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Exercices 37
Message de felin posté le 23-07-2005 à 01:28:52 (S | E | F | I)

Bonjour tout le monde

Correction Jeudi soir.

Match the first sentence (0-14) with the second sentence (A-O) to make short exchanges.

0- 'Look at all those dark clouds.'
1- 'Mum, I've dropped my glass of milk.'
2- 'The meeting will be held on Tuesday at 3pm.'
3- 'What time did she say she's going to get here?'
4- 'I told her to tidy her room but she won't.'
5- 'How much longer are you going to be?'
6- 'I feel awful. I think I'm going to faint.'
7- 'I'll come and help you clear the attic in a moment.'
8- 'Tessa seems to have gained a lot of weight.'
9- 'Shall we go now? I've had enough.'
10- 'Will you please shut the door?'
11- 'What shall I get for dinner?'
12- 'When am I going to see you again?'
13- 'What do you think you'll do when you finish?'
14- 'I'm just going to go to the post office.'

A) ‘Shall I have a word with her?'
B) 'I'll be with you in just a minute.'
C) ‘That’s easy. I'm going to get a job that earns me lots of money.'
D) 'Thanks. That will be very helpful.'
E) ‘Actually she's going to have a baby.'
F) ‘Never mind. Accidents will happen.'
G) 'I'm not sure I'll be able to come.'
H) 'She'll probably be here by 9.30.'
I) 'I'll call the doctor right away.'
J) 'Let's just have fish and chips.'
K) 'Perhaps I'll see you tomorrow.'
1) 'No, I won't. Do it yourself!'
M) 'Are you? I'll come with you.'
N) 'OK. I'll just get your coat.'
O) 'Yes, there's going to be a storm.'

Réponse: Exercices 37 de serena, postée le 23-07-2005 à 05:40:04 (S | E)
Salut Felin !

C'est pas si évident, mais comme j'aime les causeries...Enfin, souvent...

0) 'Look at all those dark clouds.'
O) 'Yes, there's going to be a storm.'

1) 'Mum, I've dropped my glass of milk.'
F) ‘Never mind. Accidents will happen.'

2) 'The meeting will be held on Tuesday at 3pm.'
G) 'I’m not sure I'll be able to come.'

3) 'What time did she say she's going to get here?'
H) 'She'll probably be here by 9.30.'

4) 'I told her to tidy her room but she won't.'
A) ‘Shall I have a word with her?'

5) 'How much longer are you going to be?'
B) ‘I’ll be with you in just a minute.'

6) 'I feel awful. I think I'm going to faint.'
I) ‘I’ll call the doctor right away.'

7) 'I’ll come and help you clear the attic in a moment.'
D) 'Thanks. That will be very helpful.'

9) 'Shall we go now? I've had enough.'
N) 'OK. I'll just get your coat.'

8) 'Tessa seems to have gained a lot of weight.'
E) ‘Actually she's going to have a baby.'

10) 'Will you please shut the door?'
L) 'No, I won't. Do it yourself!'

11) 'What shall I get for dinner?'
J) 'Let's just have fish and chips.'

12) 'When am I going to see you again?'
K) 'Perhaps I'll see you tomorrow.'

13) 'What do you think you'll do when you finish?'
C) ‘That’s easy. I'm going to get a job that earns me lots of money.'

14) ‘I’m just going to go to the post office.'
M) 'Are you? I'll come with you.'

J'espère avoir remis à César ce qui lui appartient.

Réponse: Exercices 37 de joy813, postée le 23-07-2005 à 10:28:31 (S | E)
Good morning Felin

0- 'Look at all those dark clouds.'
O) 'Yes, there's going to be a storm.'

1- 'Mum, I've dropped my glass of milk.'
F) ‘Never mind. Accidents will happen.'

2- 'The meeting will be held on Tuesday at 3pm.'
G) 'I'm not sure I'll be able to come.'

3- 'What time did she say she's going to get here?'
H) 'She'll probably be here by 9.30.'

4- 'I told her to tidy her room but she won't.'
A) ‘Shall I have a word with her?'

