about your hobby ? de jorge94100, postée le 26-07-2005 à 00:44:06 (S | E)
Hello every body

for To complete this topic, I am going to say tell you about my favorite hobby.
First this is a it's sport. There are the football, the jogging and all the sports in general.
After there are the Internet and the forum websites who speak which talk about the cars.
for To finish (to end) , for me, to be with my friends and with the persons that I love it's is very important.

Thank you

Bye bye

Edité par serena le 26-07-2005 06:28

Réponse: What about your hobby ? de tragni, postée le 26-07-2005 à 11:24:07 (S | E)

Hello everybody!

My favourite hobby is to have dinner with my friends: I love that, we can speak about our week drinking a fabulous wine.

Réponse: What about your hobby ? de acadian_girl, postée le 26-07-2005 à 21:52:25 (S | E)
My favorite hobbies are being outside, walking near the sea, rollerblade, camp fire with marshmallows, swimming and so on.....

I also like Internet, to meet new people and talking about different topic.

The most important is to be with a person who is very important in my boyfriend.

See you

Réponse: What about your hobby ? de blastmanu, postée le 27-07-2005 à 00:50:38 (S | E)
Hi all !

My favorite hobbie and my job (i hope because i'm still student) is data processing.

Sorry for my English but I must learn this language for my hobbie and my futur trade because in data processing English is essential thus I am exerted to speak English on the forums.

Réponse: What about your hobby ? de lethidee, postée le 29-07-2005 à 07:00:42 (S | E)
Hello everybody

Your messages are very interesting and I notice that many sports are your hobbies.
Are you also creative, or comtemplative or just lazy ?
See you

Réponse: What about your hobby ? de cherry(ilonka04), postée le 29-07-2005 à 13:01:43 (S | E)
My hobby is ancient history,especially ancient Greece and Rome. When i was at the university I learnt Latin and Greek(of course old) to understand better their customs, habits and living. I love reading all kinds of books connected with this subject. And... I'm Latin teacher at school.
Besides I love listening to music -Scottish and Irish ballads.

Réponse: What about your hobby ? de lethidee, postée le 29-07-2005 à 18:48:52 (S | E)
Hi cherry

I was falling in love of Scotland when I went to this country for 14 days in 1996 during summer vacation and the second time where I returned to this country was in April and it was the same feeling of emotions for the land, the music and the people. I think if I do have to make a choice among all the countries that I visited, the first for me is Scotland.

I think I'm not the only one on this site.

See you

Réponse: What about your hobby ? de cherry(ilonka04), postée le 29-07-2005 à 18:58:14 (S | E)
Hi Lethidee!
I have never been to Scotland,but I still hope I'll go there someday.
For the time being I read a lot about it and try to correspond with Scottish people.

Réponse: What about your hobby ? de dina78, postée le 29-07-2005 à 19:06:20 (S | E)
Hello everybody !
Now, I'm very busy. But my hobbies are watching tv and to listining musics, the slow musics. Occasionnally, I visit friends and my mother. And I'm going to cinema or night club.

That all for me.

Thank you.

Réponse: What about your hobby ? de thebcbg, postée le 30-07-2005 à 18:20:40 (S | E)
My favourite hobby is surfing on internet.

Réponse: What about your hobby ? de lagrobiologiste, postée le 30-07-2005 à 18:44:41 (S | E)

You're right, thebcbq ! Surfing on Internet is a nice hobby ...

But as far as I'm concerned, I like very much collecting insects and trying to identify them (genus and species). Especially ground beetles ! I'm quite meticulous, so, it is an appropriate hobby for me

Réponse: What about your hobby ? de cyber_toinou, postée le 01-08-2005 à 16:29:53 (S | E)
my favourite hobbies are drawing,playing the piano although it's boring and listening the's banal like activity but it's enjoy me!!!
kiss toinou

Réponse: What about your hobby ? de love2justinb, postée le 01-08-2005 à 20:01:59 (S | E)
hello everybody!!
my hobbies are surfing on internet, drawing,dancing,riding my moped and learn english!!
see you

Réponse: What about your hobby ? de smash, postée le 06-08-2005 à 19:34:10 (S | E)
I like ride bike and play computer games.

Réponse: What about your hobby ? de poussy, postée le 07-08-2005 à 15:44:58 (S | E)
Hello everybody,

You don't believe me,I like so many things !!!!!!!!
It's a big problem for me because I have a big family and
I don't have lot of free time for myself.I like reading,to be on my computer to make beautiful pictures,follow courses to improve my english and use better my computer.......and travelling of course like many people I thing!
I won't have enough time to do what I like.....perhaps it's a good thing;I need to dream about my hobbies.
Poussy..............I wish you to be pleased with your hobbies .

