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Think about or think of
Message de felin posté le 03-08-2005 à 15:44:19 (S | E | F | I)

Bonjour tout le monde

Correction Dimanche soir

Complete the sentences using think about or think of. Use the correct form of think.

1 You look serious. What are you.................?
2 I like to have time to make decisions. I like to...........things carefully.
3 He's a very selfish person. He only.................himself.
4 I don't know what to get Ann for her birthday. Can you........anything?
5 A: I've finished reading the book you lent me.
B: Have you? What did Did you like it?
6 We’re..........going out for a meal this evening. Would you like to come?
7 I don't really want to go out with lan tonight. I'll have excuse.
8 Carol is rather homesick. She's always thinking....her family back home.
9 When I was offered the job, I didn't accept immediately. I went away and................ it for a while. In the end I decided to take the job.
10 I don't...........much................this coffee. It's like water.
11 That’s a good idea. Why didn't I.................that?
12 I can't make a decision yet. I need time to............your proposal.

Good luck.

Réponse: Think about or think of de zen34, postée le 03-08-2005 à 16:12:21 (S | E)
Hi Felin,

Thank you for that interesting exercise!

1 You look serious. What are you thinking about?
2 I like to have time to make decisions. I like to think about things carefully.
3 He's a very selfish person. He only thinks of himself.
4 I don't know what to get Ann for her birthday. Can you think about anything?
5 A: I've finished reading the book you lent me.
B: Have you? What did you think of it? Did you like it?
6 We’re thinking about going out for a meal this evening. Would you like to come?
7 I don't really want to go out with lan tonight. I'll have to think about an excuse.
8 Carol is rather homesick. She's always thinking of her family back home.
9 When I was offered the job, I didn't accept immediately. I went away and thought about it for a while. In the end I decided to take the job.
10 I don't think much of this coffee. It's like water.
11 That’s a good idea. Why didn't I think about that?
12 I can't make a decision yet. I need time to think about your proposal.

Réponse: Think about or think of de grabuge, postée le 03-08-2005 à 16:24:30 (S | E)
Hello Felin

1 You look serious. What are you thinking of ?
2 I like to have time to make decisions. I like to.think about things carefully.
3 He's a very selfish person. He only think of himself.
4 I don't know what to get Ann for her birthday. Can you. think about anything?
5 A: I've finished reading the book you lent me.
B: Have you? What did you think about it? Did you like it?
6 We’re think of going out for a meal this evening. Would you like to come?
7 I don't really want to go out with lan tonight. I'll have to.think about an excuse.
8 Carol is rather homesick. She's always thinking.of her family back home.
9 When I was offered the job, I didn't accept immediately. I went away and.think about it for a while. In the end I decided to take the job.
10 I don't think much.of.this coffee. It's like water.
11 That’s a good idea. Why didn't I think for.that?
12 I can't make a decision yet. I need time to.think about your proposal.

J'ai répondu "au jugé". Je verrai bien

Réponse: Think about or think of de post-scriptum, postée le 03-08-2005 à 21:40:22 (S | E)
Bonsoir chère Felin,

1 You look serious. What are you thinking about?
2 I like to have time to make decisions. I like to think of things carefully.
3 He's a very selfish person. He only thinks of himself.
4 I don't know what to get Ann for her birthday. Can you think of anything?
5 A: I've finished reading the book you lent me.
B: Have you? What did you think about it? Did you like it?
6 We’re thinking of going out for a meal this evening. Would you like to come?
7 I don't really want to go out with lan tonight. I'll have to think about an excuse.
8 Carol is rather homesick. She's always thinking of her family back home.
9 When I was offered the job, I didn't accept immediately. I went away and thought about it for a while. In the end I decided to take the job.
10 I don't think much of this coffee. It's like water.
11 That’s a good idea. Why didn't I think of that?
12 I can't make a decision yet. I need time to think about your proposal.

Merci infiniment, et à une autre fois peut-être.

Réponse: Think about or think of de kathleen, postée le 03-08-2005 à 21:51:32 (S | E)
Hello Felin!

1 You look serious. What are you think about?
2 I like to have time to make decisions. I like to think of things carefully.
3 He's a very selfish person. He only think of himself.
4 I don't know what to get Ann for her birthday. Can you think of anything?
5 A: I've finished reading the book you lent me.
B: Have you? What did you think about it? Did you like it?
6 We’re think of going out for a meal this evening. Would you like to come?
7 I don't really want to go out with lan tonight. I'll have to think about an excuse.
8 Carol is rather homesick. She's always thinking of her family back home.
9 When I was offered the job, I didn't accept immediately. I went away and thought about it for a while. In the end I decided to take the job.
10 I don't think much of this coffee. It's like water.
11 That’s a good idea. Why didn't I think of that?
12 I can't make a decision yet. I need time to think about your proposal.