5- 'How much longer are you going to be?'
B) 'I'll be with you in just a minute.'

6- 'I feel awful. I think I'm going to faint.'
I) 'I'll call the doctor right away.'

7- 'I'll come and help you clear the attic in a moment.'
D) 'Thanks. That will be very helpful.'

8- 'Tessa seems to have gained a lot of weight.'
E) ‘Actually she's going to have a baby.'

9- 'Shall we go now? I've had enough.'
N) 'OK. I'll just get your coat.'

10- 'Will you please shut the door?'
1) 'No, I won't. Do it yourself!'

11- 'What shall I get for dinner?'
J) 'Let's just have fish and chips.'

12- 'When am I going to see you again?'
K) 'Perhaps I'll see you tomorrow.'

13- 'What do you think you'll do when you finish?'
C) ‘That’s easy. I'm going to get a job that earns me lots of money.'

14- 'I'm just going to go to the post office.'
M) 'Are you? I'll come with you.'

, Felin and have a nice week-end

Réponse: Exercices 37 de grabuge, postée le 23-07-2005 à 10:38:58 (S | E)
Coucou felin

0- 'Look at all those dark clouds.'O) 'Yes, there's going to be a storm.'
1- 'Mum, I've dropped my glass of milk.'F) ‘Never mind. Accidents will happen.'
2- 'The meeting will be held on Tuesday at 3pm.'G) 'I'm not sure I'll be able to come.'
3- 'What time did she say she's going to get here?'H) 'She'll probably be here by 9.30.'
4- 'I told her to tidy her room but she won't.'A) ‘Shall I have a word with her?'
5- 'How much longer are you going to be?'B) 'I'll be with you in just a minute.'
6- 'I feel awful. I think I'm going to faint.'I) 'I'll call the doctor right away.'
7- 'I'll come and help you clear the attic in a moment.'D) 'Thanks. That will be very helpful.'
8- 'Tessa seems to have gained a lot of weight.'E) ‘Actually she's going to have a baby.'
9- 'Shall we go now? I've had enough. ''N) 'OK. I'll just get your coat.'
10- 'Will you please shut the door?1) 'No, I won't. Do it yourself!'
11- 'What shall I get for dinner?'J) 'Let's just have fish and chips.'
12- 'When am I going to see you again?'K) 'Perhaps I'll see you tomorrow.'
13- 'What do you think you'll do when you finish?'C) ‘That’s easy. I'm going to get a job that earns me lots of money.'
14- 'I'm just going to go to the post office.' M) 'Are you? I'll come with you.'

Bisous et merci

Réponse: Exercices 37 de kathleen, postée le 23-07-2005 à 19:18:50 (S | E)
Bonsoir Felin!

0-'Look at all those dark clouds.'
O) 'Yes, there's going to be a storm.'

1- 'Mum, I've dropped my glass of milk.'
F) ‘Never mind. Accidents will happen.'

2- 'The meeting will be held on Tuesday at 3pm.'
G) 'I'm not sure I'll be able to come.'

3- 'What time did she say she's going to get here?'
H) 'She'll probably be here by 9.30.'

4- 'I told her to tidy her room but she won't.'
A)‘Shall I have a word with her?'

5- 'How much longer are you going to be?'
B) 'I'll be with you in just a minute.'

6- 'I feel awful. I think I'm going to faint.'
I) 'I'll call the doctor right away.'

7- 'I'll come and help you clear the attic in a moment.'
D) 'Thanks. That will be very helpful.'

8- 'Tessa seems to have gained a lot of weight.'
E) ‘Actually she's going to have a baby.'

9- 'Shall we go now? I've had enough.'
N) 'OK. I'll just get your coat.'

10- 'Will you please shut the door?'
L) 'No, I won't. Do it yourself!'

11- 'What shall I get for dinner?'
J) 'Let's just have fish and chips.'

12- 'When am I going to see you again?'
K) 'Perhaps I'll see you tomorrow.'

13- 'What do you think you'll do when you finish?'
C) ‘That’s easy. I'm going to get a job that earns me lots of money.'