Réponse: What about your hobby ? de twist46, postée le 07-08-2005 à 19:11:51 (S | E)
hello - I've got the same problem - a lot of hobbies and not enough time to do them - reading (novels but also historic stories) and papers - who need time every day - sport (swimming running ) long walk in the country with my dog) learning english just for my pleasure, but I work and accessory have a lovely family who needs me, so always running to do all this in a day - fortunately I don't sleep too long time...

Réponse: What about your hobby ? de hajar_02, postée le 07-08-2005 à 19:26:43 (S | E)
In my fre time I chose to the liting the music and lern the book
and aulways i go to the beach for swimming

Edité par serena le 10-08-2005 14:35
In my spare time, I choose to listen to music, learn in the books, and I always go to the beach for a swim.

Réponse: What about your hobby ? de kissjung, postée le 09-08-2005 à 15:25:25 (S | E)
For me reading and writting is are my hobbies because it part of MY LIFT and reading widens my knowledge. I started reading at 4 years old
My favorite author(s) is JK Rolling I like reading all kinds of books. But I like reading and writing novels very very much. I do it when I have free time or when I go to bed. I love reading so much
MaMaHagita reading

Edité par serena le 10-08-2005 14:49
What do you mean by "It part of my lift"?

Réponse: What about your hobby ? de doc28200, postée le 22-08-2005 à 12:25:58 (S | E)
Hi !
for me it's video game !
I'm really a fan of games as CS (Counter Strike) and DOD (Day Of Defeate)
I can play until four hours per day ! Really creazy !
This week i did a lan game (i think that it's this ..... several computer are link together ....) , it was so funny
Near this, i like bike and also to juggle :=)
but for my part i don't like reading books. I find that only newspaper as busines week, wall street journal are interessant because it's about the economic topic.

bye ;=)

Edité par doc28200 le 23-08-2005 10:34

Réponse: What about your hobby ? de moecha, postée le 22-08-2005 à 17:09:12 (S | E)
i like reading, going to the cinema but my favourite time is to make new friends on the internet especially in english in order to improve my english

Réponse: What about your hobby ? de lethidee, postée le 29-08-2005 à 07:28:09 (S | E)
Hello everybody

I'm interested by tai chi and is there someone who could tell me about this ancient discipline? It looks like beetween a dance very slow and a great gymnastic for the body and the spirit.
See you

Réponse: What about your hobby ? de mereck, postée le 30-08-2005 à 09:49:42 (S | E)
I have several hobbies so I will expose them to you by order of preference :
First, I love computers and all activities around it (mount a PC, configurate it, programme, play video games, use Internet, etc...)
I can do this 10 hours a day (my record is 14 hours)
Second, I like chatting with my friend on VoIP or in the "real" world.
Third, I also like Paintball. This sport consist of making a "real" war with Paint ammo. It's really fun.
Fourth, I really like playing piano but I hate sol-fa. Because of this fact, I have 2 or 3 years in advance of piano so it make sol-fa insignificant.

Réponse: What about your hobby ? de RSLSAM, postée le 30-08-2005 à 11:12:16 (S | E)

I'm very satisfied to read all the responses to this topic. It's interesting, so I decide to share with you my favourite hobbies.
First I like dancing and singing because music is the best for me. I can stay alone for many time if i will heard music a long time listening to music.
Secondly, I like volley-ball, walking, cycling, just to take care of my health.
And thirdly, to read , to watch documentaries films for me are the complement to improve my knowledge.
So, I have a lot of hobbies and it's very difficult to have enough time to make them all.
That's all for me.

Edité par serena le 04-09-2005 02:36

Réponse: What about your hobby ? de july57, postée le 30-08-2005 à 12:43:07 (S | E)
Hello everybody!
I was reading the answers of the speakers (members) and that's why I have been interested by in this topic... otherwise I would like, if it's possible, to be corrected by some teachers to see my mistakes. ! Thanks in advance.

So, as far as I'm concerned I like listening to all kinds of music like pop rock or RnB but I also like the old songs! Singers like Balavoine who died too early!! Indeed, I think that he would still have composed (He would have still been composing) (il aurait encore composé? the conditional 's temp tense? I don't remain remember very well ... help me please!) some fabulous tube hits! I love him and these his songs! I 'm also a passionated of also have a passion for all sorts of sports. Especially basketball that I have practised for about 10 years about. it miss myself I miss it a lot but I play it for my pleasure to at the faculty! I'm fond of discovering many cities and some wonderful landscapes but I haven't still travelled in many countries yet; but I hope later when I will be am older that's to say the last next year I would will go (j'irai?) in to Ireland or in to Scotland or if I want to dream I would say in to Australia! I enjoy talking to foreigners to improve my English and meet a lot of people!
To conclude, my hobbies are very plenty because I love life!!!
Thanks to have read myself me.
have a nice day.

