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Méli-mélo de fautes
Message de grabuge posté le 25-09-2005 à 09:38:45 (S | E | F | I)
Je vous propose de corriger mes fautes...
1. Don't pay for me. I'll pay for me.
2. We stopped talking and looked at ourselves.
3. I make all the housework, including the cooking.
4. This is an unique experience. Let's enjoy it.
5. You must to get up early on the weekend.
6. This party is no fun at all. It's very bored.
7. He told he could not come to the party.
8. I didn't bring nothing to drink.
9. Did you understand something I said ?
10. There has a problem with the motor.
Correction en fin de semaine et par MP.![](https://www.anglaisfacile.com/images/smileys/p7.gif)
Message de grabuge posté le 25-09-2005 à 09:38:45 (S | E | F | I)
Je vous propose de corriger mes fautes...
1. Don't pay for me. I'll pay for me.
2. We stopped talking and looked at ourselves.
3. I make all the housework, including the cooking.
4. This is an unique experience. Let's enjoy it.
5. You must to get up early on the weekend.
6. This party is no fun at all. It's very bored.
7. He told he could not come to the party.
8. I didn't bring nothing to drink.
9. Did you understand something I said ?
10. There has a problem with the motor.
Correction en fin de semaine et par MP.
Réponse: Méli-mélo de fautes de oldman, postée le 25-09-2005 à 11:05:28 (S | E)
Hello Grabuge,
1. Don't buy it for me. I'll buy it.
2. We stopped talking and looked at each other.
3. I do all the housework, including the cooking.
4. This is a unique experience. Let's enjoy it.
5. You must get up early on the weekend.
6. This party is not funny at all. It's very boring.
7. He said he could not come to the party.
8. I didn't bring anything to drink.
9. Did you understand what I said ?
10. There has been a problem with the motor.
Best wishes.
Edité par oldman le 26-09-2005 10:58
1. Don't pay for me.I'll pay my way.
9. Did you understand anything I said?
Réponse: Méli-mélo de fautes de magmatic_rock, postée le 25-09-2005 à 11:51:37 (S | E)
Coucou Grabuge,
1. Don't pay for me. I'll pay for the both of us.
2. We stopped talking and looked at one another / each other (it depends the number of people).
3. I do all the housework, including the cooking.
4. This is an unique experience. Let's enjoy it.
5. You must
6. This party is not fun at all. It's very boring.
7. He told he could not come
8. I didn't bring anything to drink.
9. Did you understand anything I said ?
10. There was a problem with the motor.
Réponse: Méli-mélo de fautes de post-scriptum, postée le 25-09-2005 à 12:01:47 (S | E)
Bonjour à toutes et à tous,
1. Don't pay for me. I'll buy it myself.
2. We stopped talking and looked at each other.
3. I do all the houseworks, including the cooking.
4. This is a unique experience. Let's enjoy it.
5. You must get up early on the weekend.
6. That party isn't funny at all. It's very boring.
7. He said he could not come to the party.
8. I didn't bring anything to drink.
9. Did you understand what I said?
10. There is a problem with the motor.
Merci, et à une autre fois sans doute.
Réponse: Méli-mélo de fautes de joy813, postée le 25-09-2005 à 12:35:08 (S | E)
Hello Grabuge,
1. Don't pay for me. I'll pay for you
2. We stopped talking and looked at each other
3. I do all the housework, including the cooking.
4. This is a unique experience. Let's enjoy it.
5. You must
6. This party is not funny at all. It's very boring
7. He told me he could not come to the party.
8. I didn't bring anything to drink.
9. Did you understand what I said ?
10. There was a problem with the motor.
See you
Edité par joy813 le 25-09-2005 19:21
Réponse: Méli-mélo de fautes de lethidee, postée le 25-09-2005 à 12:48:22 (S | E)
1/ Don't pay for me; I'll pay for you
2/We stopped talking and looked at each other
3/I do all the housework, including cooking
4/This is a unique experience. Let's enjoy it
5/You must get up early on the weekend
6/This party is not funny at all. I'm very bored
7/He said he could not come to the party
8/ I didn't bring anything to drink
9/Did you understand what I said ?
10/There is a problem with the motor
Réponse: Méli-mélo de fautes de tubereuse2, postée le 26-09-2005 à 20:32:52 (S | E)
Hello Grabuge & everybody,
1. Don't pay for me. I'll pay for it.
2. We stopped talking and looked at each other.
3. I do all the housework, including the cooking.
4. This is a unique experience. Let's enjoy it.
5. You must get up early on the weekend.
6. This party is not funny at all. It's very boring.
7. He told me he could not come to the party.
8. I didn't bring anything to drink.
9. Did you understand what I said ?
10. There is a problem with the motor.
Réponse: Méli-mélo de fautes de aimen7, postée le 26-09-2005 à 21:04:33 (S | E)
Hello grabuge,
1. Don't pay for me. I'll pay for ( me). -I'll pay for myself.
2. We stopped talking and (looked )at ourselves. -each other.
3. I (make) all the housework, including the cooking. -do
4. This is (an) unique experience. Let's enjoy it. -a
5. You must( to) get up early on the weekend.-without "to"
6. This party is no fun at all. It's very (bored). -boring
7. He told me/us... he could not come to the party.
8. I didn't bring (nothing )to drink.-anything
9. Did you understand (something) I said ? -anything.
10. There has been a problem with the motor.
J'avais failli oublié cet exercice, merci.
Edité par aimen7 le 26-09-2005 21:05
Réponse: Méli-mélo de fautes de idem, postée le 27-09-2005 à 12:00:14 (S | E)
bonjour Grabuge
voici mon devoir
1 Don't pay for me. I'll buy it myself.
2 We stopped talking and looked at each other.
3 I do all the housework, including the cooking.
4 This a unique experience. Let's enjoy it.
5 You must get up early on the weekend.
6 This party is not funny at all. It's very boring.
7 He said he could not come to the party.
8 I didn't bring anything to drink or I brought nothing to drink.
9 Did you understand anything that I said?
10 There is a problem with the motor.
have a nice day everybody
Réponse: Méli-mélo de fautes de grabuge, postée le 28-09-2005 à 10:25:08 (S | E)
Voici la correction. Certains d'entre-vous ont changé des mots ou autres sans avoir pour autant fait des erreurs. You are the best !!!
1. Don't pay for me. I'll pay for myself.
2. We stopped talking and looked at each other.
3. I do all the housework, including the cooking.
(Voir les tests, le cas échéant, sur l'emploi de do et make).
4. This is a unique experience. Let's enjoy it.
(a parce que phonétiquement "unique" commence par une consonne)
5. You must get up early on the weekend.
(évidemment pas de "to" après must)
6. This party is no fun at all. It's very boring.
7. He said he could not come to the party. Il n'y avait pas de faute ici ! told me (or her,him...) est bon évidemment.
8. I didn't bring anything to drink.
(avec nothing, il y a répétition de la négation)
9. Did you understand anything I said ? (emploi de anything dans les phrases interrogatives)
10. There is a problem with the motor.
(et oui, there is = Il y a) there was est bon également
A bientôt