14- 'I'm just going to go to the post office.'
M) 'Are you? I'll come with you.'

Felin. C'est très amusant.

Réponse: Exercices 37 de marit64, postée le 23-07-2005 à 20:19:22 (S | E)
Hi felin!

0- 'Look at all those dark clouds.'
O) 'Yes, there's going to be a storm.'

1- 'Mum, I've dropped my glass of milk.'
F) ‘Never mind. Accidents will happen.'

2- 'The meeting will be held on Tuesday at 3pm.'
G) 'I'm not sure I'll be able to come.'

3- 'What time did she say she's going to get here?'
H) 'She'll probably be here by 9.30.'

4- 'I told her to tidy her room but she won't.'
A) ‘Shall I have a word with her?'

5- 'How much longer are you going to be?'
B) 'I'll be with you in just a minute.'

6- 'I feel awful. I think I'm going to faint.'
I) 'I'll call the doctor right away.'

7- 'I'll come and help you clear the attic in a moment.'
D) 'Thanks. That will be very helpful.'

8- 'Tessa seems to have gained a lot of weight.'
E) ‘Actually she's going to have a baby.'

9- 'Shall we go now? I've had enough.'
N) 'OK. I'll just get your coat.'

10- 'Will you please shut the door?'
L) 'No, I won't. Do it yourself!'

11- 'What shall I get for dinner?'
J) 'Let's just have fish and chips.'

12- 'When am I going to see you again?'
K) 'Perhaps I'll see you tomorrow.'

13- 'What do you think you'll do when you finish?'
C) ‘That’s easy. I'm going to get a job that earns me lots of money.'

14- 'I'm just going to go to the post office.'
M) 'Are you? I'll come with you.'

for your exercise. Have a nice week!

Réponse: Exercices 37 de post-scriptum, postée le 24-07-2005 à 15:05:36 (S | E)
Bonjour Felin, boujour à toutes et à tous

Hé ! Attendez-moi, j'arrive...

0. 'Look at all those dark clouds.'
O) 'Yes, there's going to be a storm.'
1- 'Mum, I've dropped my glass of milk.'
F) ‘Never mind. Accidents will happen.'
2- 'The meeting will be held on Tuesday at 3pm.'
G) 'I'm not sure I'll be able to come.'
3- 'What time did she say she's going to get here?'
H) 'She'll probably be here by 9.30.'
4- 'I told her to tidy her room but she won't.'
A) ‘Shall I have a word with her?'
5- 'How much longer are you going to be?'
B) 'I'll be with you in just a minute.'
6- 'I feel awful. I think I'm going to faint.'
I) 'I'll call the doctor right away.'
7- 'I'll come and help you clear the attic in a moment.'
D) 'Thanks. That will be very helpful.'
8- 'Tessa seems to have gained a lot of weight.'
E) ‘Actually she's going to have a baby.'
9- 'Shall we go now? I've had enough.'
N) 'OK. I'll just get your coat.'
10- 'Will you please shut the door?'
1) 'No, I won't. Do it yourself!'
11- 'What shall I get for dinner?'
J) 'Let's just have fish and chips.'
12- 'When am I going to see you again?'
K) 'Perhaps I'll see you tomorrow.'
13- 'What do you think you'll do when you finish?'
C) ‘That’s easy. I'm going to get a job that earns me lots of money.'
14- 'I'm just going to go to the post office.'
M) 'Are you? I'll come with you.'

Merci infiniment, Félin. Je suis très en retard sur le forum en ce moment parce que je m'active (lentement) dans une autre partie du site. A très bientôt, Felin.

Réponse: Exercices 37 de fik, postée le 25-07-2005 à 14:21:58 (S | E)
Merci Felin pour cet exo, permet d'enrichir le vocabulaire!!!

0- 'Look at all those dark clouds.'
O) 'Yes, there's going to be a storm.'

1- 'Mum, I've dropped my glass of milk.'
F) ‘Never mind. Accidents will happen.'