Edité par serena le 04-09-2005 02:00

Réponse: What about your hobby ? de lethidee, postée le 30-08-2005 à 19:42:34 (S | E)
Hello july

I'm very glad to read your answers. I encourage you to travel and if you have the chance to visit Scotland or Australia, don't hesitate. Go there.

I had very good memories of this two countries particularly and life is so short.
Don't loose time and if you can do it, travelling is so rich of meetings of different people, different cultures, different thoughts and ways of lives.

Edité par serena le 04-09-2005 01:46

Réponse: What about your hobby ? de libliba, postée le 30-08-2005 à 19:46:38 (S | E)

Réponse: What about your hobby ? de lethidee, postée le 30-08-2005 à 19:50:29 (S | E)
Hello libliba

Very funny your answer : one word, you're a sort of

Réponse: What about your hobby ? de fer, postée le 03-09-2005 à 19:38:46 (S | E)
I like all kind of sports, for example soccer, volley, some games and running around of one of the wonderful lakes that exist here, also studying, don't smile Ok, it is true, and in the weekend I like wash watching some movies.
And you?

See you

Edité par serena le 04-09-2005 01:41

Réponse: What about your hobby ? de lethidee, postée le 03-09-2005 à 23:08:14 (S | E)
Hello fer

I hope that you don't use much soap to "wash" your movies

I think that you mean "watch" and I like cinema like you; and I've just re-watched a DVD of "Spartacus", a film of Stanley Kubrik with Kirk Douglas.
I enjoyed this evening.
Good night

Edité par serena le 04-09-2005 01:32
Typing error corrected.

Réponse: What about your hobby ? de lethidee, postée le 03-09-2005 à 23:09:10 (S | E)
Oh sorry ! good without "e" night

Réponse: What about your hobby ? de soso5927, postée le 30-11-2005 à 23:37:25 (S | E)
my favourite hobby is to do some housework’s : cleaning the flat, washing clothes, cooking, reorganizing and putting things away. It takes a lot of your free time to have a decent, clean house. I am working full time and am looking after my family so if I don’t want to have the awful filling that I am missing on something I might as well consider all the home’s tasks as an original hobby. To make household work more attractive, I tend to listen to music and some nice radio programs like “France inter” and BBC1.
The rest of the time if I still have some free time in hand, I just keep my feet up, and deeply enjoy doing absolutely nothing.

Réponse: What about your hobby ? de whynot95, postée le 01-12-2005 à 08:41:34 (S | E)
Dear Soso5927 could you come to my home to do the chores, I hate them!! It would be

Réponse: What about your hobby ? de zaza54, postée le 01-12-2005 à 14:17:36 (S | E)
For my part, my favourite hobby is reading english books. If I remember well, it must be when I saw and spoke the last time to my english teacher. Before that day ( 2 years and a half ), I only read about 2 english books. Since that time, I couldn't stop reading english. Or was it when I was 14 years old ? The person who helped me in english lessons that time gave me the opportunities to improve that language. (in 1992, I couldn't stand learning english at all).
I also like playing games as "Scrabble" with my all family.


Réponse: What about your hobby ? de lounie, postée le 03-01-2006 à 16:27:37 (S | E)
Hello and happy new year!
I find this subject interesting. My nationality is French and I would like to improve my English by talking the most possible.
For my part, my hobbies are the cinema and the dance. I practised dance for only one year but I like it very much (especialy rock'n'roll). My other hobbies are watching the TV , going for long walks. During my free time, I like reading good books too. Lastly, I like the DIY (but I am not a very good do-it-yourselfer).

Réponse: What about your hobby ? de aureliano, postée le 03-01-2006 à 21:28:08 (S | E)
Hello Lounie,

My favourite hobby is dance too. I'm a beginner as well. I've been practising african dance for two years now and I'm completely mad about it. Each time I hear the "jumbe" my feet can't stop moving. Apart from that I like reading fantasy books like the lord of the ring, for instance.


Réponse: What about your hobby ? de docteuranapath, postée le 03-01-2006 à 23:52:34 (S | E)
Oh , In fact I have many hobbies, I like movies , reading books , speaking others languanges then mine , travelling to dicover new populations and new culturs . I like also practise sport but I have no free time enough to do it.Nothing extraordinary , a simple things.