Réponse: Think about or think of de samia51, postée le 04-08-2005 à 10:09:57 (S | E)
Bonjour Felin
Merci pour cet exercice

Complete the sentences using think about or think of. Use the correct form of think.

1 You look serious. What are you THINKING ABOUT ?
2 I like to have time to make decisions. I like to.THINK OF things carefully.
3 He's a very selfish person. He only THINK OF himself.
4 I don't know what to get Ann for her birthday. Can you. THINK OF anything?
5 A: I've finished reading the book you lent me.
B: Have you? What did you..THINK Did you like it?
6 We’re.THINKING OF.going out for a meal this evening. Would you like to come?
7 I don't really want to go out with lan tonight. I'll have to. THINK OF an excuse.
8 Carol is rather homesick. She's always thinking ABOUT her family back home.
9 When I was offered the job, I didn't accept immediately. I went away and..THOUGHT ABOUT it for a while. In the end I decided to take the job.
10 I don't.. THINK much..OF this coffee. It's like water.
11 That’s a good idea. Why didn't I. THINK OF.that?
12 I can't make a decision yet. I need time to. THINK ABOUT your proposal.


Réponse: Think about or think of de barzackker, postée le 04-08-2005 à 18:16:09 (S | E)
1 You look serious. What are you thinking about?
2 I like to have time to make decisions. I like to think about things carefully.
3 He's a very selfish person. He only thinks about himself.
4 I don't know what to get Anne for her birthday. Can you think about anything?
5 A: I've finished reading the book you lent me.
B: Have you? What did you think about it? Did you like it?
6 We’re thinking of going out for a meal this evening. Would you like to come?
7 I don't really want to go out with lan tonight. I'll have to think about an excuse.
8 Carol is rather homesick. She's always thinking about her family back home.
9 When I was offered the job, I didn't accept immediately. I went away and thought of it for a while. In the end I decided to take the job.
10 I don't think much about this coffee. It's like water.
11 That’s a good idea. Why didn't I think about that?
12 I can't make a decision yet. I need time to think of your proposal.

Réponse: Think about or think of de felin, postée le 07-08-2005 à 17:06:15 (S | E)
Bonjour tout le monde

Voici la correction

1 You look serious. What are you thinking about?
2 I like to have time to make decisions. I like to think about things carefully.
3 He's a very selfish person. He only thinks about/of himself.
4 I don't know what to get Ann for her birthday. Can you think of anything?
5 A: I've finished reading the book you lent me.
B: Have you? What did you think of it? Did you like it?
6 We’re thinking of/about going out for a meal this evening. Would you like to come?
7 I don't really want to go out with lan tonight. I'll have to think of an excuse.
8 Carol is rather homesick. She's always thinking about/of her family back home.
9 When I was offered the job, I didn't accept immediately. I went away and thought about it for a while. In the end I decided to take the job.
10 I don't think much of this coffee. It's like water.
11 That’s a good idea. Why didn't I think of that?
12 I can't make a decision yet. I need time to think about your proposal.

Voici une explication:

When you think about something, you consider it, you concentrate your mind on it:
You look serious. What are you thinking about?
Will you lend me the money? I‘ll think about it.

When you think of something, the idea comes to your mind:
He told me his name but I can’t think of it now. (Not think about it)
That’s good idea. Why didn’t I think of that? (Not think about that)

We also use think of when we ask or give an opinion:
What did you think of the film? I didn’t think much of it.

The difference is sometimes very small. Often you can use of or about:
When I’m alone, I often think of (or about) you.

You can say think of or think about doing something (for possible future actions)
My sister is thinking of (or about) going to Canada.( she is considering it).

pour votre participation

Réponse: Think about or think of de IENA1, postée le 08-08-2005 à 12:43:30 (S | E)
Complete the sentences using think about or think of. Use the correct form of think.

1 You look serious. What are you.thinking of................?
2 I like to have time to make decisions. I like to..think about.........things carefully.
3 He's a very selfish person. He only...think of..............himself.
4 I don't know what to get Ann for her birthday. Can you...think about.....anything?
5 A: I've finished reading the book you lent me.
B: Have you? What did you.....think Did you like it?
6 We’re...thinking of.......going out for a meal this evening. Would you like to come?
7 I don't really want to go out with lan tonight. I'll have to..think excuse.
8 Carol is rather homesick. She's always thinking.of...her family back home.
9 When I was offered the job, I didn't accept immediately. I went away and.....think of........... it for a while. In the end I decided to take the job.
10 I don't...think........much........of........this coffee. It's like water.
11 That’s a good idea. Why didn't I....think about.............that?
12 I can't make a decision yet. I need time to..think about:.your proposal.

Good luck.

Réponse: Think about or think of de felin, postée le 08-08-2005 à 13:01:24 (S | E)
Bonjour IENA1

La correction est faite donc pourriez vous voir en haut svp merci.

pour votre participation.

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