2- 'The meeting will be held on Tuesday at 3pm.'
G) 'I'm not sure I'll be able to come.'

3- 'What time did she say she's going to get here?'
H) 'She'll probably be here by 9.30.'

4- 'I told her to tidy her room but she won't.'
A) ‘Shall I have a word with her?'

5- 'How much longer are you going to be?'
B) 'I'll be with you in just a minute.'

6- 'I feel awful. I think I'm going to faint.'
I) 'I'll call the doctor right away.'

7- 'I'll come and help you clear the attic in a moment.'
D) 'Thanks. That will be very helpful.'

8- 'Tessa seems to have gained a lot of weight.'
E) ‘Actually she's going to have a baby.'

9- 'Shall we go now? I've had enough.'
N) 'OK. I'll just get your coat.'

10- 'Will you please shut the door?'
1) 'No, I won't. Do it yourself!'

11- 'What shall I get for dinner?'
J) 'Let's just have fish and chips.'

12- 'When am I going to see you again?'
K) 'Perhaps I'll see you tomorrow.'

13- 'What do you think you'll do when you finish?'
C) ‘That’s easy. I'm going to get a job that earns me lots of money.'

14- 'I'm just going to go to the post office.'
M) 'Are you? I'll come with you.'

Réponse: Exercices 37 de floral5, postée le 25-07-2005 à 15:25:44 (S | E)
Match the first sentence (0-14) with the second sentence (A-O) to make short exchanges.

0- 'Look at all those dark clouds.'
O) 'Yes, there's going to be a storm.'

1- 'Mum, I've dropped my glass of milk.'
F) ‘Never mind. Accidents will happen.'

2- 'The meeting will be held on Tuesday at 3pm.'
G) 'I'm not sure I'll be able to come.'

3- 'What time did she say she's going to get here?'
H) 'She'll probably be here by 9.30.'

4- 'I told her to tidy her room but she won't.'
A) ‘Shall I have a word with her?'

5- 'How much longer are you going to be?'
B) 'I'll be with you in just a minute.'

6- 'I feel awful. I think I'm going to faint.'
I) 'I'll call the doctor right away.'

7- 'I'll come and help you clear the attic in a moment.'
D) 'Thanks. That will be very helpful.'

8- 'Tessa seems to have gained a lot of weight.'
E) ‘Actually she's going to have a baby.'

9- 'Shall we go now? I've had enough.'
N) 'OK. I'll just get your coat.'

10- 'Will you please shut the door?'
1) 'No, I won't. Do it yourself!'

11- 'What shall I get for dinner?'
J) 'Let's just have fish and chips.'

12- 'When am I going to see you again?'
K) 'Perhaps I'll see you tomorrow.'

13- 'What do you think you'll do when you finish?'
C) ‘That’s easy. I'm going to get a job that earns me lots of money.'

14- 'I'm just going to go to the post office.'
M) 'Are you? I'll come with you.'

Réponse: Exercices 37 de felin, postée le 28-07-2005 à 18:46:31 (S | E)
Bonsoir tout le monde

Voici la correction

0 o
1 F
2 G
3 H
4 A
5 B
6 I
7 D
8 E
9 N
10 L
11 J
12 K
13 C
14 M

pour votre participation
Bravo pour tout le monde

Réponse: Exercices 37 de lydah, postée le 28-07-2005 à 22:31:56 (S | E)
0) salut les copins

'Look at all those dark clouds.'
O) 'Yes, there's going to be a storm.'

1) 'Mum, I've dropped my glass of milk.'
F) ‘Never mind. Accidents will happen.'

2) 'The meeting will be held on Tuesday at 3pm.'
G) 'I’m not sure I'll be able to come.'

3) 'What time did she say she's going to get here?'
H) 'She'll probably be here by 9.30.'

4) 'I told her to tidy her room but she won't.'
A) ‘Shall I have a word with her?'

5) 'How much longer are you going to be?'
B) ‘I’ll be with you in just a minute.'

6) 'I feel awful. I think I'm going to faint.'
I) ‘I’ll call the doctor right away.'