Réponse: What about your hobby ? de ozean, postée le 04-01-2006 à 04:16:17 (S | E)
Happy new year to everybody!
Nice topic indeed!
When it comes to hobby, I always think about time management. Have you ever asked yourself :'how well do I manage my time?' Are you time-minded ? I think it is impossible to enjoy idling thoroughly unless one has plenty of jobs to do.
And there comes all the pain I have to decide what my hobby is. I just don't know what my hobby is! Sounds incredible? Yeah, That's it. Someone to help me find my hobby. One way of doing it si to define spare time! Be sure, I have looked it up in the dictionary but I still need some more explanation.

Réponse: What about your hobby ? de rogi27, postée le 04-01-2006 à 12:50:51 (S | E)
I have a lot of hobbies : see watching several sports on TV as football,basketball,formula1 etc...
I like too going to parties with friends too, my sister.
But what I like so much is traveling everywhere in the world because I would like to know all the cultures which exist in the world, I like to speak with people so different than me.

Modifié par bridg le 04-01-2006 12:52

Réponse: What about your hobby ? de lethidee, postée le 04-01-2006 à 13:20:16 (S | E)
Hello everybody

Welcome to this fantastic site Rogi.
You're right to like travelling, it's for me the best way to meet new people and share so many different cultures across the world.
I am going to India in a few days and I'm very excited about this new trip.
See you

Modifié par lucile83 le 04-01-2006 21:12

Réponse: What about your hobby ? de bozo, postée le 04-01-2006 à 19:51:14 (S | E)
your answers are very interesting! Well... I love to go to the cinema and listen to music, it's verry relaxing! And watch DVD too!
Modifié par lucile83 le 04-01-2006 21:13

Réponse: What about your hobby ? de mary301285, postée le 05-01-2006 à 09:14:43 (S | E)
I read all the msg messages and I can see that there are is a lot of different persons and it's really
In my case...I'm fond of speaking with friends and joking with them too but In fact I don't have really a favourite hobby
Modifié par lucile83 le 10-01-2006 08:39

Réponse: What about your hobby ? de tiana-nova, postée le 05-01-2006 à 10:19:11 (S | E)
My hobbys are painting, singing & writing poetry. I like all kinds of applied arts, too. So, when I have some free time, I like to create something with my own hands.

Modifié par lucile83 le 10-01-2006 08:42
something in one single word

Réponse: What about your hobby ? de cece77, postée le 09-01-2006 à 20:45:01 (S | E)
Hi everybody!
It's very fabulous to speak in another language! It's still hard for me but I hope to improve my English very quickly. Thank you very much with to the person who corrects the mistakes!!!
I have too several hobbies too and I don't any have enough time, unfortunately. I ador riding love reading all sort of books, to go riding! It's great! And to travel, I hope to do the turn of go round the world... that's why, I try to learn English.

See you later!

Modifié par lucile83 le 10-01-2006 08:43

Réponse: What about your hobby ? de diana18, postée le 10-01-2006 à 13:47:08 (S | E)
my hobbies are: listening to music, watching TV all the time , surfing on the net, learning English on , going to the movies etc. Bye

Réponse: What about your hobby ? de kham, postée le 10-01-2006 à 16:34:04 (S | E)
concerning me I like doing every thing :reading,listening to music,playing football,and so on
Modifié par lucile83 le 10-01-2006 16:48

Réponse: What about your hobby ? de mimilili, postée le 11-01-2006 à 11:09:34 (S | E)
It's very well to talk about our hobbies and in the same time to improve our English.Thanks a lot to the persons who correct my mistakes.
As for me I like track and field particurlarly when running.When I was younger I took part in national competitions.It was really a good environment when lots of athlets of my club were selected.
I also like travelling abroad. I travelled in Nepal a few years ago, it was fantastic, we renovated a school, and meet met different people, different cultures and ways of life. It's so interesting. One day we arrived at night, it was so dark we didn't see anything, we were so tired that we slept.In the morning a friend got up earlier than we did,and told us to look out of the window.We just had to look up because we slept on mattresses and the windows were just above us (juste au dessus de nous???).And.....we waited for a marvellous moment :the sunrise in front of the Himalaya. It was fantastic and I 'll never forget this spendid moment in the my life!
Have a good day!

Modifié par lucile83 le 11-01-2006 11:19

Réponse: What about your hobby ? de dangiej3, postée le 11-01-2006 à 17:33:45 (S | E)
My hobbie is dance. I practice modern jazz dance since I am 4. It's really a passion, when it's holidays, I don't have lesson so with a friend, we're going to the classroom (we have keys) and inventing choregraphies.
I also like listening music and reading.
At this moment, I'm listening DHT featuring Edmee (listen to your heart), i love this song.

