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'To write an Essay'.
Message de kenzo45 posté le 15-09-2005 à 16:01:35 (S | E | F | I)

You are going to write an essay, or, if you prefer, a summary which is about "Benetton's approach to advertising".
I suggest that you read the following extract from an article from "The Economist" to help you to support your idea, answer/point of view...

"Benetton's colourful jumpers may be soft and woolly, but its advertisements are not! The Italian clothes maker's autumn 1991 campaign includes an ad picturing a not-so-platonic kiss between a priest and a nun clad in old-fashioned habits.
"The affirmation of pure human sentiment," says Benetton. "offensive", say outraged Catholics.".....!!
The question is:"Do you think that we can use and show anything to anybody just to increase market shares"??

CORRECTION par "MP", dimanche 18/09/'05, fin d'après-midi.
Thanks and Good Luck!

Réponse: 'To write an Essay'. de traviskidd, postée le 15-09-2005 à 18:37:12 (S | E)
This isn't an essay, but it seems to me that if most people are offended by this sort of thing, then it won't increase market share.

Réponse: 'To write an Essay'. de grabuge, postée le 18-09-2005 à 16:07:27 (S | E)
Hello Kenzo,

Comme promis, voici mon petit essai...

I'm quite agree with the article written in "The Economist" to say that Benetton's advertising weren't soft.

I remember several of them which were, in my point of view, no shocking but avant-gardist.

It seems that showing pictures about war, Aids, mixed-people , religion can be offend some of humans's groups and in particular in some countries.

Personnally, I liked very much these advertising campaigns which, in my opinion, demonstrated the horror of the war, the less total indifference about some
problems of many groups of people in the world.

However, the question here, is : If for increasing market shares, we can use and show anything to anybody ?

I think no. Advertisings must hold the attention of the customers but also, respect the believes of other people.

This article reminded me several ads and, in particular, one of them which was a simple message but using an unused word in French : "Avoir le don

d'ubiquité". Another ad showed a young and beautiful woman (of course, she wasn't ugly) saying : "Next week, I take off the top !

It seems to me that these ads left their marks on people without shocking anybody.


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