7) 'I’ll come and help you clear the attic in a moment.'
D) 'Thanks. That will be very helpful.'

9) 'Shall we go now? I've had enough.'
N) 'OK. I'll just get your coat.'

8) 'Tessa seems to have gained a lot of weight.'
E) ‘Actually she's going to have a baby.'

10) 'Will you please shut the door?'
L) 'No, I won't. Do it yourself!'

11) 'What shall I get for dinner?'
J) 'Let's just have fish and chips.'

12) 'When am I going to see you again?'
K) 'Perhaps I'll see you tomorrow.'

13) 'What do you think you'll do when you finish?'
C) ‘That’s easy. I'm going to get a job that earns me lots of money.'

14) ‘I’m just going to go to the post office.'
M) 'Are you? I'll come with you.

0) 'Look at all those dark clouds.'
O) 'Yes, there's going to be a storm.'

1) 'Mum, I've dropped my glass of milk.'
F) ‘Never mind. Accidents will happen.'

2) 'The meeting will be held on Tuesday at 3pm.'
G) 'I’m not sure I'll be able to come.'

3) 'What time did she say she's going to get here?'
H) 'She'll probably be here by 9.30.'

4) 'I told her to tidy her room but she won't.'
A) ‘Shall I have a word with her?'

5) 'How much longer are you going to be?'
B) ‘I’ll be with you in just a minute.'

6) 'I feel awful. I think I'm going to faint.'
I) ‘I’ll call the doctor right away.'

7) 'I’ll come and help you clear the attic in a moment.'
D) 'Thanks. That will be very helpful.'

9) 'Shall we go now? I've had enough.'
N) 'OK. I'll just get your coat.'

8) 'Tessa seems to have gained a lot of weight.'
E) ‘Actually she's going to have a baby.'

10) 'Will you please shut the door?'
L) 'No, I won't. Do it yourself!'

11) 'What shall I get for dinner?'
J) 'Let's just have fish and chips.'

12) 'When am I going to see you again?'
K) 'Perhaps I'll see you tomorrow.'

13) 'What do you think you'll do when you finish?'
C) ‘That’s easy. I'm going to get a job that earns me lots of money.'

14) ‘I’m just going to go to the post office.'
M) 'Are you? I'll come with you.'

0) 'Look at all those dark clouds
O) 'Yes, there's going to be a storm.'

1) 'Mum, I've dropped my glass of milk.'
F) ‘Never mind. Accidents will happen.'

2) 'The meeting will be held on Tuesday at 3pm.'
G) 'I’m not sure I'll be able to come.'

3) 'What time did she say she's going to get here?'
H) 'She'll probably be here by 9.30.'

4) 'I told her to tidy her room but she won't.'
A) ‘Shall I have a word with her?'

5) 'How much longer are you going to be?'
B) ‘I’ll be with you in just a minute.'

6) 'I feel awful. I think I'm going to faint.'
I) ‘I’ll call the doctor right away.'

7) 'I’ll come and help you clear the attic in a moment.'
D) 'Thanks. That will be very helpful.'

9) 'Shall we go now? I've had enough.'
N) 'OK. I'll just get your coat.'

8) 'Tessa seems to have gained a lot of weight.'
E) ‘Actually she's going to have a baby.'

10) 'Will you please shut the door?'
L) 'No, I won't. Do it yourself!'

11) 'What shall I get for dinner?'
J) 'Let's just have fish and chips.'

12) 'When am I going to see you again?'
K) 'Perhaps I'll see you tomorrow.'

13) 'What do you think you'll do when you finish?'
C) ‘That’s easy. I'm going to get a job that earns me lots of money.'

14) ‘I’m just going to go to the post office.'
M) 'Are you? I'll come with you.'

Réponse: Exercices 37 de felin, postée le 28-07-2005 à 22:37:17 (S | E)
Bonsoir Lydah

La correction est deja faite pourriez vous voir svp en haut merci.

pour votre participation.

Ce sujet est fermé, vous ne pouvez pas poster de réponse.


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