Réponse: What about your hobby ? de genny, postée le 21-01-2006 à 06:04:49 (S | E)
My hobby is painting miniature statuettes; fantastic models like elves, orcs, and characters from the game "Dungeons and Dragons". It's very tough and I need a lot of patience and precision.

I like going to cinema, walking in forest, reading and cooking. Cook is my profession, and I like to try new recipes all the time.

Thanks for this question, it's very interesting.

Réponse: What about your hobby ? de lethidee, postée le 26-01-2006 à 12:50:31 (S | E)
Hello everybody

One of my hobbies is travelling and I am in India to day at Ahmedabad and very happy to visit India> See you

Réponse: What about your hobby ? de kiril02, postée le 26-01-2006 à 14:49:38 (S | E)
hello!! about my hobbies, I very like to travel all around the world, I very like it!
I've ever been in La Reunion, in India and in Africa. I plan to return in India soon.
In fact I would like to earn a lot of money tomorrow to travel all my life!!!! so, good!
see you,bye!

Réponse: What about your hobby ? de flodemars, postée le 13-02-2006 à 15:33:21 (S | E)
As far as I can see,I love reading,it's my hobby!I love Harry Potter,in French,of course,It's the best book I've ever read!I recommend you Little women,written by Louisa May Alcott and also Reunion,written by Fred Ulhman.When I read a book,it's so wonderful:it's like a dream.And I love dreaming!And you?Do you like dreaming?It's a very nice topic,isn't it?

Réponse: What about your hobby ? de lethidee, postée le 13-02-2006 à 21:32:09 (S | E)
Hello flodemars

One of my hobby is also the reading and I'm trying since several months to read english books because I have to improve my English. I agree with you when you say that reading is like dreaming. We are in another planet with new environment and new people. I like dreaming.
See you

Réponse: What about your hobby ? de marie18, postée le 20-02-2006 à 11:08:44 (S | E)
I love my computer, of course, mainly Internet which is like a window on the World. I Love too
hobbies like reading, cross-words an principally puzzles: lately, I made two: one "photomosaics", miniatures photographs combine to make one awesome portrait ! (Mona Lisa) and the second :
circular, "the story of one thousand years in pure archival art" Marvellous !
read you soon ! Marie 18

Réponse: What about your hobby ? de mamatmatah, postée le 20-02-2006 à 11:35:14 (S | E)
All right, my hobby is music. I'm a real fan of French, English and Spanish bands, and I perform with a band including trumpet, drums, bass guitar, trombone, guitar and two voices. I'm so stressed because we have our first concert on the first of April (and it's not a joke !). Bye.

Réponse: What about your hobby ? de phonetique, postée le 11-03-2006 à 11:15:40 (S | E)
an interesting question ! if i tell you that i like writing proses ; i mean interpreting my feelings into proses , so through them you can be aware of my heart broadcasting , and also writing articles as arguments of important themes as : abortions , women rights , virginity ........

Réponse: What about your hobby ? de lethidee, postée le 11-03-2006 à 11:57:06 (S | E)
Hello Phonetique

How lucky you are to be able to write easily all your feelings and impressions !
I have some difficulties about that because I have a lot of ideas about many subjects and I write when I feel like doing it, but after I do anything else.
So, have you a technique or do you write when you feel like doing ?
See you

Réponse: What about your hobby ? de aspirer, postée le 18-04-2006 à 05:04:49 (S | E)
I am from China,which is a very famous and beautiful country.
My hobby is Chinese Chess,there are sth. silimlar it is similar with chess.I like to play it.
And I also like playing basketball sometimes,and I like football too but can play it well,I just play computer game about football,such as PES5,or FIFA;And I also like music.

Is there anybody have the silimlar hobby with me Has anybody the same hobby??Maybe we can be friends.

Modifié par lucile83 le 18-04-2006 08:21
Private address deleted !

Réponse: What about your hobby ? de melimolo, postée le 18-04-2006 à 13:11:35 (S | E)
Hello everybody!
I read all your answers and find it found them very interesting!
For my part I like scouting! I have been a scout chief for five years. My scouts are girls and boys between twelve and sixteen years old and they are really cool.
I also like reading (C.S Lewis and Tolkien are two of my favourite(s) writers), I like modelling but I don't have enough time for that.

Modifié par lucile83 le 18-04-2006 13:56

Réponse: What about your hobby ? de gabriel, postée le 18-04-2006 à 14:10:22 (S | E)
Hello people
my favourite hobby is listening Reggae music and escaped with its.
Otherwise I like reading,the last book was read is "L'alchimiste" by Paulo Coelho

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